The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, August 13, 2007 Volume XVI, Number 40
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
McCune-Brooks Hospital Blood Pressure Clinic is
open M-W-F from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Clinic located
at 2040 S. Garrison in the mbh wellness Center.
Call 358-0670 M-W-F. BP logbook available.
Did Ya Know?... A
Pancake Breakfast will be held on Saturday,
August 18th from 6:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the
Carthage First Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand
Avenue. $3.00 adults, $1.50 ages 3-10. Donations
go toward teen mission trips, camps and outreach
ministries. Free fingerprinting by the Carthage
Police and stress tests by McCune-Brooks from
8-11 a.m.
A man left his hotel without
paying the bill. The hotel sent him a letter
saying, Please send the amount of your bill
He wrote back, The amount of my bill was
$165.14. Regards.
A terrible violinist finishes a
composition, and someone from the audience yells
up to him, "Play Tchaikovsky’s Violin
I went to Switzerland on a
vacation last summer.
So did I. While over in Switzerland, how did you
like the Swiss Alps?
They were the nicest people I ever met.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
The Furniture Factory
H. E. Mason, of the Mason
Furniture Factory, has just returned from a week’s
trip among the firm’s customers. He reports great
activity in the furniture trade in this district. The
factory is so filled with work that they cannot catch up
with orders, even by running over time for the next two
This factory gives steady
employment to twelve men. Their machinery is run by a 40
horsepower Weber gasoline engine, which however, scarcely
furnishes sufficient power to run the numerous
woodworking machines. Their specialties are cupboards,
wardrobes, safes and cheap bedsteads, mostly made of
Texas cottonwood.
F.E. Purple and Andrew
Howen, who have been here for several days, departed this
morning for their home in Tomahawk, Wisconsin. They have
taken a lease of the New Richmond mines on the Chitwood
land at Carl Junction, and Mr. Purple expects to return
here in about three weeks to reside.
Sign Was
Difficult to Move.
Workers ran into
an unexpected difficulty when trying to move a
sign at the corner of Garrison and Fairview
recently. Dynamic Signs of Carthage was awarded
the bid to relocate signs for Aldi Grocery and
UMB bank, part of the intersection improvements
being done by the City and the Missouri
Department of Transportation.
Public Works
Director Chad Wampler explained the complication
to the Public Works committee last week. Wampler
said that when the workers tried to remove the 10
inch diameter steel pole which held the Aldi sign
they discovered that it was set in a block of
concrete approximately 4 feet wide, 8 feet long
and 8 feet deep. It became apparent that the
workers would be unable to remove the pole from
what Wampler described as, "more concrete
than you would need to put down a small
The pole was
instead cut off slightly below ground level and a
new pole will be used for the sign in its new
location. The Public Works committee approved a
change order in the amount of $742.98 for the
replacement pole. Dynamic Signs plans to have the
project completed when the new pole arrives,
later this week.

Just Jake
There are some things that just don’t
interest me anymore.Like
seein’ how far and high I can jump a chat
pile on a bicycle. I can remember spendin’
summer hours with a couple a friends
developin’ the guts and skill to accomplish
a good long jump. I don’t think about that
much anymore. Just not interested.
Don’t know if it’s
cause I’m smarter or just don’t have
the energy, but it’s way down on the long
list of things I do have an interest in.
It’s down there with learnin’ how to do
tricks on a skateboard, or playin’ football.
Use ta be pretty important stuff.
I still do get the urge ever
now and then to play a little softball, but the
thought of slidin’ home and gettin’ a
mouth full of catcher’s mitt usually calms
the desire.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oldies & Oddities |
This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta
Contractor Says
It’s Too Humid to Paint
Q: I am having a
painter come in and repaint some interior rooms
of my home this month. The painter told me it
would only take a couple of days, asked for an
advance payment of $500, and said he would start
the next Monday. So far it has been two weeks
since he made that appointment and he has yet to
start. I called the company and was told that
because it has been raining so much, it’s
too humid to paint. Is this true? If not, how do
I get my money back? -- Sandra L., Concord, N.H.
A: Excess humidity
can have an effect on interior paint’s
adherence to wall surfaces, causing paint to
wrinkle, blister, crack and peel. So, if it is
exceedingly rainy and humid outdoors, your
painter may be exercising caution by delaying the
work until the sun comes out, to avoid having to
do the job all over again much sooner than anyone
would like.
The contractor
responded to your phone call, which is a good
thing; however, he does need to confirm that as
soon as the weather dries up, he will be over
there doing the job he promised to do. Be polite
but persistent in calling him daily and get him
to commit to a time and date -- after all, you
have to take time out of your schedule to let him
in to do the work.
I’m hoping
you got some sort of estimate on cost and time in
writing, or better yet, a written sales contract.
But many contractors are hired with a handshake.
If this is the case, set a time limit for him. If
the contractor fails to start (and complete) the
work within a certain period of time -- say, a
month from the time he said he would begin --
I’d recommend you ask for the advance back.
If he fails to
complete the job or absconds with your advance,
you should certainly file a report with the
Better Business Bureau and consider getting the
money back through small claims court.
HOME TIP: Insist
upon written estimates and agreements with repair
contractors, including details of work to be
done, labor and materials costs, and when the
contractor will start.
Send questions or
home-repair tips to, or
write This Is a Hammer, c/o King Features Weekly
Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.
(c) 2007 King
Features Synd., Inc.
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