The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, January 12, 2007 Volume XV, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Class of
2007 Project Graduation is holding a raffle for a
2007 Dodge Charger. Prize to be awarded at the
Big Man on Campus event, April 27. Only 2,500
tickets sold, must be 18 years of age to
purchase. Proceeds benefit Project Graduation.
$20 per ticket. Call 358-8786. Winner will be
responsible for all taxes, title fees, license,
registration and insurance costs.
Did Ya Know?... Magic
Moments Riding Therapy is accepting applications
for new clients with special needs who want to
benefit from therapeutic horseback riding. Magic
Moments is a Premier Accredited Center serving
Carthage and surrounding areas. Indoor and
outdoor riding is available. Call 417 325-4490
for more information. Magic Moments is also
recruiting volunteers aged 14 and up who can help
one evening a week. Located just south of I-44,
close to Carthage. Call 417 325-4490 for details.
If it weren’t for
airlines, we’d be up to our necks in
honey-roasted peanuts.
Never eat at a restaurant that
lists Pepto-Bismol soufflé as a dessert.
It was so cold I saw a
politician with his hands in his own pockets. -
Milton Berle
I used to be a translator for
bad mimes. - Steven Wright
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A $10,000 Real Estate
The Moore-Veach Realty Co.
filed articles of incorporation yesterday with a capital
stock of $10,000 divided into shares of $10 each half
paid in. The stockholders are Geo. W. Moore, $2,500; A.J.
Bishir, $2,500; J.C. Veach, $2,500; and M.R. Lively,
Murray Elliot visited Alba
this morning, taking along a weighty consignment of
$1,500 in silver from the Carthage bank for use in paying
off the miners at the Alba bank.
Walker Boon and his
sisters Misses Lucy and Sally took dinner with friends
yesterday evening and attended theatre in Joplin later.
Ed Hall was a member of a
theatre party which attended the "Land of Nod"
last night at the Club.
Charles Sullivan and Fred
Davis of Illinois, stopped off here yesterday on their
way home to spend the day with J.T. Latshaw.
Not Upgraded to
a Violation.
News release
The Missouri
Department of Natural Resources has determined
the excess emission documented on Dec. 12 at
Renewable Environmental Solutions (RES) in
Carthage was caused by a malfunction. Therefore,
the department will not upgrade the incident to a
Notice of Violation.
department’s Southwest Regional Office
investigated excess odors coming from the
facility and issued a Notice of Excess Emissions
(NOEE) to RES on Dec. 15.
As required by
rule, RES was given time to respond to the
department and provide information about a
potential startup, shutdown or equipment
malfunction. The department evaluated RES’
response to the incident and determined the
circumstances described did meet the definition
of a malfunction. RES documented the exceedance
resulted from "a malfunction condition,
specifically, unanticipated cracks that developed
over a short period of time in sections of a
prefabricated, horizontal, elevated ductwork that
carries oxidized vapors." RES repaired the
cracks and added reinforcement brackets to the
ductwork to minimize the risk of future
The department
previously upgraded a Nov. 15 Notice of Excess
Emissions to a Notice of Violation on Dec. 7. The
department has urged RES to immediately submit
payment of $25,000 suspended penalty to the state
for that violation. When paid, the fine will
ultimately go to the Jasper County School Fund.
department’s main goal in any enforcement
action is to help the facility successfully
achieve compliance with the standards and then
maintain compliance. The department will continue
to work within Missouri’s laws and
regulations to provide assistance and oversight
to the facility. The department encourages
citizens in the area to continue calling if they
notice odors. Citizens may call the
department’s Southwest Regional Office at
(417) 891-4300 or may call the Jasper County
Satellite Office in Carthage at (417) 359-1524 or
(417) 359-1525.

Stench Report:
No Stench Detected on
Carthage Square
Just Jake
I saw someone gettin’ a ticket the other day
for squealin’ tires. I’ve had a couple
a friends growin’ up who prob’ly woulda
gone broke gettin’ tickets for that.I’ve had the urge to squeal tires
at least a few times myself, ‘cept the six
cylinder ‘48 pickup I was drivin’ at
the time didn’t give me many options.
‘Bout the best I could accomplish was
shiftin’ to second as I passed over the
railroad track. Sometimes I’d get a little
"chirp" from the tires. (I woulda never
thought of this "trick," but my older
brother said he "accidently" discovered
We were brought up to
understand if we broke it, we fixed it. That
always kept the abuse of the auto down to a
minimum. ‘Sides, if it was broke, we
couldn’t use it. Tire squealin’ was
always a spectator sport for those livin’ at
our house.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oak Street Health & Herbs |
By Mari An WillisOur physical body is like a magnificent
machine. It is composed of the same elements as
earth and must be properly maintained. "We
must realize that we are what we eat."
Because of our busy lifestyles and the fact that
we are overly stressed we rely too much on fast
and overly processed foods often deficient of the
proper nutrients to keep us healthy. It fills the
hole, but that is all. Our organs become
overtaxed and soon congested.
Many of our
"dis-ease" may come from congestion in
the various organs. Which in turn effects the
entire body. Fortunately, we can begin a
detoxification process for our bodies. We are in
charge of what goes in and we can change habits.
I personally have never heard so many young
adults having their gallbladders removed. My
daughter, who has had some problems herself,
thinks it is because of the "french-fry
generation." One of the easiest foods to
hand over to the backseat and keep a toddler
quiet. Not a good idea IF (and that is only my
opinion of observation) that is what is causing
some of these problems. If you are eating only
bad oils, consider your omega-oils as a balance.
Get more oxygen. It is necessary for every cell,
and tissue and each function of the body. Treat
yourself well, smile frequently and practice the
golden rule.
* This article is meant for
informational purposes only and is not intended
as a substitute for medical advice. References
available by request. These statements have not
been evaluated by the FDA.
Art Notes from Hyde House
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
This past week’s work-time
has been spent on the business of the first
newsletter for 2007. In addition to reporting on
the success of our past show with Barbara
Courtney, I am outlining the schedule for the new
season, which will include seven new shows with
artists that I am very excited about, some, brand
new to the area. Two of these fine artists are
John Fitzgibbon and Mary Lou Reed.
John will be opening our 2007
season with a show of paintings in three media
that we have titled: VARIETY! Color Is the Spice.
This show opens Friday February 9th and will run
through the 25th. Though John teaches workshops
mainly for watercolor, his show will feature work
in oil and acrylic as well, and some 24 paintings
will be shown. John will be with us for the
opening reception the night of the 9th at 6:00
and those invitations will go out to the
membership later this month. The public is
invited to attend as well, as usual.
Additionally, and for the first
time in over a year, we will be featuring a
workshop with John in Beginning and Intermediate
watercolor on two weekends. These classes are for
adults 17 years or older and anyone can sign up
regardless of proficiency level in this medium.
The first workshop will be February 9, 10, and
11th and will be held at the Hyde House from 9-
4:00 daily with an hour in the middle for
"sack lunch" on the site. The price is
$40.00 per day, and you may sign up for all three
days for a complete class, or just the days you
can come. This first weekend will be considered
Beginning Level. The following weekend, February
16, 17, and 18th will be a second workshop for
Intermediate Level Watercolor and will be the
same hours and cost. If either weekend is
"snowed or seriously iced-out" we will
go to the weekend of February 23, 24 and 25th as
a make-up weekend. Sign-up forms will be sent to
all members in the new newsletter due out early
next week, or you can call artCentral and stop by
for a form beginning next week. Pre-payment
reserves your place, and the classes are limited
in size, so if you are interested let us know as
soon as possible. Further instructions and a
supply list will be given to those who reserve
places in the classes, and refunds will be made
only for weather cancellations. For further
information, call me at 417 358 4404, and I can
answer your questions. We are very excited to
feature John, who holds workshops all over the
country, and hope that area artists will take
advantage of this opportunity to brush-up on
their skills in this new year!
More on this workshop and a
second one in March by Mary Lou Reed, next week!
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