The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, August 16, 2007 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
McCune-Brooks Hospital Blood Pressure Clinic is
open M-W-F from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Clinic located
at 2040 S. Garrison in the mbh wellness Center.
Call 358-0670 M-W-F. BP logbook available.
Did Ya Know?... A
Pancake Breakfast will be held on Saturday,
August 18th from 6:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the
Carthage First Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand
Avenue. $3.00 adults, $1.50 ages 3-10. Donations
go toward teen mission trips, camps and outreach
ministries. Free fingerprinting by the Carthage
Police and stress tests by McCune-Brooks from
8-11 a.m.
Did Ya Know?... An
American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held
Thursday, August 23 from 1:30 to 7 p.m. and
Friday, August 24 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the
First Nazarene Church, 2000 Grand Ave.
Refreshments to all donors. Donor card or photo
ID required.
The newest thing in ski
equipment - a pair of skis that converts into a
pair of splints.
The most important rule of
playing horseshoes is; first remove the horse.
The surgeon asked about the
upcoming surgery, "Do you want a local
The patient answered, "I
can afford the best, give me something
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Charade Contest at the
Christian Church Last Night.
The Christian Endeavor
societies of the Congregational and Christian churches
met in the latter church last night and enjoyed a social
gathering which was enlivened by a charade contest.
Each society presented six
charades, and judges were chosen to decide upon the
merits. These judges were Miss Esther Pratt, Miss Mary
Denny, and Mrs. J. H. Dryden. The decision was in favor
of the Congregational church.
Aside from the charades,
there were a number of very entertaining specialties,
among which were a song sung backwards by several members
of the Congregational society, a recitation of Rev.
Toomay, a recitation by Miss Lottie Putnam and Miss Ida
Beatty. Light refreshments were served. There were about
seventy-five present.
Contractor Approved.
Carthage City
Council met on Tuesday evening in a regular
session. Council approved unanimously the second
reading of an ordinance to authorize a contract
between the City and Sprouls Construction, Inc.
for improvements to HH and Garrison Avenue.
Council member
Bill Fortune, who is the liason to the Carthage
Humane Society Board, noted that Mayor Woestman
and City Administrator Tom Short have recently
been in the process reviewing the City contract
with the Humane Society. Fortune said that
changes may be made that would alter the current
policy on treatment of injured animals, and what
information the Humane Society board should
report to Council. Fortune also noted that
Kaylene Cole had been appointed interim president
of the Board.
Carthage Water and
Electric Plant General manager Bob Williams
reported to the Council that the Plant had set a
new peak for megawatts consumed on Tuesday.
Williams said that on Tuesday during the 5:00
p.m. hour the City used 62 megawatts, which is a
7 percent increase over last year’s peak,
and an indication of growth.

Just Jake
I’m sure its just a matter of dumb luck, but
I haven’t gotten really ticked off in a
traffic situation yet this summer. Usually
I’ll (figuratively) run into some idiot with
the windows rolled up and the radio blastin’
who doesn’t think there is anyone else
usin’ their road. Then I get ta
thinkin’, maybe its my turn to be the idiot
and I just don’t have the sense to realize
it. I know that lady
that followed me for eight or ten blocks with her
hood under my taillights was prob’ly
gettin’ a little nervous ‘cause I was
goin’ a couple a miles under the 30 mph
speed limit the other day. ‘Course if I sped
up a little, she was right there with me. I
decided not to rush myself. It didn’t really
tick me off that she was tailgatin’, but she
may have another story.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Metcalf Auto Supply |
Click & Clack Talk Cars
By Tom & Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom and Ray:
I have a 2002 GMC Envoy that
just passed 100,000 miles. I have always been
pretty conscientious about scheduled and
preventative maintenance. The owner’s manual
recommends changing the transmission and filter
at 100,000 miles. I have read and heard advice
that if the filter or fluid has not been changed
before 50,000 miles, you should not change it,
due to varnish and film that would then be
released into the new fluid. I don’t see any
sense in calling the dealer, as they obviously
will advise me to change it. I would like a
"nonprofit" answer from someone I
trust. - Jim
TOM: Change it.
RAY: This is an old myth that
we’ve heard many times.
TOM: It goes something like
this: When your transmission is really old, the
gums and varnishes that have built up over the
years are actually holding the transmission
together now. And if you change the fluid and
drain out all that gunk, the transmission will
fall apart.
RAY: But, if varnish is all
that’s holding your transmission together,
there’s a rebuild in your near future
TOM: I think this myth got
started because some guy with a really old heap
changed his transmission fluid, and a day later
the transmission died. Well, the transmission was
a heap before he changed the fluid. But that
didn’t stop him from telling everybody he
RAY: But that would be like
saying: "If you’re 95 years old and
sick, don’t go to the hospital. My
grandfather was 95 and sick and went to the
hospital and he died!" Well, duh! He was 95
and sick.
TOM: So if your owner’s
manual calls for a transmission service at
100,000 miles, do it, Jim.
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