Oak Street Health & Herbs |
Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis
Lots of people using essential
oils. The following is a list of commonly used
Basil - Uplifting and
refreshing. Used for poor memory, confusion,
indecision, depression, fear, paranoia, mental
stress, and fatigue.
Bergamot - Relaxing,
refreshing, and uplifting. Used for anxiety,
nervous tension, and depression.
Clary Sage - Warming, relaxing,
euphoric, aphrodisiac. Centers the mind. Used for
PMS, depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, panic,
fear, paranoia, and hysteria.
Eucalyptus - Cooling and
stimulating. Purifying. Balancing.
Geranium - Stimulating,
uplifting, energizing. Special affinity to the
female body. Used for anxiety, depression,
tension, PMS.
Jasmine - Stimulating,
euphoric, aphrodisiac. Increases confidence. Used
for depression, lack of libido.
Juniper - Refreshing,
stimulating, detoxifying. Used for poor memory,
mental stress and fatigue, apathy, lack of
Lavender - Balancing, relaxing.
Used for nervous tension, depression, headaches,
insomnia, impatience and irritability.
Lemon - Refreshing,
detoxifying. Used for clearing and cleansing the
mental palate.
Patchouli - The smell of the
60’s! Antidepressant, anti-inflammatory,
anti-emetic, antimicrobial. Acne athlete’s
foot, chapped skin... Stress related conditions.
Peppermint - Cooling,
refreshing, stimulating. Used for poor memory,
depression, melancholy, confusion, indecision,
nausea, congestion.
Ylang Ylang - Aphrodisiac,
euphoric, relaxing, calming. Balances nervous
system. Used for stress, insomnia, depression,
anger, panic, pre-testing anxiety.
This article is meant for
informational purposes only and is not intended
as a substitute for medical advice. References
available by request. These statements have not
been evaluated by the FDA.
Art Notes from Hyde House
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
is ready for the viewers and artists! I am so
happy to have been able to display 54 of the
works brought to me at Hyde House in both
galleries for this new show opening on Friday. If
you want to see some very interesting pieces from
some of our very talented and dedicated local
potters, this show is for you. In the last two
articles I attempted to profile 8 of the 18
artists represented, from Miami OK, Oronogo,
Joplin, Carthage, Rolla, Lebanon, Diamond and
Saginaw MO and Pittsburg and Ft. Scott KS. Now
let me talk about the art I have seen from the
rest, for whom I do not have biographies.
Ginger and Ken Bogle are an
"artist couple" from Oronogo, Missouri.
The piece of Ginger’s that caught my
attention is a tiny jade green ceramic tea pot.
Ken has a tea pot-like piece too, but definitely
sculptural in nature, with an applied leather
handle. He has several beautifully colored glazed
vases as well, one a beautiful purple.
Jim Christman of Joplin has
brought some brightly colored hand painted and
glazed bottles for his offering. Lori Fish,
Lebanon, has hand-painted designs too, on her
small-necked narrow bottles, but in a matt
finish, yellows, blues and greens. Both of these
artists have introduced art on the surfaces of
their pieces. And Debbie Reed of Joplin has done
some beautiful oriental painted designs inside
two bowls and a small vase, koi and a tea
ceremony, which incorporate her first love,
The offerings of Daria
Claiborne, formerly of Carthage now living in
Joplin, include a set of three "golden
bowls", bowls almost the same, yet unique.
Her beautiful oval serving dish with applied
curved handles has nice contrast of color, and is
one of the pieces featured on the invitation.
Rita Moore of Joplin also has a beautifully
glazed in gold vase that was featured on the
invitation as well as several other wonderful
examples, including a ripple-rimmed bowl with a
stamped design and beautiful green and creme
glaze. Connie Knudtson completes the printed art
pieces from the card with an interesting green
bowl in a clay design inside that I have been
calling "cabbage leaf", and she does
this bowl in a larger version in ivory as well as
a small brown glazed bowl in an interesting
"leather finished and patterned" glaze.
Art student Todd Petillo of
Joplin exhibits a fine hand on the wheel with his
beautiful black tea set, both functional but
beautiful to look at, and an interesting set of 4
bottles with snug-fitted hand thrown caps. Again,
utilitarian, but beautiful. And group president
Sylvia Shirley of Pittsburg shows imagination in
her glazes on 3 shino bowls of various sizes.
Also of Pittsburg, Gregory Krepps, shows
beautiful thinly created hand-pinched pots glazed
in slip and then stone burnished, a very tedious
process I am told. One of these bowls displays a
cracked-clay surface below the smooth upper body.
Lastly, for those lovers of blue and white are
two pieces by Lori Doty of Rolla, in a smooth
white porcelain glaze and blue accents.
The potters will be present
both Friday evening and all day Saturday in a
special outdoor POTTERY FAIR to be set up on the
grounds of the Hyde House, so come out Friday
evening at 6:00 for the opening of the gallery
show, and spend some time browsing the fair, or
choose Saturday to visit us. The gallery show
runs through May 7th.