The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 Volume XV, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... VFW Post
2590 Men’s Auxiliary will hold a
shuffleboard tournament Sunday, January 21, 2007
beginning at 12 noon. Public Invited, Male &
Female. Players need to bring a covered dish for
family chili dinner at 4:30 p.m. Draw for partner
$5.00 per person. West of Carthage at the
intersection of 96 & 171.
Did Ya Know?... Class of
2007 Project Graduation is holding a raffle for a
2007 Dodge Charger. Prize to be awarded at the
Big Man on Campus event, April 27. Only 2,500
tickets sold, must be 18 years of age to
purchase. Proceeds benefit Project Graduation.
$20 per ticket. Call 358-8786. Winner will be
responsible for all taxes, title fees, license,
registration and insurance costs.
Did Ya Know?... Magic
Moments Riding Therapy is accepting applications
for new clients with special needs who want to
benefit from therapeutic horseback riding. Magic
Moments is a Premier Accredited Center serving
Carthage and surrounding areas. Indoor and
outdoor riding is available. Call 417 325-4490
for more information.
The Country Music Awards was
marred when it was learned that not one of the
nominees was really drunk, jilted, or unemployed.
- Kevin Nealon
Most people consider a glass as
half empty or half full. I look at it as too big.
- George Carlin
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Sales of Mining
Two important mining deals
are reported closed this week. One is the sale of the Loy
Bros. plant and Lone Acre mine for $75,000, Cleveland and
Boston parties being the purchasers.
The second sale was that
of the Sara Mora mine and a thirteen acre lease on the
Mastin tract for $30,000. The purchasers were from Kansas
Miss Martha Scott left
last night for her home at Galesburg, Ills., and after a
brief stop will go on to Chicago to look over the
situation before accepting a position in a conservatory
of music in that city.
W.B. Hickey, of Sapulpa,
I.T. who was called here several days ago by the serious
illness of his mother returned to his home today. His
mother is much improved. Mr. Hickey left Jasper county
six years ago and this was his first visit back.
for High School.
News release
A groundbreaking
for the new Carthage High School will be held on
Friday, January 19, 2007, at 3:30 p.m. The
ceremony will be held on the north half of the
eighty acres where the building will be
constructed, east of River Street and the Fair
Acres Family Y Sports Complex, between Airport
Drive and Fir Road. Three parking areas are
1. Onsite, via
access off River Street just south of George
Phelps Boulevard, or at the south end of Pearl
Street (weather permitting)
2. Along George
Phelps Boulevard
3. Along Pearl
The project is
being designed and managed by Hight Jackson
Associates, an architectural firm based in
Rogers, Arkansas. The new high school will be a
two-story, 241,000 square foot building,
constructed of tilt-up concrete walls in Carthage
colors of blue and gray. The facility will
contain 68 classrooms; a two-story atrium area
near the front entrance that will house the
cafeteria and provide space for large group
meetings, performances, and other activities; a
gymnasium with seating for over 2,000; a state of
the art media center located in the building
classroom core, featuring the latest in computer
and electronic media; parking for 800 vehicles;
and outdoor activity space. An auxiliary gym and
a "black box" may be included in the
initial phase of construction if bids come in
under budget.
A $30,000,000 bond
issue to fund this project was approved by voters
in April 2006. The new high school is scheduled
to open in January of 2009 and will house up to
1,500 students in grades 9-12. All building grade
levels will be re-configured in August of 2009,
which will relieve overcrowding throughout the
Carthage R-9 School District. The eighty-acre
tract of land provides additional space for
future construction of a new technical center,
expansion of the high school as student
enrollment increases, and eventual development of
onsite athletic fields.
The public and
students are encouraged to attend this
long-awaited event.
In case of
inclement weather, the groundbreaking will be
rescheduled on Friday, January 26, at 3:30 p.m.

Stench Report:
No Stench Detected on
Carthage Square
Just Jake
I’ve never quite understood why some dogs
like ta chase cars. Apparently they like
puttin’ on the show and actin’ the
part. After all, what would they do with an
automobile after they caught it?I’ve seen various suggestions as to
how to break a dog from the chase. The most
effective is ta drive by the house (assumin’
it’s your dog) with a bucket a water and
dump it on the dog in the middle of the chase.
‘Course nowadays this
advice must come with the caution that
hangin’ out the window with a bucket of
water could be hazardous to your health.
You should also take care not
to attempt the feat durin’ a day when
it’s below freezin’ outside. Might
clobber the dog with a huge ice cube.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
A Tip
By JoAnn Derson• "Try soaking an ink stain in
rubbing alcohol for a few minutes before putting
the garment in the wash." (Test first on a
scrap.) -- B.D. in Virginia
• "Now is a great
time to check your cell-phone plan: Most people
don’t use even half of the available minutes
of their current plan. You might be able to
downsize your plan and save $10 or more per
month. I did." -- S.L. in New York
• Use wallpaper to cover
assorted storage boxes to create a cohesive
storage look for less. You can recycle shoeboxes,
and even leftover gift boxes from the holidays.
If you don’t have any boxes, corrugated
cardboard boxes of all sizes are inexpensive when
compared with the specialty storage boxes some
stores sell.
• Don’t just move
dust around with that feather duster. Reserve it
for dusting delicate items in a designated space
(outdoors, preferably). Get a microfiber cleaning
cloth instead. It catches dust and holds it.
• Five ways to keep
yourself from turning up the thermostat this
winter: Put on a sweater; have a nice bowl of
soup or stew; wear slippers or thick non-skid
socks; grab a comfy blanket; snuggle up with
someone special.
• "If you bathe in a
tub, try rubbing on bath oil before getting in
the tub. You will get greater coverage and more
moisturizing power from your bath oil. And at
this time of year, who doesn’t need
that?" -- M.E. in Washington
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