The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Volume XV, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Avilla
R-13 School is having a Carnival/Chili Supper
Saturday, March 3rd beginning at 4:00 p.m. The
theme this year is "A Hawaiian Luau."
Tickets may be purchased through the school
office or the night of the carnival. Proceeds
from the PTO carnival will be used to make Avilla
School the best place possible for Avilla
Did Ya Know?... The
Family Literacy Center is selling Easter eggs to
benefit literacy in Carthage. Eggs are $3.00
each, Peanut Butter, Rasberry, Mint, Coconut,
Maple Nut. 417-358-5926 Call today to pick up
eggs at the Center, 706 Orchard, Carthage.
Did Ya Know?... Rolling
Thunder will hold a Chili Feed and Silent Auction
Saturday, March 3 from 12:00 noon to ? in VFW
Post #2590, intersection of 96 and 171 Highways,
Carthage. All you can eat. Public Invited, male,
female, children. $5.00 adult, $3.00 Child.
Did Ya Know?... A
Diabetic Support Group meeting will be held at 4
p.m. in the McCune-Brooks Hospital cafeteria.
Mary Ann Gremling is the Guest Speaker and her
topic is "Positive Partners". The
Diabetes Support Group is open to the public and
all interested persons are welcome. Call 359-2355
for more information.
The Academy Awards are
definitely fixed. The Best Actress award is
always won by a woman. - Groucho Marx
Marlene: Last night I threw
myself a surprise birthday party.
Sarah: If you threw it, what was the surprise?
Marlene: That my birthday isn’t until next
Nothing is more irritating than
not being invited to a party you wouldn’t be
caught dead at. - Bill Vaughan
If at first you don’t
succeed, cheat. - Red Buttons
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Differences Are Marked.
An observing member of the
force in the circuit clerk’s office said today:
"Divorce suits are being filed thick and fast now
for the term of circuit court, and you ought to see the
faces some of the plaintiffs wear when they come up here.
It’s very different up here to what it is down in
the recorder’s office."
At least one marriage
license is issued each day, and the happy smiling face of
the groom-to-be is always in evidence. Down there it is
nearly always the man who attends to the legal part of
the procedure, but up here it is usually the women in the
case who has the papers to file, and she does not come
with a smiling face.
W.J. Sewall left on
Saturday night for a week’s visit among relatives
and old friends in Illinois. While away he will indulge
in a several days’ fishing trip on the Illinois
river. Mrs. Sewall accompanied him as far as Alton,
Illinois, where she will visit her parents.
Government Day.
Today is Student
Government Day for the Carthage High School.
Beginning at 11:30 a.m. Students will assemble in
the Council Chambers of City Hall to meet with
City officials. At noon the students will partake
in lunch at Memorial hall and hear guest speaker
Mr. Phil Lewis. At 1:00 p.m. students will tour
the offices of City officials followed by a
question and answer session at 2:45 p.m. The
students will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m. and will
reconvene at 7:15 p.m. to act as Council members
for the 7:30 City Council meeting in City Hall.
Several items are
on the agenda for that meeting including the
second readings of ordinances approving the
Peachtree Development Community Improvement
District agreement, approval of the certificates
of participation for the sewer improvements to
the South side of town, and first readings for
the Cost Share Agreement for the Fairview
The list of
Student Council acting officials is as follows;
Kate Kennedy as Mayor James G. Woestman, Brynn
Cummins as Fire Chief John Cooper, Mallory
Goodman as Public Works Director Chad Wampler, Ed
Fentanes as City Attorney Nate Dally, Mac Metcalf
as Police Chief Dennis Veach, Stacey Chaney as
City Clerk Lynn Campbell, Matt Law as CW&EP
General Manager Bob Williams, Josiah Coen as
Parks Superintendent Alan Bull and Kelsie
Tarwater as Chamber of Commerce-Economic
Development Director John Bode.
Students acting as
Council members are as follows; Callee Houlihan
as 1st Ward Rep. Claude Newport, Shelby
Youngworth as 1st Ward Rep. Larry Ross, Sha Evans
as 2nd Ward Rep. Mike Harris, Tadd Wagner &
Jerrick Williams as 2nd Ward Rep. Ron Wells,
Jessica Baugh and Tria Thomas as 3rd Ward Rep
Cyndi Curry, Lauren Matthews and Allee Shepherd
as 3rd Ward Rep. Diane Sharits, Luke Bayless as
4th Ward Rep. Bill Johnson, Maddie Kennedy as 4th
Ward Rep. Bill Welch, Kacie Cooper as 5th Ward
Rep. Tom Flanigan and Liz Mouton as 5th Ward Rep.
Dan Rife.

Stench Report:
No Stench Detected on
Carthage Square.
Just Jake
Growin’ up in this
part of the country, ya just take cows for
granted I suppose. Bein’ from a small rural
community, a good portion of the kids I grew up
with lived on farms and most had at least a few
cattle. ‘Course
all the pastures that we hunted from time to time
had evidence of cattle. Trails leadin’ to
the pond and the dangers of not watchin’
where ya stepped while followin’ the trail.
‘Course we
were always mindful of the infamous bull that was
thought to occupy all open territory. I was never
personally confronted by an angry bull, but I
never went outa my way to aggravate one either.
‘Bout the
most confrontation I ever had with cattle was
with a tough piece a steak on a camp out.
I’m still not sure who won that one.
This is some fact,
but mostly,
Just Jake
Mornin' Mail |
Your Good Health
By Paul G. Dononue, M.D.Sundowning Is
Common In Many Dementias
What’s "sundowning"? My dad is in
a nursing home because of his total confusion.
When he was in his house, he didn’t know
where he was, and he frequently got lost. He
doesn’t recognize my brother or me. A nurse
at the home told me that he’s sundowning. I
haven’t a clue what that means. -- T.T.
ANSWER: It means
that the person’s inner clock has been reset
to a different time zone. These people become
active in the late evening, when the sun goes
down. They believe that night is day. They
usually are quite agitated then.
Sundowning is
common in many dementias. It frequently occurs in
Alzheimer’s disease. Did the doctor say your
father has that illness?
I have a corn between my third and fourth toes.
What caused it? How do I go about getting rid of
it? -- L.M.
ANSWER: Corns are
a sign of friction. Something is rubbing against
the skin, and a corn is a defense to preserve the
skin. In your case, the two toes rub against each
other. Quite often, that’s because shoes are
too tight.
To get rid of the
corn, soak your foot in warm water for 20
minutes. That will soften it. Then with a pumice
stone (you can get one in any drugstore, or you
can get something equivalent to it), rub the corn
until you reach normal skin. This takes more than
one session. If you cannot find the source of
friction, buy cushions that you insert between
the toes to prevent another corn from forming.
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