Cost of Gas
Rate Reduction Request.
Missouri Gas
energy (MGE) has filed with the Missouri Public
Service Commission to reduce its purchased gas
adjustment/cost of (referred to as the PGA/COG)
by nearly 11%. This is the second year in a row
that MGE has been able to request a reduction
during the winter heating season.
The new rate of
$0.78791 per one hundred cubic feet (CCF) is
scheduled to take effect on January 18, 2007. The
current rate, $0.88345 per CCF, has been in
effect since November 10, 2006.
The decrease
reflects continuing declines in wholesale natural
gas prices. Wellhead prices for natural gas are
unregulated and are primarily driven by supply
and demand. Price fluctuations are attributed to
winter weather throughout the country, storage
levels, and other energy prices (oil for
example), among other factors.
In particular, the
2005/2006 warm winter left large amounts of
natural gas in storage. This coupled with a
moderately warm summer and increased supply
available due to gas production recovery from the
2005 hurricanes, a mild 2006 winter with a
continued mild winter forecast, has created the
falling price picture.
Driving Time Increased.
News release.
The Missouri
Department of Revenue today reminded young
drivers that state law will soon require teens to
obtain 40 hours of behind-the-wheel driving
instruction before graduating from an Instruction
Permit to an Intermediate License. This compares
to the 20 hours required prior to the law change.
Senate Bill 1001
increased the driving instruction requirement
effective January 1, 2007. The bill was passed in
May of 2006 and was signed into law by Gov. Matt
Blunt in June.
According to the
law, the required 40 hours of behind-the-wheel
driving instruction must include at least 10
nighttime hours. Nighttime hours can be logged
between sunset and sunrise. The driving
instructor must be a parent, grandparent, legal
guardian, certified trainer with a federal
residential job training program, or a qualified
driving instructor.
Regardless of the
length of time the young person has held an
Instruction Permit, 40 hours of instruction will
be required immediately after January 1 when
graduating to the Intermediate License.
More information
about Missouri’s Graduated Driver License
program can be found at