The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, April 9, 2007 Volume XV, Number 207
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Carthage
Church of the Nazarene is holding a "Poor
Man’s Lunch" on Friday, April 13th, in
the multi-ministry center of the church, Fairview
& Grand, Carthage from 11:30 to 1:30 (lunch)
and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (dinner). Adult $3.50,
Children $2.00. Carryouts and delivery available,
public invited. Call 358-4265 for more info.
Did Ya Know?... The
McCune-Brooks Hospital Auxiliary meeting will be
held April 11th at 10 a.m. in the hospital
Did Ya Know?... An Eggs
& Issues Legislative Forum will be held
Friday, April 13th in the First Assembly of God
Family Life Center 1605 Baker. $7 per person,
payable at door. 7 a.m. breakfast; 7:30 a.m.
program. Reservation deadline: Wednesday, April
11. Call Carthage Chamber of Commerce at
417-358-2327 or e-mail to
I swear the roaches in my
apartment have military training. I set a roach
bomb; they defused it. - Jay London
It amazes me that people still
go to wax museums. Pay twenty-five dollars to see
a six-foot tall Winston Churchill candle. And
they always say, "It’s so
lifelike." Lifelike and motionless cancel
each other out. I’d only find a wax museum
amusing if it was on fire. - Daniel Liebert
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Looking for a
E.G. Beem, of Mattoon,
Ill., was here yesterday looking for W.N. Reid, of that
city, who ought to be Beem’s son-in-law. Mr. Beem
was here several weeks ago and started back to Mattoon
with Reid, but the youngster gave the old man the slip
and he thought the fellow had again come to Carthage, but
he was not here this time.
Scared to Death.
A singular as well as
unfortunate incident occurred at the railroad crossing
west of the coal chute on Sunday. Mr. Cal. Head, of
Georgia City, was driving a spirited horse and crossed
the railroad just ahead of an approaching train, and as
the train came on the horse made a few quick lunges and
started to run, but Mr. head had control of him and soon
brought him to a standstill when the animal dropped to
the ground and died before the harness could be taken off
him. Mr. Head thinks he was simply scared to death.
Gardeners Recognized.
News release
Fifty-seven Master
Gardeners were recognized recently for providing
volunteer service to their local communities.
Fifteen completed their Master Gardener
certification by donating at least 30 hours.
Another 42 maintained their certification by
donating at least 20 hours during the past year.
Completing their
Master Gardener certification are Mary Bethel,
Carthage; Betty Bierkortte and Sherry Reed,
Pierce City; Brent Bitner, Pittsburg KS; Paul and
Sharon Duncan, Aurora; Gerald Gardner, Sarcoxie;
Anna Guarino, Pedro J. Pantoja, Linda Spangler,
and Sue Walters, Joplin; and Carole Hayes, Denise
Kramme, Donna McDonald and Marti Shelton, Carl
Maintaining their
certification are Glenita Browning, Beulah
Courter, Jo Ellis, Judy Haigh, Gary Hansford,
Jess and Peggy Kessinger, Susan Primm, Benita
Shields, and Nina Von Holten, Carthage; Mary Ann
Simrell, Sarcoxie; Doris Carson, Vicki
Christensen, Vivian Cox, Mary Holtmeier, Valarie
Ikerd, Dale Mermoud, Chuck and Sandra Plant,
Kitty Ward, Ron Wood, and Marilyn Wylie, Joplin;
Susie Cook, Debbie Fedie, Pat King, Terri Smith,
and Edie Sullivan, Carl Junction; Brenda Beck,
Cassville; Janet and Stan Bell, Wentworth; Pamela
Brown and Linda Goodman, Oronogo; Gary and Judy
Davis, Purdy; Doug Kauffman, Verona; Carol Kay,
Monett; Susan Ball, Shirley Mitchell and Donna
Whitehead, Seneca, Patty Poirot, Miller; and
Diane and Richard Volk, Duenweg.
The Master
Gardener program begins with approximately 30
hours of classroom instruction. At the end of the
training program, the participants are asked to
donate a minimum of 30 hours of volunteer service
in their communities within the following year.
To maintain the certification, they are asked to
give at least 20 hours of service per year.
During 2006, local Master Gardeners donated over
3,100 hours resulting in over 5,900 contacts.
For more
information about the program, contact the Jasper
County University of Missouri Extension Center in
Carthage at 417-358-2158.
Throw Auditions.
Auditions for the
Musical All I Really Need To Know I Learned In
Kindergarten will be held at Stone’s
Throw Theatre, Carthage, Mo. on April 9th and
10th at 7:00 p.m. The cast will include singing
parts for 2 women and 3 men and a non-singing
part for 1 man. A prepared song should be
brought. A pianist will be available. The show is
scheduled for May 31 & June 1, 2, 3 and 8, 9,
10, 2007 and will be directed by Linda Bailey.
Musical Director is Clint Newby. For more
information call 417-358-7268 or email

Just Jake
If the weather would settle down and stay
pleasant for a few days, I would consider
draggin’ out the bicycle and gettin’ it
ready to ride. That
usually consists of turnin’ the bike over on
its handlebars and seat, givin’ the pedal a
crank and reversin’ it ta check the brakes
(I prefer the coaster brakes), oilin’ the
chain and wheel bearin’s, and pumpin’
up that one tire that goes flat ever winter.
The real time consumin’
part is gettin’ the wheel straightened out.
It takes practice to get the spokes adjusted just
I’ve always gotta tighten
up the flashlight clamp too. I tried onea those
generators that rub on the tire, but they make
peddlin’ up hill pretty tough. I’ll
stick with the flashlight. Least if ya have a
flat and have ta walk home, you can see where
you’re goin’.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oldies & Oddities |
This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta
Won’t Lie Flat
Q: The
wall-to-wall carpet in our condo has developed
several small raised humps in the middle of each
room. What would have caused this, and how can I
get the carpet to lie flat again? -- Lawrence C.,
Watertown, Mass.
A: Newly installed
carpeting has a tendency to stretch a bit, and
everyday traffic shifts that carpeting around and
creates ripples, or bumps. Improperly installed
carpeting may also do this. If the carpeting was
recently installed, contact the installation
company. Most installers will correct any issues
or re-stretch the carpet within a certain time
If this is not
possible, re-stretch the carpet yourself.
You’ll need a couple of tools to do this
properly: a sharp utility knife, a wide putty
knife and a knee-kicker. This aptly named tool,
available at carpet-supply stores or equipment
rental centers, grips the carpet firmly and
slides it into place with a jolt from your knee.
Remove furniture
from the room and inspect the carpet, noting any
damage or loose seams. Then, take your trusty
putty knife and move to the side of the room.
Carpet is generally tucked underneath the
baseboard along the wall but not firmly attached;
instead, a thin strip of wood with several metal
pins jutting up out of it is placed about a
half-inch from the baseboard and the carpet is
laid on top of it. Use the putty knife to pry
about a foot of carpet from under the baseboard,
then lift the carpet edge off of the pin strip.
Use this pried-up
portion to measure the depth of the prongs on the
underside of the knee-kicker: they need to be
long enough to grab the mesh carpet backing,
without grabbing the padding underneath. Adjust
the prongs using the knob on top of the kicker.
Move to a corner
of the room where the carpet is firmly attached.
Press the knee kicker prongs into the carpet
about two inches from the baseboard. Thrust your
knee straight into the kicker’s rubber
cushion. Then, holding the kicker in position
with your knee, use the putty knife to tuck the
little bulge of carpet under the baseboard. Work
your way around the room.
If the carpet
bulges remain, or the carpet moves easily under
the knee-kicker, use the utility knife to trim
the edges of the carpet (do one side at a time
between stretches, running the knife along the
bottom of the baseboard), and then re-stretch and
re-tuck until the bulges are gone.
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