The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, April 23, 2007 Volume XV, Number 217
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... A Master
Gardener will be available to answer gardening
questions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from
9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. through August 10.
Sponsored by the University of Missouri
Extension. Call 358-2158 or stop by the Jasper
County University of Missouri Extension Center in
the basement of the Jasper County Courthouse.
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Musical Devotees April Program will be
held Sunday, April 29th at 3:00 p.m. The Keynotes
Piano Recital led by Bob Harris will be the
program, to be held at the First Methodist
Church, Carthage. Public Invited, light
refreshments to follow the program.
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Veterans Alliance will meet Tuesday
night, April 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the Legion
Rooms of the Memorial Hall to plan the annual
Memorial Day service. Commanders and those who
would like to help plan the program should
attend. Also invited; American Legion, D.A.V.,
V.F.W., Chosen Few, Vietnam Veterans, Order of
the Purple Heart, Community Band and Boy Scouts.
I often quote myself. It adds
spice to my conversation. - George Bernard Shaw
I get no respect. I get mail
that begins, "You may already be a
loser." - Rodney Dangerfield
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Tom Franks Promoted.
T. J. Franks, a well known
former Carthage boy, was in Carthage last evening and
while here received a circular letter from General
Freight Agent Russell, of the Frisco, notifying him that
the office of district freight agent held by C. R. Gray
will be abolished.
Chas. Gray has already
been promoted and Mr. Franks will succeed him and
although under the name of general agent, he will have
supervision of the same territory the division freight
agent had charge.
Mr. Franks is a justly
popular young man in Carthage, having lived here for
years until he was transferred to Wichita. He began
railroading ten years ago as a brakeman and was soon sent
to Carthage as a depot employee. Over two years ago he
was promoted to traveling freight agent as C. R.
Gray’s right bower, and he is thoroughly competent
to assume the duties of the new position
The fiscal year
2008 budget hearings are slated to begin this
evening, Monday, April 23 at 6:30 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of City Hall. The City Council
Budget/Ways and Means Committee will begin the
budget process by meeting with assorted City
department heads and agency directors to discuss
budget requests, programs and services. According
to the schedule, the meetings will include a
question and answer format for discussion.
The schedule is as
follows: 6:30, Overview of Fiscal 2008 Budget;
6:45, Over-60 Center; 7:00, Chamber of Commerce;
7:30, Humane Society; 7:45 Library, 8:00 break;
8:15 Convention & Visitors Bureau; 8:30,
American Legion Baseball; 8:45 Girls Softball;
9:00 Youth Baseball; 9:15 Adjourn.
The Budget
committee will meet two more times within this
week; on Wednesday, April 25th and Thursday,
April 26th. Both of those meetings will be held
at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers.
Through the budget
process, the committee will determine City
expenditures and revenues for the fiscal year.
These meetings are open for the public to attend.

Just Jake
This one friend a mine was
familiar with the part of the country I grew up
in and mentioned on occasion that his dad had a
friend he visited from there.Come ta find out, the friend of the dad
coached in the high school I attended. I not only
learned a little football, basketball, and track
from this fella, I also worked for him doin’
odd jobs durin’ a summer. On top a that,
this friend’s mother, Mrs. Jones, was my
first grade teacher.
Now I’m guessin’ both
myself and the coach are wonderin’ what the
conversations are in the friend’s family. As
far as I can remember we don’t have any dark
secrets ta worry about. Now the guy that replaced
this coach my senior year, that’s a whole
different story.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oldies & Oddities Mall |
This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta
Driveway Oil
Stains? Just Dust and Brush
Q: I read your
article on removing oil stains from brick pavers.
I don’t know if my solution will solve the
problem on brick, but I know it works great on
Simply dust
ready-mix dry concrete over the oil spot. Let it
set for a few minutes (or even hours), and sweep
up with a sturdy broom. Don’t vacuum -- let
the bristles do the work and scrub up the excess
concrete powder.
My brother was a
mechanic, and this is how they cleaned up the
shop. At his suggestion I tried this method, and
the concrete came back good as new. Just remember
to use the ready-mix concrete powder, with no
rocks. -- Callie F., Brighton, Tenn.
A: Many thanks for
a fantastic suggestion! Ready-mix concrete will
absorb oil even if it is an older stain, since
the powder can get into the pores easily, and it
can be swept away quickly. This might also be a
solution for brick -- since the material is also
porous -- although the color difference between
dry concrete powder and some types of brick might
be an issue. Test the powder in an inconspicuous
spot before applying to larger stains.
Older oil stains
can be extremely difficult to remove completely,
so it’s important to check the driveway
regularly for fresh drips. Sop them up quickly
with an old rag. The remaining stain should be
rinsed away before it dries; if it doesn’t
dissipate with prompt treatment, let the driveway
dry out and try the dry concrete method.
Come to think of
it -- with summer on the way and with potential
water restrictions in some areas -- using dry
concrete powder is a good alternative to
pressure-washing driveway spots.
installed concrete should be treated with a
concrete sealer, which provides some protection
from stains and water damage.
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