The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, January 31, 2006 Volume XIV, Number 157

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... The Powers Museum is seeking veterans to join the Veterans History Project. We are collecting histories of those who served our country and those who supported them. Please contact the museum at 358-2667 to learn more about the project or visit

Did Ya Know?... Volunteers will be at the C.A.N. D.O. Senior Center to help seniors apply for the Missouri Property Tax Credit. Mondays from 9 a.m. to noon from January 30 to April 10.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Recycling & Composting Center’s hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday thru Saturday at 1309 Oak Hill Road.

today's laugh

The airlines are facing strike threats from a number of key unions, including the Brotherhood of Luggage Misplacers, the Airline Seat Shrinkers Guild, and the International Association of Workers Who Make Sure That No Coach Passenger’s In-Flight Snack Packet Contains More than Four Pretzels. - Dave Barry

One day he went out and bought a toupee. The ad said he could swim, ski and even wrestle in it. He didn’t need a toupee, but he wanted to become good in sports.

The insurance man told me that the accident policy covered falling off the roof but not hitting the ground. - Tommy Cooper

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Ten Years Ago Today.

City Attorney Chas. Farrow and Miss Anna McDonals were wedded at the home of Mrs. Orr on North Main street.

The firemen used their new chemical extinguishers on a small blaze at Dr. Watkins and pronounced them O.K.

President Grover Cleveland in his message to congress said that free silver was a menace to prosperity.

The railroads agreed to charge 25 cents for carrying bicycles as baggage.

A nine-pound boy was reported at the W.R. Logan Home.

Miss Fannie Bliss wrote to the paper from Paris.

John Marrs was a member of the police force.

Eight degrees above zero was the weather.

Miss Mackie Martin has taken a position as stenographer in Prosecutor Bright’s office.


Today's Feature

Update on Candidates.

The deadline for filing for candidacy in City Council was January 17. Those who have filed for the April 4 City election include; Jim Woestman who is running for Mayor; Claude Newport, who is running for 1st Ward representative; Larry Ross, who is running for 1st Ward representative for an unexpired 1 year term; Mike Harris, who is running for 2nd Ward representative; Jackie Boyer and Cynthia Curry who are both running for 3rd Ward representative, Bill Johnson, who is running for 4th ward representative; and Tom Flanigan who is running for 5th Ward representative.

If current Council member Jim Woestman is elected to serve as Mayor it will then be his responsibility to appoint someone to fill his unexpired 1 year term as 5th Ward representative.

All who have filed with the exception of Cynthia Curry are currently holding positions on Council.

Stench Report:

No Stench Reported

Just Jake Talkin'
Sometimes I wonder how the rest of us would handle havin’ to get elected to our job ever’ couple a four years.

I suppose those in business run for reelection ever’ time a customer walks in the door. The difference is customers vote with dollar bills. If they don’t feel they are gettin’ value, they go somewhere else to vote.

‘Course ya don’t have the opportunity to vote anywhere ya want to for local officials. Prob’ly why folks take area politics so serious, it effects their day to day livin’.

The thing that ticks me off is when a business does such a good job of gettin’ folks ta vote in their place, it gets too popular. "Nobody goes there," as Yogi says, "it’s always too crowded."

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

McCune- Brooks Hospital
To Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

Hoarseness Can Come From Acid Reflux

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: About two months ago I become quite hoarse. The doctor diagnosed laryngitis and treated me for it. The hoarseness did not go away, so he sent me to an ear, nose and throat doctor, who examined my throat with a scope. He told me I had acid reflux and put me on medicine for it. Have you ever heard of this? -- D.C.

ANSWER: Yes, I have, and it’s not as rare as you might think. Some estimate that 50 percent of hoarse patients are hoarse because of reflux. Most of us think of acid reflux -- the upward spurt of stomach juices into the esophagus -- as being the cause of heartburn only. Sometimes, the refluxed acid spurts all the way to the neck and produces symptoms in the vocal cords. It’s called laryngopharyngeal reflux.

Other symptoms that suggest this diagnosis are constant throat clearing, a sensation that there’s a lump in the throat, and cough. Infections, voice abuse, allergies, smoking and alcohol are other causes.

When the doctor sees the irritated vocal cords with a scope and when the patient denies any symptoms consistent with other diagnoses, then this syndrome comes to mind. This kind of reflux is treated in the same way that heartburn reflux is treated. Overweight people need to lose some pounds. Smokers must quit. Alcohol use should be moderated. Affected people should avoid chocolate, fats, citrus fruits, carbonated beverages, tomato-based foods and caffeine. Medicines that stop the production of stomach acid are usually prescribed.

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