The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, July 27, 2007 Volume XVI, Number 29
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... School
Supplies will be accepted for the "Tools for
School" distribution program through July
30th at the Salvation Army HQ, 125 E. Fairview.
Did Ya Know?... The
annual Stone’s Throw Dinner Theatre
"Sally Awards" will be held on July 28,
2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the Theatre. Awards will be
presented for the best of the show productions.
Call for reservations; 358-9665 or 358-7268. A
light dessert will be served following the
Did Ya Know?...
Auditions for "Driving Miss Daisy" will
be held at Stone’s Throw Theatre on Sunday,
July 29th at 2:30 p.m. and Monday, July 30th at
7:00 p.m. Needed are 1 woman over 55, 1 man over
55 and 1 man 35+. The dates for the show are Oct.
25-27. For more info call Betty Bell at
417-35/-7268 or e-mail
Did Ya Know?... The City
of Carthage Street Department will be spraying
for mosquitoes through Friday, July 27th. Areas
will be sprayed in the evening of regular trash
pickup, between 8 p.m. and midnight. It is
recommended to turn off attic or window fans when
the sprayer is in the area.
What did your old man say about
you wrecking the car?
Shall I leave out the swear
He didn’t say anything.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Runaway Near the
A runaway occurred near the
Frisco depot last evening. After several futile attempts
the team of J.W. Foster, an Avilla farmer, got under
uncontrollable headway and collided with a telephone
pole. The wagon tongue was broken and pierced one of the
horses. The ground was covered with blood this morning. A
veterinary took charge of the injured horse.
Dr. Rhoads Condition
Is a Maniac at Times
and Almost Uncontrollable.
The condition of Dr. A
Rhoads who has lain sick so long at his home on Garrison
avenue is just now very serious. For several days he has
been suffering with a delirium which at times makes him
almost uncontrollable.
He appears to suffer
terribly and also to have peculiar delusions which cause
him to believe his liberties are being interfered with.
Chamber Hosts
Sidewalk Sale-Bration.
News release
The Carthage
Chamber of Commerce will host a Summer Sidewalk
Sale-Bration on Saturday, July 28. A variety of
activities are planned for the community-wide
event that is designed to encourage residents and
others to "Shop Carthage First."
The day will begin
with Sale-Bration Bingo at 7AM. Bingo cards can
be picked up at the Chamber office or at any of
these participating retailers starting on
Tuesday, July 24.
A Little More
Pizzazz, 319 South Main Street; Annie’s, 116
West Third Street; Block-By-Block Quilt Shop, 424
West Fir Road; Burggraf’s Discount Tire,
2504 South Grand Avenue; Carthage True Value
Hardware, 119 East Third Street; Discount Smokes,
321 East Airport Drive; Emporium On The Square,
311 South Main Street; Florette by Countryside,
1608 South Maple Street; Front Page, 141 East
Third Street; Illusions In Stained Glass, 2440
South Grand Avenue; Powers Museum, 1617 West Oak
Street; Quiznos of Carthage, 2817 The Loop; UMB
Bank, 300 Grant Street; US Cellular, 104 George
Phelps Boulevard.
Clip-out game
pieces will also be printed in Wednesday, July 25
and Friday, July 27 editions of The Joplin Globe.
Players must visit four locations on their card
to make bingo to be eligible to enter a prize
drawing. Official rules and information is
located on the bingo cards.
Other scheduled
activities include:
The British Car
Show on the Historic Carthage Square, 9AM-3PM.
Walk around the Historic Carthage Square and step
back in time. Over 100 cars and motorcycles will
be on display for the show.
Fire Truck
Walk-Through on the Historic Carthage Square from
10AM-2PM. Meet members of the Carthage Fire
Department and take a tour on a fire truck. Free
fire safety materials and coloring books will be
Farmers Market and
Concession Booths will be located around the
Historic Carthage Square.
For additional
information on the Summer Sidewalk Sale-Bration
contact Debra Smith at 417-358-2373

Just Jake
I grew up hearin’ that padlocks were only
made ta keep the honest guy out.I found that out when I lost the key to
my padlock I had on my gym basket. It wasn’t
some little cheap padlock either. It was a great
big Master, the bulletproof kind.
I went to the janitor and
figured he’d have ta saw up the basket or
some other major endeavor to get my stuff out. He
grabbed a hammer and headed for the locker room.
He looked over the situation,
then took the hammer and whack! The lock popped
open. I couldn’t believe it. This was the
lock my dad had used to secure the back door of
his business. I guess if someone wants ta take
somethin’ bad enough, they’ll get the
job done. I was glad the janitor was one of the
good guys.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oak Street Health & Herbs |
Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis
Honey; what is it all about?
Many folks use it for allergies, energy and its
antibiotic properties. This week we’ll
discuss the different types of honey.
Blended Honey: A homogeneous
mixture of two or more honeys differing in floral
source, color, flavor, density or geographical
Creamed Honey: Honey physically
processed by controlled crystallization to a
smooth spreadable consistency. Also referred to
as spun, whipped, churned honey.
Filtered Honey: Processed by
filtration to remove extraneous solids and pollen
Organic Honey: Honey produced,
processed and packed in accordance with state and
federal regulation on honey and organic products,
Pasteurized Honey: It has been
heated in appropriate time and temperature
conditions that destroy spoilage microorganisms.
Raw Honey: Honey as it exists
in the beehive or obtained by extraction and
selling or straining without heat.
Strained Honey: honey which has
been passed through a mesh material to remove
particular matter without removing the pollen.
* Information from the National
Honey Board
Art Notes from Hyde House
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
These cooler days have been
kind to us at the Hyde House, as we have enjoyed
the first week of children’s artCamp in
relative comfort, and the kids have enjoyed
having their lunches and break time on the
grounds, under the trees. Even one class, where
the kids made personal "thrones and
chairs" from corrugated cardboard, painted
and decorated, was held at the long tables in
shade near the Pottery House. Classes have gone
well, and we have seen 70 participants this first
week. Classes next week are in some cases still
open if you have not had the opportunity to sign
up a child.
We are pleased to announce the
second in the series of artist’s workshops
held here at the Hyde House, by Michael Bell,
this one entitled "PRICING YOUR WORK".
If you are an artist and have pondered this most
difficult question, and we all have, come out on
August 7th at 6:30 and hear what Michael has to
present on this subject. A third generation
Joplin native, Michael is currently the curator
of VISUAL ART ACCESS. Founded in 1987, VAA has
taught career self-management with more than 1500
artists individually nationwide, and hundreds
more in large groups from New York to California.
Mr. Bell worked in art museums for more than 30
years, and is a qualified appraiser of
contemporary and fine arts and crafts. Michael
has been featured at SPIVA FOR THE ARTS in
similar formats. There will be no charge for
Members, a $10.00 charge for non-members. Call
417 358 4404 for more information.
One week remains for the
exhibit of the fine group of rural oil paintings
done by Wisconsin artist Cathy Martin, and if you
have not come by, we are here everyday next week.
Due to artCamp being in session, the gallery is
open daily from 10:00. Daughter Lindsey
Martin’s work is featured in the Member
Gallery, and Lindsey’s work will move in
early August, briefly, to the Atrium Gallery,
where it will remain hanging through the
remainder of August. We thank these women for the
gift of this beautiful show!
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