The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 Volume XV, Number 7
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The City
of Carthage will be spraying for mosquitoes, June
26 through June 30th. Areas will be sprayed in
the evening of the day of regular trash pickup,
between the hours of 8 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. It is
recommended that attic and window fans be turned
off when the sprayer is in the immediate area.
Did Ya Know?... MBH
Blood Pressure Clinic is open M-W-F from 11 a.m.
- 1 p.m. Clinic is located at 2040 S. Garrison in
the Katheryn Collier Cardiopulmonary Rehab. and
Wellness Center. Monitoring your BP? Come on out
and let our Wellness Technician check it out for
you. Call 359-2432 or 358-0670 MWF. BP Logbook
Did Ya Know?... Carthage
First Church of the Nazarene is hosting a Bike
& Car Show, 2000 Grand Ave., Sunday, July 2,
2006 from 3-6 p.m. $100 gift certificate for best
show. Free food, music and fun. Call 417-358-4265
for more information.
Do you remember
those people who said that movie theater popcorn
is bad for you; Chinese food is bad for you?
These people are from the Center for Science in
the Public Interest. They now say that sandwiches
are bad for you because of the high fat content.
Anything with mayo, cheese, or meat is bad for
you. Do you realize that all those years when you
were a kid and you carried your lunch to school,
the Twinkie was probably the healthiest thing in
there? - Jay Leno
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Ordered to Panama.
R.C. Hill, the dairyman,
lately received a letter from his son, Ed, who is in the
regular army and was stationed at San Francisco. The
information was this his regiment had been ordered to
Panama. Mr. Hill thinks his son is now either en route on
the ocean, bound for Panama, or else actually at the
The Reason.
The reason why the
newspapers are the best medium for reaching the people
and securing business is that they come into closer touch
with the public than any other kind of publication. They
greet the readers eye 365 days in the year. It is
the persistency, if we may so call it, of the newspaper
that gives it value. Every day it is new and must be read
and every day the merchant is making a direct appeal to
the reader for his patronage. It is the constant dropping
of water that wears away the hardest stone.
The Carthage City
Council will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in
the Council Chambers of City Hall. Items on the
agenda include the second reading of an ordinance
allowing City participation in a Deferral of
Peaking Energy Program for this summer.
This item is
brought to Council by the Carthage Water and
Electric Board and was initiated by the
Southwestern Power Administration. The
Administration is asking that Carthage
voluntarily reduce the hydroelectric power
purchased from approximately 4200 kilowatt hours
per 4 month period to 2912 kilowatt hours per 4
month period during this summer. Dry conditions
and a lack of hydroelectric power availability
have prompted the action.
In this program
the City would compensate for the lower amount of
hydroelectric power by generating its own power
and by purchasing power from alternative sources.
If the item is approved by Council and the
reduction is enacted, Carthage will consequently
be allowed a higher percentage of any
supplemental hydroelectric power that may become
available over the period of the next two years.
The City purchases its hydroelectric power from a
variety of sources but the majority is provided
by Table Rock and Bull Shoals.
Council will also
hear the second reading of an ordinance
establishing new fees for the Carthage Municipal
Golf Course. The new fee structure will be
implemented September 1, 2006 and contains
increases to previously reduced rates. This item
was deliberated by the City Council Public
Services Committee. The committee decided to
leave several of the fees untouched.
Other items on the
agenda include the first reading of final plats
for the Pleasant Hills Subdivision and the
Blackberry Briar Subdivision. These items are
both brought to Council by the Planning, Zoning
and Historic Preservation Commission.
Stench Report:
No Stench
Just Jake
I came to the conclusion several years ago that
the tough part of bein a publisher or
editor isnt figurin out what to put
in a publication, theres lots a stuff that
might be fit ta print. The really tough calls are
figurin out what not ta put in.Thats why, for instance, we
dont print letters to the editor that
arent signed. There have been several that
have arrived in unmarked envelopes that were well
written, and made valid points. I just wish
whoever wrote em would stand up and take
credit so we could print the things.
We also get suggestions ever
now and then of some investigative reportin
that oughta be done. Most are based on one rumor
or another that has been embellished for effect.
Some sound like interestin stories all
right, just arent based on much fact.
And, after all, this is at
least some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin.
Mornin' Mail |
Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.Cause of Muscle
Cramps Often Not Found
I am a 64-year-old female writer who hikes with
her dog for an hour daily, swims three times a
week and plays tennis weekly. Often, at night, I
cannot sleep because my toes cramp up. As a
result, I am sleep-deprived. Sometimes during the
day, the little fingers on both hands cramp up,
but not when I type on the computer. My doctor
tells me that cramping complaints are common in
middle-aged women. Soaking in the hot tub before
bed seems to help. Any advice you can give will
be appreciated. -- E.S.
ANSWER: A cramp is
an involuntary, often painful muscle contraction.
I am speaking of cramps not due to heat or
exercise, but ones that come out of the blue,
often at night. For most, a cause isnt
found. Low blood levels of sodium, potassium,
calcium and magnesium can sometimes lead to
cramping. People on water pills can develop a
potassium deficiency and muscle cramping.
Dehydration is a
more common cause. Drinking a glass or two of
water in the evening can prevent
dehydration-induced cramps. It doesnt hurt
to try the water remedy. The only downside is the
chance of having to get out of bed during the
night to empty your bladder. .
exercises before going to bed prevent cramps. If
people dont have a hot tub, a warm bath
also works.
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