The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, July 2, 2007 Volume XVI, Number 11
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The City
of Carthage Recycling Drop-Off Center and
Composting Lot will be closed Wednesday, July 4th
in observance of Independence Day. Regular
operating days and times are Tuesday through
Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more
information contact Rusty Melton, 417-237-7024.
Did Ya Know?... The
Public Works Committee meeting scheduled for July
3 has been cancelled.
Did Ya Know?... Spare
Cat Rescue will help pay for the spay or neuter
of your cat. Call for details. 417-358-6808.
Close that door - where were
you raised - in a barn?
(Man cries)
Oh, well, I’m sorry I yelled at you like
I’m not crying because you yelled at me -
I’m crying because I was raised in a
barn and every time I see a jackass it makes me
feel homesick.
What happened to that writer
you used to know? I never hear of him anymore.
He uses a nom-de-plume.
Is that as good as a Remington?
Tobacco is found in North
Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky and once in a
while in a cigar.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Found His Carpet.
The Brussells carpet lost
form the residence of Nate Ogden last Saturday has been
found. R.H. Crain’s boy ran onto it spread out in a
clump of trees farther back in Regan place. How the
carpet got there is wholly conjectural. It was supposed
to have been stolen by a mover passing through town. But
that could not have been as he would not have brought it
back. It is now supposed that the carpet may have been
carried off by mischievous boys.
Home Missionary
The Home Missionary
society of the M.E. church, south, will meet with Mrs.
J.W. Meredith Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at
her home on East Fourth street. The meeting last week at
Mrs. Hatton’s was not well attended on account of
the rain and it is hoped a full attendance will be made
Friday, especially as it will also be the regular monthly
bible reading meeting.
Financing the
The Carthage
Humane Society Board met in its regular meeting
last Thursday evening in City Hall. New officers
were elected and a written policy was adopted
that eliminated the salary of $2,500 per year for
the president and $2,300 per year for treasurer
of the board. Treasurer report showed bank
balances of $7,680.01, $12,215.9, and $1,378.04
in various local bank accounts. Also reported was
a balance of $14,330.19 in what is referred to as
the Equine account, money earmarked for boarding
of neglected horses.
In a special
meeting on June 14 the board voted to hire Dee
Wampler & Joe Pascianno of Springfield to
represent the society to fight a petition by the
Attorney General that requests that the director,
president, and treasurer be ousted.
Minutes of that
meeting say that Wampler "stated his fee
would be $12,500 retainer fee and that there
could possibly be a few more thousand in expenses
before it is all completed." It also says
Wampler was "very concerned. . .the attorney
general was asking for restitution for expenses
of the trial, which could run into many thousands
of dollars."
The board voted to
fund the initial retainer by cashing in a CD in
the amount of $5,417 that was earmarked for air
conditioning. The additional $7,083 was taken
from the Equine account and placed in a CD. The
CD was then used as collateral to borrow $7,083.
(The equine balance of $14,330.19 shown above
reflects the amount before the CD was initiated.)
These funds are to
be replaced "with a number of fund raisers
that the board will undertake. As much of the
proceeds from The Hawgs for Dogs fund raiser as
needed will be used to repay loan" according
to the minutes.
In the budget
submitted to the City of Carthage with the
Society’s request for funding, it is
projected they will net $3,000 in the coming year
from all fund raisers. Last year the Society
netted just over $2,100 from all fund raisers.
The Carthage
Humane Society is a private, non-profit
corporation that contracts with the City of
Carthage for services. The City contracted to pay
$20,200 for the next year. The budget for the
organization shows a total projected revenue for
the 2007-2008 fiscal year to be $142,450.

Just Jake
They say that folks get grumpy when the sun
doesn’t shine for long periods. I think
I’ve had some of those symptoms during the
recent storms. I need to see the sun ever’
once in a while, to get some reassurance that I
haven’t gone "where the sun don’t
shine." I always
wondered where that was. As a kid there were lots
of expressions I didn’t really understand,
but repeated anyway, just ‘cause they
sounded neat.
Usually expressions like
"big deal" or "what-of-it" or
the ultimate "so?" seemed to irritate
adults after a while, even though such
sayin’s weren’t aimed at adults. Kids
understood this and would exaggerate usage just
to push the limits a little. The result was
somethin’ like bein’ without sunshine
for more than a couple days I suppose, ‘cept
the clouds just kept comin’.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oldies & Oddities |
This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta
Home Remodeling
Adds Value, Livability
Q: I don’t
see the point in remodeling a home. The building
materials deteriorate over time, the stylish new
fixtures fall out of style, and you just have to
do it all over again in 10 years. You just
can’t rely on a home to be a good
investment, in my opinion. So, why spend a ton of
money on remodeling? -- Franklin S., Cincinnati
A: That’s a
valid question. How much value is actually added
to a home by remodeling work? How much money
should you spend, if any?
Because certain
remodeling projects can run in to the tens of
thousands of dollars, a little research before
deciding what to improve is well worth the
effort. For example, Remodeling Magazine and recently published a list of the top
10 remodeling projects in 2006 and the return
those projects brought when a home was sold.
Replacing a
home’s exterior siding with a fiber cement
siding was the No. 1 project, with owners
recouping 88 percent of the cost, on average. In
some cities, 100 percent of the project cost was
recouped when the home was sold. Minor kitchen
remodels and bathroom remodels hit Nos. 4 and 5
on the list, respectively.
Remodeling is
often about more than just numbers, however.
Updating an old kitchen, replacing windows and
doors and adding insulation can give your home a
fresh look and reduce energy costs. These types
of repairs can also qualify for a federal
income-tax credit of up to $500, if completed
before Dec. 31, 2007. More information on the
credit can be found at the Alliance to Save
Energy Web site (
So, while
it’s important to look at possible
remodeling projects with a critical eye,
don’t completely dismiss their value.
Sometimes the financial returns aren’t as
important as the happiness one gets from a house
that feels more livable.
HOME TIP: Local,
state and federal agencies often have programs to
help homeowners figure out the costs and returns
of remodeling projects, and sometimes offer tax
credits or other benefits for home improvements
Copyright 1997-2007 by Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.