The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, April 3, 2007 Volume XV, Number 203
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Life
Church is having an Easter Egg hunt Sunday, April
8th at 10:00 AM for all children ages 3-12. We
will also be drawing for a BBQ grill and other
prizes on Easter Sunday. Life Church is located
at 2965 Chapel Rd. Call 358-6100 or 499-1573 for
more information.
Did Ya Know?... VFW Post
2590 & Ladies Auxiliary will host an Easter
Egg Hunt Saturday, April 7th at 12 noon. Shrine
Train Rides, Easter Egg Hunt at 2 p.m., No adults
allowed on the field, Free popcorn, coffee,
koolaid. 50¢ Candybars, Hotdogs and soda.
Everyone invited. VFW Post 2590, Carthage, MO.
A sailor was called into the
witness box to give evidence. "Well,
sir," said the lawyer," do you know the
plaintiff and defendant?"
"I don’t know the
drift of them words," answered the sailor.
"What! Not know the
meaning of ‘plaintiff’ and
‘defendant’?" continued the
lawyer. "A pretty fellow you to come here as
a witness! Can you tell me where on board the
ship it was the man struck the other?"
"Abaft the binnacle,"
said the sailor.
"Abaft the binnacle,"
said the lawyer. "What do you mean by
"A pretty fellow
you," responded the sailor,"to come
here as a lawyer, and don’t know what
‘abaft the binnacle’ means!"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Bankers Meet At Webb.
Resolve to Uniformly
Observe the New Revenue Law Regarding Checks
Some fifty bankers of
Jasper County and Galena, Kansas, met last night at the
Commercial club rooms ion Webb City for the purpose of
taking action and adopting a uniform system for properly
observing and putting into operation the late revenue law
as it applies to banks and bankers.
The New law which goes
into effect on May 1 requires that a revenue stamp
costing 2 cents to placed on every check. For their own
protection and for the protection of their patrons, the
bankers decided to receive no checks unless bearing the
required stamp which shall be cancelled by the maker of
the check. Otherwise trouble and confusion would surely
J.A. Mitchell, of the Bank
of Carthage, and J.L. Moore, of the Carthage National
Bank, were present last night at the meeting.
Trivia Night
News release
The Carthage
Chamber of Commerce, and event sponsor Southwest
Missouri Bank, held its 3rd Annual Trivia Night
on Thursday, March 29 at the Carthage Memorial
Hall. Thirteen teams competed in ten rounds of
trivia for a variety of round prizes, with one
team walking away with the Grand Prize of $200 in
residents and business leaders enjoyed an
entertaining evening," said Debra
Schow-Smith, Director of Member Services for the
Carthage Chamber of Commerce. "We spiced up
the night by offering a few games including our
Heads-N-Tails intermission and an Individual
Bonus Round. Overall TRIVIA Night was a great
event for the Chamber, raising monies to
underwrite the numerous services and programs
offered to members and the community by the
Carthage Chamber of Commerce."
Each round was
sponsored by a Carthage Chamber member who also
picked the category their round’s trivia
questions were to highlight. Round sponsors and
categories included:
Biblical in Nature
sponsored by A Little More Pizzazz; the Letter
"E" sponsored by C&M Electric; The
50s, 60s and 70s sponsored by Carthage Health
& Rehabilitation Center;
"Curve"tastic sponsored by Curves; A
Little About Everything sponsored by Main Street
Wireless; The World of Disney sponsored by Maple
Tree Terrace; Medical Mayhem sponsored by
McCune-Broks Hospital; On The Road Again
sponsored by Mid America RV; The Number Game
sponsored by Schmidt Associates; Land
Measurements sponsored by The Title Place.
Team standings at
the end of the night were as follows: 1st Place,
The Wireless Wizards sponsored by Carthage Water
& Electric Plant; 2nd Place, Grace Notes
sponsored by Grace Episcopal Church; 3rd Place,
Brain Surges sponsored by McCune-Brooks Hospital;
4th Place, Boisterous Barristers sponsored by
Flanigan, Lasley & Moore; 5th Place, Smith
Midwest; 6th Place, Carthage Fire Department; 7th
Place, Hometown Bank; 8th Place, Beimdiek
Insurance Agency; 9th Place A$$ET Liabilities
sponsored by Southwest Missouri Bank; 10th Place
The Number Knockers sponsored by Schmidt
Associates; 11th Place Barrister Bratz; 12th
Place Charles Burt Homefolks.
An Individual
Bonus Round was held at the conclusion of the
team event. The 10 questioned round focused on
Advertising slogans and was won by Steve
Schneickert. The prize for the round was a Dinner
and a Movie basket featuring a movie, candy,
popcorn and a $20 gift certificate to Lucky J
Arena & Restaurant.
The 50/50 drawing
winner was Martha Trowbridge of the Number
Knockers. Her prize was half the loot collected
by drawing participants. Martha walked away with
an extra $65 in her pocket for playing the game.
Martha was also
the winner of the Heads-N-Tail intermission game.
The prize was a gift basket donated by the Lily
Pad Gift Shop.
Public Works
The City Council
Public Works Committee will meet this afternoon
at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City
Hall. Items on the agenda include the discussion
of the Street Department Operating Budget, Public
Works Operating Budget, and the bid openings for
the Street Paving Contract.

Just Jake
I’ve often wondered
if anyone actually sends in to get a replacement
for those "two year" guaranteed light
The typical setup is they send
ya a free bulb, but ya have ta pay two or three
bucks for shipping and handling, plus ship the
bad bulb back to ‘em.
The real sellin’ point, of
course, is the fact that ever’one would love
a bulb that lasts even a year, even one that is
supposed ta last two years. Only half bad.
My understandin’ is that
Edison experimented with several thousand
elements before he found one that would last more
than just a few minutes. I’m sure there have
been major advances in the technology of light
bulbs over the last hunderd years or so, mostly,
it seems, in the field of marketing.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
To Your Good Health
By Paul G Donohue. M.D.
COPD Affects
Millions of North Americans
On the printed report of my chest X-ray it says
"suggestive of COPD." Do I have it, and
exactly what is it? I feel good. I’m 36 and
haven’t had a sick day in the past 15 years.
-- L.R.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The two
big COPD illnesses are emphysema and chronic
bronchitis, both most often caused by cigarette
smoking. There are exceptions to that rule. COPD
is one of the leading causes of disability and
death in North America. More than 16 million
North Americans suffer from it, and more than
80,000 die of it yearly.
With emphysema,
the lungs’ air sacs are destroyed. It is
through those delicate structures that oxygen
passes into the blood and carbon dioxide passes
out of it. The principal sign of emphysema is
breathlessness when taking even a few steps.
Chronic bronchitis
is airway (bronchus) inflammation with an
exuberant production of mucus. A constant cough
with expectoration of thick mucus is its
predominant sign.
You’re 36.
You didn’t say if you are or have been a
smoker, but I’m assuming you never smoked.
The likelihood that you have COPD isn’t
great. The X-ray diagnosis says
"suggestive," and that is something
that can be said of just about everyone.
A physical exam
coupled with breathing tests is the way to detect
COPD. Breathing tests demonstrate the
"obstruction" to airflow and quantitate
how bad the obstruction is.
How did you get a
chest X-ray without having a doctor? If you do
have one, that is the person who should interpret
the X-ray for you. If you don’t have a
doctor, get one.
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