The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 Volume XVI, Number 26
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... A Live
Changing Volunteer Training class will be held
Tuesday, July 31 in the First Assembly of God
Church, 1605 S. Baker, Carthage MO. Volunteer
training brings: understanding of Hospice
dynamics and confidence in providing care to
hospice patients. For more info or to register
call Susan Hahne, 782-6811 or 417-592-2546.
Did Ya Know?... School
Supplies including backpacks, paper, pencils,
pens, glue stick, etc. will be accepted for the
"Tools for School" distribution program
through July 30th at the Salvation Army
headquarters, 125 E. Fairview.
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Shrine Club 19th Annual Tractor &
Pickup Pull will be held Friday, July 27th and
Saturday, July 28th north of Carthage on V
Highway (1/4 mi. E. of 571 Hwy, or 3/4 mi. W. of
96 Hwy.) Pull starts at 7:00 p.m. Tractors, 2
& 4 Wheel Drive Trucks, Antique Tractors.
Adults $8, 6-12 yrs. $2, under 6 Free. Proceeds
benefit the Carthage Shrine Club.
Oh, darling, I love you so.
Please say you’ll be mine. I’m not rich
like Percival Brown. I haven’t a car, or a
fine house, or a well-stocked cellar, like
Percival Brown, but, darling, I love you, and I
cannot live without you!
And I love you too, darling; but where is this
fellow Brown?
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Misunderstandings All
Some excitement was caused
this morning when laboring men to the number of thirty or
forty gathered around the blacksmith shop of John
Brownsill, on Lyon street, all applying for work, which
Mr. Brownsill’s representatives said could not be
given them. The laboring men claim that Mr. Brownsill had
given it out that he had work for any number of men at
fifty cents a day, and to show their willingness to work
at any price rather than loaf they were after the job.
Mr. Brownsill says he
never made any such statement, and he thinks someone who
wanted to play a practical joke put up the job on him. He
thinks that the misunderstanding grew out of a remark
made by him that rather than see anyone starve he would
give men work at fifty cents a day, though he had no work
he needed to have done.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of the
country near Carthage left last night via the Pacific for
Independence, Cal.
Improvements on Agenda.
The Carthage City
Council will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in
the Council Chambers of City Hall. Items on the
agenda include the first reading of an ordinance
to execute a contract between the City and
Sprouls Construction, Inc. for improvements to HH
and Garrison Avenue. This item comes from the
Public Works Committee with a recommendation from
City engineer Sprenkle & Associates. Three
bids were received for the project, all of which
were over the budgeted amount. Those bids
included Sprouls Construction, Inc. in the amount
of $326,194, APAC-Missouri, Inc. for $346,309 and
Snyder Bridge Co. in the amount of $369,270.
The budgeted
amount carried over from the previous year’s
budget is $280,000 which would leave $46,000 to
be made up in a budget adjustment. Public Works
Director Chad Wampler said that Sprenkle had
figured the projected cost based on calculations
from the Missouri Department of Transportation,
which may have run lower than actual project
cost. Wampler cited the mobilization cost as part
of the reason why all of the bids came in higher
than expected. The mobilization cost for Sprouls
is $35,000, which is $15,000 less than the other
two bids, APAC’s cost being $50,225 and
Snyder’s being $50,000.
The Public Works
committee agreed to forward the item to Council,
recommending approval contingent on the approval
of additional funding.
Items in their
second reading include an ordinance that would
annex 3133 South Grand Avenue into the City, and
budget adjustments to this year’s budget and
last year’s budget.
Spraying for
The City of
Carthage Street Department will be spraying for
mosquitoes this week through Friday, July 27th.
Areas will be sprayed in the evening of the day
of regular trash pickup, between the hours of 8
p.m. and midnight. It is recommended that
citizens turn off attic or window fans when the
sprayer is in the immediate area.

Just Jake
I’ve heard that
those who grow up in an area that has four
seasons find it unsettling when they move to
places like Arizona. The change of seasons seems
to be somehow ingrained in the natural cycle of
their lives and the year long "summer"
weather disrupts that sense of movement.
The sameness turns to a type of
season boredom. It’s like havin’ a
fresh ear of corn without any butter or salt and
In this part of the country,
summer has always been the season for increased
activity. Gettin’ the crops in, or even
leisure activities, like goin’ to the lake.
I personally enjoy the warm and
even the few really hot days of summer, but I am
always ready when the cooler fall moves in.
‘Sides, three or four months of air
conditioner bills is enough for any year.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
To Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Damaged Heart Valves
I had a double heart bypass done seven years ago.
I have emphysema. Now I have three out of four
heart valves that are bad. My doctor says I need
surgery, but he wants to put it off as long as
possible because of my health.
What is the
function of heart valves? What causes them to go
bad? What types of replacement valves are
available? -- J.B.
ANSWER: The four
heart valves keep blood flowing in the right
direction from one heart chamber to the next, and
finally out of the heart. Serious valve problems
can happen to any of them, but the two valves
most often affected are the aortic valve and the
mitral valve. The aortic valve prevents blood
from flowing back into the heart after the left
ventricle pumps it out. The mitral valve prevents
blood from flowing back into the left atrium
after it has filled the left ventricle.
Rheumatic fever
used to be the No. 1 cause of valve malfunction.
Aging is a big reason why valves fail.
Calcification of valves -- something that happens
throughout life -- is another reason for valve
Valves can become
too narrow which makes it difficult for blood to
flow through and out of the heart. Or they can
become leaky which causes blood to flow back into
the chamber it just left.
Early on,
medicines can often compensate for what damaged
valves cause in impairing blood flow and heart
emptying. Quite often, however, surgical repair
or replacement of the valve is the only option.
Replacement valves
are mechanical, man-made devices; those fashioned
from pig or cow tissue; or from a patient’s
own tissues. The decision is based on the
patient’s particular symptoms. Valve surgery
is major surgery. Most do quite well.
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