The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, July 30, 2007 Volume XVI, Number 30
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... School
Supplies will be accepted for the "Tools for
School" distribution program through July
30th at the Salvation Army HQ, 125 E. Fairview.
Did Ya Know?...
Auditions for "Driving Miss Daisy" will
be held at Stone’s Throw Theatre on Monday,
July 30th at 7:00 p.m. Needed are 1 woman over
55, 1 man over 55 and 1 man 35+. The dates for
the show are Oct. 25-27. For more info call Betty
Bell at 417-35/-7268 or e-mail
Did Ya Know?... For
those in need of school supplies, applications
will be accepted for the "Tools for
School" program through Tuesday, July 31.
Applicants must apply at the Salvation Army
Headquarters, 125 E. Fairview between the hours
of 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon, and 1:00 p.m. to 2:30
p.m. The supplies are available for children
grades 1 through 7. Head of household must bring
their photo identification.
My wife and I don’t have a
Why don’t you live with your folks?
We can’t, because they’re still living
with their folks.
How much to carry baggage?
Twenty-five cents the first parcel, then fifteen
cents for each additional parcel.
Okay. I will carry the first parcel, and you take
the others.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Milk Man Returns Coin.
H.A. Lucas, the milk man,
thinks he has a good joke on one of his south end
customers. The customer referred to placed his bottle
outside for the milkman this morning as usual and as he
supposed placed five cents in it to pay for the milk.
When Mr. Lucas came to examine it he found it was a $5
gold piece. He promptly returned it and the customer had
not yet discovered the mistake.
Bicycle Theft.
The Peebles Cycle Co.
believe they had a bicycle stolen. Yesterday morning
about 9 o’clock a young man wearing a grey suit of
clothes rented from them an almost new Carthage Star,
saying he would only be out for an hour’s ride. He
has not returned yet and officers have been notified.
Joe Milnes has taken a
position in the Wells-Wiggins wholesale grocery.
Carthage R-9
School will begin
on Thursday, August 16 for grades kindergarten
through 12 in the Carthage R-9 School District.
students (K-6) who are new to the Carthage R-9
School District should enroll at the school they
will be attending on Wednesday, August 1 or
Thursday, August 2 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Children who are five years of age before August
1 are eligible to enroll for kindergarten.
Students/parents should provide proof of age,
which may be a birth certificate or hospital
record showing date of birth.
Seventh grade
students who have not previously enrolled should
enroll Wednesday, August 1 at 9:00 a.m. Eighth
grade students who have not previously enrolled
should do so Thursday, August 2 from 9:00 a.m. to
noon. Enrollment for new Ninth grade students
will also be held August 2 from 1:00 p.m. till
3:00 p.m.
Seventh grade
students who enrolled in spring should pick up
schedules and locker assignments Wednesday,
August 8 between 9:00 a.m. and 12 noon. Eighth
grade students who enrolled in the spring should
pick up schedules and locker assignments
Thursday, August 9 between 9:00 a.m. and 12 noon.
Ninth grade students who enrolled in spring
should pick up schedules and locker assignments
on Thursday, August 9 between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00
Senior high
students who have not previously enrolled should
select their classes and complete schedules on
August 1 or August 2, from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon
or 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Seniors who
enrolled in spring should pick up their schedules
and locker assignments Wednesday, August 8 from
8:00 a.m. to 12 noon or 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in
the assistant principal’s office. Juniors
should do the same on Thursday, August 9, and
Sophomores on Monday, August 13 at 6:30 p.m.
requested for enrollment in the Carthage R-9
School District includes; student’s birth
certificate, immunization records, proof of
residency, last year’s report card or other
proof of grade placement, present address and
phone number, parent or guardian’s place of
employment and work number, emergency contact
person, doctor’s name and phone number and
student’s social security number. Students
planning to drive to school should register their
licence plate number and may secure a parking
sticker to park in the student lots. Parking
stickers are not required if the student wishes
to park on the street. The stickers cost $1.00.
Fairview, Mark Twain, Pleasant Valley and
Steadley Elementary open house will be held on
August 14 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Junior High
orientation (7th grade) will be held August 14 at
6:45 and open house will be held at 7:15.
Carthage Senior High sophomore orientation will
be held August 13 at 6:30. Open house for grades
10-12 will be held October 25 at 6:00 p.m.
You-Turn Academy open house will be held August
14 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Just Jake
There are a lot of little sayin’s that
prob’ly reflect some of the common
feelin’s about money.One of the most misquoted sayin’s
is that money is the root of all evil. The actual
quote says that the love of money is the
root of all evil. Money in itself ain’t a
bad thing.
Had a friend that said money
didn’t mean a thing to him. He could get
along just fine without it. But he said it was
those folks down at the grocery store and the
people at the gas station, they were the ones
that were so concerned about him havin’
Then there’s the old line
"I’ve been rich and I’ve been
poor. Rich is better." I suppose most of us
will have to take that as a given, not
havin’ been concerned with the full spectrum
of that experience.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oldies & Oddities Mall |
This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta
Fittings Are Solder Alternative
Q: Last weekend, I
had a bit of a plumbing problem. I was changing
out the fill valve on the upstairs toilet and
discovered the former owner had run solid copper
pipe all the way up to the bottom of the toilet
tank, then melted the plastic screw of the fill
valve to fit the connection! And of course,
there’s no shutoff valve to the toilet, so I
had to shut off water to the entire upstairs.
The folks at the
home-improvement store told me how to replace
part of the copper pipe with a flexible
connection, and also sold me a shutoff valve with
a compression fitting that should connect the
copper pipe to the flexible pipe. I cut the
copper pipe off at the measured spot but cannot
get the compression ring to fit, even though it
is supposedly one-half inch, just like the pipe
diameter. Any suggestions? I’m tired of
walking downstairs to shower! -- Confused in
A: You will need
to apply a little more elbow grease, and a little
actual grease, to get the compression ring to
slide onto the pipe.
fittings are really convenient plumbing
accessories that suit the DIYer quite well. Most
often used to connect pipes in locations where
soldering is impractical or unsafe, these
fittings -- either valves or connectors -- use a
compression system to ensure a tight fit. On each
side of the pipes to be connected, a metal ring
is slipped on about one-quarter to one-half inch.
The end of the pipe is inserted into the fitting.
A compression nut (slipped onto the pipe before
the ring) pushes the ring against the edge of the
fitting as it is screwed on, sealing the pipe
The compression
ring is a hair’s breath wider than the pipe
diameter, so any issue with the pipe -- warping,
mineral buildup, etc. -- will prevent it from
sliding on. If the pipe is not bent or damaged,
try polishing the outside using super-fine steel
wool. Put a drop of penetrating oil inside the
compression ring to help it slide on more easily.
Additionally, for
a compression fitting to work, the edge of the
pipe needs to be smooth and free of burrs. The
smooth edge presses inside the compression
fitting, creating an additional seal.
Compression fittings can offer a safe and
convenient alternative to soldered fittings, but
they are not always completely compatible with
older plumbing hardware.
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