The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, December 7, 2007 Volume XVI, Number 122

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... Red Oak II will hold a benefit for the Carthage Crisis Center on Saturday, December 8 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Christmas caroling, Bonfire, Hayride, cider and cookies. Participants are requested to dress warmly, and to bring canned goods and/or donations for the Crisis Center. North of old Rt. 66, E. of Carthage on Kafir Rd. between CR 120 and 130

Did Ya Know?... The Carthage Historic Preservation will present a Holiday historic Tour, "Upstairs Downtown" on Saturday, December 8, from 10:00am -3:00pm. Tickets are $10 each advance purchase, $12 each the day of the tour. For more information, call Judy Hill at 417-358-9688, Karen Herzog 237-0723 or Judy Goff 358-8875.

Did Ya Know?... The Fair Acres Family YMCA invites the public to help celebrate Sharon Croley’s retirement after 12 years of service. An open house will be held Thursday, December 13 in the game room of the Y from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

today's laugh

One Christmas, they didn’t get the catalogs out in time. Wisconsin was stuck with 15 million pounds of cheese.

A man comes home from taking an intelligence test that will be used later in testing new employees. Sighing in relief, he says to his wife, "Thank goodness I own the company!"

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Load at the Rear.

A young business man who enjoys pleasure driving suggests that the grocery stores and other business houses on Main Street having delivery wagons load their wagons from the rear of the stores and thus avoid blockades that so often occur on that thoroughfare. "This," says the young man, "would add to the attractiveness of the stores and would at the same time please and accommodate the public."

A South Grand avenue lady, who had a "run around" on her finger, sent her little boy to a neighbor’s to borrow some salve.

"What does she want it for?" asked the neighbor as she proceeded to hunt for the salve.

"Oh, she’s got a merry-go-round on her finger," answered the young innocent child, unaware of his mistake.

Mrs. Will Porter was the guest of Carthage relatives and friends yesterday.


Today's Feature

Odor Study Phase One Results.

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Quality Department, has released the findings of the first phase of an "odorant prioritization" study which was conducted by Microanalytics, a MOCON company. The study was conducted over a 5 day period from October 28 to November 1. A news release from DNR says, "The initial investigation was designed to determine specific chemical elements in the nuisance odors experienced by citizens in Carthage in the hopes of aiding the department in identifying the source or sources of the odors."

The following are notes from the study, part of a daily log kept by Donald Wright, consultant from Microanalytics during his tour of Carthage.

"Daily Log: October 28, 2007; Sunday

• Arrive in Carthage @ 1500 hrs.

• Perform initial survey of the Carthage area: (1) surprised at the relatively low odor intensity on survey circuit (Central Ave to 96 N, east on Java Street to Garrison, south on Garrison back to Central and repeat); (2) odor events of note were (a) consistent wood smoke in the Kendricktown intersection and (b) an ‘industrial burnt’ odor note I described as ‘overheated break lining’ odor on Garrison street north of Central Ave intersection (Monday night probably); (3) I commented to Helen that I did not believe that this was the problem which we were here to investigate based upon the description and my own perception; (4) subsequent discussion on Tuesday with Brooks McNeil confirmed my suspicions as Brooks commented that this odor was known to he and Paul Vitzthum and, further, was known to originate from Leggett and Platt. The ‘overheated breaklining’ odor was shown to linger in the same area of Garrison for an extended period of time (at @ 1900 to 2000 hrs).

Daily Log: October 29, 2007; Monday

• Our arrival in Carthage followed on an extended period of stable, mild weather with winds generally from a southerly direction. This stable condition continued until Wednesday, October 31st and was broken with the arrival of a cold front and a gradual shifting of the winds from the north during the day on Wednesday.

• Monday was spent in familiarizing ourselves with the area and performing exploratory spot odor assessments; primarily in the ‘perimeter circuit’. Beyond the Kendricktown ‘smoke’ and the Garrison at Central ‘overheated breaklining’ events nothing else of apparent significance was noted.

• Some time on Monday was spent at the Kellogg Lake park, setting up and checking out the weather station / sampler assemblies.

• Phone discussions with Mark Rader, Paul Vitzthum and Brooks McNeil regarding scheduling and planning for the project: (1) informed that both RES and Butterball had been shut down since the previous Thursday / Friday timeframe, RES as a result of a leaking pump flange and Butterball as a result of a leaking roof and under direction of the FDA (This was assumed by all, to account for the common observation of low [characteristic] odor impact in the community during Sunday and Monday timeframe) and (2) discussed plan to meet on Tuesday afternoon for face to face discussions at the DNR office on the square.

Daily Log: October 30, 2007; Tuesday

• Continued general area assessment on the ‘perimeter circuit’, the Jasmine loop and beyond. (1) located good sample sites along Java Street through a chance meeting with the owner of a portion of the land between Java Street and the river to the north of the Carthage Bottoms area. This gentleman gave us free run to set up for sampling anywhere on his properties; (2) these locations appear to be optimum for the situation of stable weather and southerly prevailing winds such as we had seen since our arrival in town and (3) confirmation of the latter on Tuesday with our first apparent detection of periodic, transient and mild odor events in these locations during the afternoon. Afternoon discussions with Paul and Brooks appeared to confirm that these events coincided with their indications that RES and Butterball were starting back into operation.

• My initial perceptions of the odor character were described as ‘sulfurous’, ‘burnt’ and ‘papermill-like’ and this description was generally agreed with by my associate (and wife) Helen. This assessment was consistent during these few brief and mild detection events but, at that time, it was not clear to us as to whether this odor character was consistent with the overriding odor issue as perceived by the community at-large.

Daily Log: October 31, 2007; Wednesday

• Continued general area assessment on the ‘perimeter circuit’, the Jasmine loop and beyond. (1) picked up the first significant odor event since arrival during an early morning drive around assessment @ 0815 hrs; (2) the location of the observed event was to the north of the Bottoms area on Java Street behind the Tower fence; (3) the odor character at the time of the event was consistent with the ‘sulfurous’, ‘papermill’ and ‘burnt’ descriptions as first noted the previous day; (4) it is noteworthy that at the time of the observed event the prevailing wind direction was generally southerly (as it had been since our arrival on Sunday); (5) as a result of the intensity of the event I took the opportunity to perform a walking assessment of the location; cross-sectioning the plume on the perpendicular relative to the direction of flow; (6) in pacing back and forth several times between the trucking company parking lot and the Tower (along the south side Java Street road edge) I was surprised at how narrow the detectable plume appeared to be; it was possible to go from relatively mild or negligible intensity into a region of high intensity and back out within just a few paces; (7) it is noteworthy that almost simultaneous with this early morning assessment the prevailing wind direction began a slow and steady clockwise rotation from generally southerly to generally northerly over the next @ 12 hours (coincident with increasing windspeed marking arrival of a cold front); (8) it is noteworthy that within a few minutes of having left the Java Street site and returning to the White Rose B&B near Kellogg Lake I received a call from Paul Vitzthum @ 0830 notifying me of a complaint which had just been received from a citizen (coincidentally from the Java Street location directly across the street from the location where I had just completed my walking assessment and apparently at approximately the same time) and (9) I carried out a follow-up on-site interview with the complainant citizen (located on East Java Street) and got the following feedback: (a) the odor event of Wednesday morning was consistent in character with that which reflects her perception of the historical downwind odor problem; (b) the intensity of this particular event was approximately of medium intensity relative to the worst excursions which have been seen historically and (c) received her assurance that she had been unaware of my odor assessment activities across the street at the time of her complaint call.

• Upon returning to the Java Street site within a few minutes of the complaint notification, it was observed that the wind direction had already begun its clockwise rotation (coincident with the shift of the detectable plume center to the Kellogg Lake area to the northeast of the Bottoms Area source). This rotation continued throughout the day ...

• The first downwind SPME sampling session since arrival was carried out coincident with the Vine at Eldorado levee base location at mid afternoon and this was followed up with an upwind reference series at the Java Street Tower location. The downwind session ran from approximately 1410 hrs to 1500 hrs and was characterized by transient bursts of the distinct to strong characteristic odor interspersed with periods of mild to imperceptible odor intensity. The latter case appeared to dominate during this sampling session and the winds were relatively strong @ 8 to 13 mph and quite variable; ranging approximately from WNW to NNW. Other associated weather data included: (1) temperature range @ 62 to 64 deg F; (2) dew point @ 50 deg F; (3) relative humidity @ 63% and (4) barometric pressure @ 30.1 inches. The upwind session ran from approximately 1544 hrs to 1615 hrs with weather conditions generally identical to that of the downwind session with the exception of wind direction beginning to range slightly more northerly. The more obvious difference between the upwind and downwind sampling sessions was the complete absence of the transient, characteristic odor bursts during the upwind session.

• We received a visit from Brooks McNeil while wrapping up the sampling session at the Vine X Eldorado downwind location. I took the opportunity to demonstrate the SPME sampling device, support assemblies and procedures to Brooks for the situation wherein on-site sampling by DNR contacts on my behalf might be indicated. This also afforded a good opportunity for continued discussions between Brooks, Helen and myself relating to the targeted odor character perceptions. One interesting comment from Brooks related to a ‘chlorine’ or ‘swimming pool’ odor which would be emitted by [RES] sic during certain conditions of operation. In fact, Helen and I had both previously detected brief bursts of this odor event and the comment had been made likening it to ‘chlorine’ or ‘Chlorox’. Brooks comment served as valuable confirmation that we had, in fact, witnessed a known, significant secondary odor event.

• The balance of the day was spent in tracking the odor plume by a combination of truck movement and on-foot. A decision was made to conserve the limited number of remaining prepared SPME fibers for a period of more stable wind direction and corresponding stationary odor impact zone (i.e. less of an attempt to sample what, up to that time, appeared to be a relatively small and moving target). The final observation of the moving odor event was @ 1845 at the uptown location centered on the intersection of 3rd and Lincoln and ranging down Lincoln to at least Central Avenue. This appeared to be a relatively strong, characteristic and lingering event but no attempt was made to sample at that time; opting to wait for expected increasing weather stability which was predicted for Thursday (i.e. both in terms of an extended period of generally easterly wind direction as well as reduced windspeed). ...

Daily Log: November 1, 2007; Thursday

• Continued general area assessment on the ‘perimeter circuit’, the Jasmine loop and beyond.

• As predicted the wind direction had shifted from a generally easterly direction overnight placing the first encountered odor plume on Garrison Street, in the region bounded approximately by its intersections with Eldorado and High streets. As a result, a sampling session was carried out at the Garrison X Eldorado downwind site during the approximate timeframe of 1048 hrs to 1136 hrs. A subsequent single SPME fiber collection was carried out slightly further northward approaching the Garrison X High Street intersection (i.e. in a parking lot adjacent to the Schoolhouse Apartments). This second downwind collection was carried out during the approximate timeframe 1121 hrs to 1136 hrs. The weather conditions during these sampling sessions were approximately as follows: (1) wind @ 9 to 12 mph and quite variable; ranging approximately from ENE to ESE. Other associated weather data included: (2) temperature range @ 51 to 55 deg F; (2) dew point @ 27 deg F; (3) relative humidity @ 37% and (4) barometric pressure @ 30.4 inches.

• It is noteworthy, with respect to these two downwind locations, that there was a relatively clear and definable differentiation of the odor character detectable between the two during the sampling timeframe. The more northward location near High Street clearly matching the ‘sulfurous’, ‘papermill’ and ‘burnt’ odor defined as ‘characteristic’ during the previous day’s Java Street, Kellogg Lake, Vine X Eldorado and Lincoln X 3rd Street events. The more southward location at Eldorado was alternately describable as ‘poultry house’ and ‘landfill’ / ‘Dumpster’ primarily; interspersed with very brief and very transient ‘characteristic’ events (i.e pointing out the continuing variable nature of the winds at the time of sampling). The clear and definable lateral odor stratification between these two locations (i.e separated by only @ 200 yards) was one of the most surprising observations encountered during the 3.5 day on-site Bottoms Area odor assessment phase.

• At the completion of these two downwind sampling sessions, an upwind reference collection was carried out at the same Vine X Eldorado location which was used for the previous day’s downwind series. This session was a single SPME collection made in the approximate timeframe of 1205 hrs to 1230 hrs. The weather conditions during this sampling session were approximately as follows: (1) wind @ 9 mph and still variable; ranging approximately from E to ESE. Other associated weather data included: (2) temperature range @ 55 to 56 deg F; (2) dew point @ 24 deg F; (3) relative humidity @ 33% and (4) barometric pressure @ 30.3 inches. The most obvious difference between the upwind and downwind sampling sessions was the complete absence of either the transient, ‘characteristic’ odor noted for the Garrison X High Street location or the ‘poultry house’ and ‘landfill’ / ‘Dumpster’ character noted for the Garrison X Eldorado location in the preceding upwind sessions. ... Completion of this session essentially completed the on-site assessment phase of the Carthage Bottoms Area project and initiated our shut-down and return home to begin the analytical phase of the project.


Donald Wright

Consultant / Manager

Don Wright & Associates, LLC"

on behalf of Microanalytics (a MOCON Company)"

The report in its entirety is 23 pages long and contains much more information, including aromagrams and chromatograms of the daily odor sample information. It is available in a PDF format on the internet at where there is a link for the "Odor Evaluation of Carthage Industrial Bottoms" file.

Just Jake Talkin'
Prob’ly nothin’ helps to get in the Christmas spirit as much as the music ya hear durin’ the season. Old familiar tunes that bring back memories of the past and keep ya aware of the deadlines associated with tasks scheduled and details that need to be attended.

Seems like the season is full of "dashing" and "harking," although I’m not sure the lyrics coincide with today’s actual activities.

I’ve personally never roasted chestnut on any kind of fire. Don’t have any idea what that has ta do with Christmas. ‘Course as a kid we never had a fireplace, so several Christmas traditions were rather vague (we always left the back door unlocked on Christmas eve to insure the lack of a chimney wouldn’t hinder timely delivery).

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Oak Street Health & Herbs

Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis

In the field of health nutrients and supplements, some things are quite easily termed "fads." Not so for the nutrient Coenzyme Q10. Research involving CoQ10 resulted in the Nobel Prize for scientist Peter Mitchell and Dr. Karl Folkers was awarded the Priestly Medal of Honor.

This particular nutrient is essential in the production of energy. The body cannot produce efficient energy without it. The research showed that most people at one time or another will be deficient in CoQ10. It can be a result of stress, illness, diseased states or the onset of aging. According to Eugene Wagner, Ph.D in The Vital Spark of Life, "When the deficiency is corrected, the body is able to heal more quickly, often reversing serious illnesses, and preventing future sickness. Specifically, CoQ10 has been found to have a profound, lasting effect in the following areas:

• Boosting energy levels

• Strengthening & protecting the heart

• Improving the effectiveness of the immune system

• Reversing periodontal disease

• Normalizing blood pressure

• Aiding in weight loss

• Improving the therapeutic value of various chemotherapeutic agents and malarial drugs

• Acting as an antioxidant by protecting the body against free radicals.

It is listed in the 42nd edition of the Physician’s Desk Reference as replacement therapy for a nutrient, and no adverse reactions are listed.

This article is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. References available by request. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Art Notes from Hyde House
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral

As Christmas activities gain speed in the community, we at artCentral are looking forward to our participation this weekend in the Carthage Historic Preservation decorated home tour, which is taking a new twist this year and featuring dwellings on the Carthage square, townhouses and apartments both above and on first floors of the buildings there, called "UPSTAIRS DOWNTOWN". Separately, the tickets include an insert with suggestions for other venues on tour day, which include the Powers Museum, the lighting display at the college out south, and artCentral’s Hyde House Gallery, and our art exhibit featured there. These extra attractions are all free. We at the gallery will be open from 11:00 to our usual closing of 5:00 on tour day and Sunday as well. Additionally, we will be featured with a sales table at the Phelps House, and will display a collection of the art-related merchandise that we sell each day in our Library gift shop, so stop by and visit our table when you are at the Phelps House for ticket purchases and touring. Our cookbook is a favorite at $5.00, and makes a great "bread and butter" gift that are often times needed at holiday time, as a hostess gift or stocking-stuffer! Our opening weekend for Donna Roberts and Kelly Moreland was quite successful, and a lot of art was sold, but a lot remains as well, and we hope folks will continue to come out the next two weekends and view the work of these two very talented ladies. We thank the CARTHAGE PRESS and reporter Rebecca Haines for the coverage of this new show, and the front page article. This is our last show of the year, and refreshments will be featured this Saturday during the CHP tour time. Come by and enjoy sweets with us and view the beautiful art!

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