The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, April 16, 2007 Volume XV, Number 212
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... A Duke
Mason concert will be held April 20th in Carthage
Memorial Hall. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. advanced
tickets $10.00 each and can be purchased At
Grundy’s Body Shop 140 N. Main, Carthage,
MO. Sponsored by L&P Relay for Life Team
event. Money will go to the American Cancer
Society. For more information call 417-358-6862
after 6 p.m.
Did Ya Know?... The
Crossroads Chapter of the Disabled American
Veterans No 41 and the Womens’ Auxiliary
Unit no. 41 will meet Tuesday night, April the
17th in the Legion Rooms of Memorial Hall. All
members invited to attend.
Did Ya Know?... An
American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on
Thursday, April 19 from 1:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and
Friday, April 20 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in
Grace Episcopal Church, 820 Howard, Carthage.
Refreshments to all donors, donor card or photo
ID required.
Where I live, we don’t
worry about crime on the streets. They make house
calls. - Milton Berle
I was on an airplane. The pilot
came running down the aisle with a parachute
strapped to his back. He said, "Don’t
be alarmed, but we’re having a little
trouble with the landing gear. I’m gonna run
on ahead and warn the airport." - Slappy
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Where They Make
A bulletin of the
University of Missouri containing an announcement of the
law school is at hand. The course has been improved and
several additions to the faculty made. The undergraduate
course of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Laws
has been extended to three school years. A practice court
will be in session at all times conducted by the students
under the direction of the professor of pleading and
Judge Lawson, the dean, is
probably the strongest teacher of law in the west. He has
written no less than fourteen books now in use in many
eastern colleges and he is a constant contributor to
several of the best law journals of the United States.
A high school education is
required for admission. There is no tuition but a library
fee of $10 is charged students. This admits to all
privileges of the law library, containing 10,000 volumes.
The expense for room, board, books and library fee need
not exceed $130.
Master Gardener
The University of
Missouri Extension has again begun its Master
Gardener Helpline. Until August 10, citizens with
gardening questions may call a Master Gardener
for advice on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The helpline is
sponsored by the University of Missouri
To receive advice
citizens may call 358-2158 or visit the Extension
office, in the basement of the Jasper County
The Master
Gardeners have completed a horticulture training
course offered by the University of Missouri
Extension. Part of the certification requirement
is to provide volunteer service in the community.
More information may be obtained about the Master
Gardener program by calling 358-2158.
Committee Meeting.
The City Council
Public Safety Committee will meet this evening at
6:30 p.m. in the Carthage Police Department.
Items on the agenda include a request for a sign
at the corner of 4th and Howard by citizen Jackie
Covey and a discussion of the American
Austin-Bantum Car Club Nationals.

Just Jake
In the business I’m
in, I don’t suppose we could even be
comin’ close ta gettin’ done if it
weren’t for computers. I suppose it’s
gettin’ to be that way for folks in every
line a business. Nowadays, it seems to be harder
for folks ta program a VCR than to know how ta
operate a computer. Knowin’ how to type a
little is somethin’ that ever’one
I didn’t have any idea
that typin’ would be such a tool back in my
sophomore year in high school. I don’t even
recollect why I took the class. May have been
required I suppose.
Accordin’ to some tests
I’ve seen, folks that are good at
typin’ can go as fast on a typewriter as
they can on a computer. In my case, it mainly
saves all that whiteout bein’ smeared all
over the page.
Technology is an amazin’
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta
Out" Your Pipes
Q: When flushing
the toilets, the pipes in the house make a
banging noise for about 20 seconds. The noise
stops when we run water from the faucets in the
bathroom or kitchen. What is the cure? --
Rosemarie G., via e-mail
A: The banging
noise you’re hearing, also known as
"water hammer," is a result of air
being trapped somewhere in the plumbing system --
most likely in the cold-water supply lines, since
you’re able to stop the noise by turning on
A home’s
pipes have lots of bends and turns and odd short
stems that lead nowhere. This is not just so the
pipes will get where they need to go; certain
parts are deliberately placed in certain
configurations to redirect air bubbles so they
don’t impede water flow or cause annoying
problems like water hammer.
Even with this
preventive planning, air can still get trapped in
spots where it isn’t supposed to be. This
can occur after work is done on the plumbing,
such as repairing or replacing pipes, faucets or
other hardware. It can also occur due to high
water pressure in the pipes, which can happen
when the home’s supply system is not
designed to compensate for municipal supply feeds
that might be delivered at high pressure.
You can attempt to
"bleed" air out of the supply pipes
first. Turn off the main water supply to the
house. Locate the lowest faucet in the pipe
system (the first-floor bathroom, or an outdoor
spigot); then locate the highest faucet in the
system (such as an upstairs bathroom). Open the
lowest and highest faucets and allow all the
water to drip out. When the dripping stops, close
both faucets. Turn on the main water supply. Test
the system by flushing the toilets a few times.
If this does not
work, contact a plumber to inspect the water
supply lines and measure the water pressure. He
or she may recommend installing a
pressure-reducing valve at the main supply feed,
or a water-hammer reduction valve.
loosen a stubborn shower head so it can be
cleaned or replaced, squirt a few drops of
penetrating oil (3-in-1 or WD40, for example)
around the threads, and allow it to set for 24
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