Service at Battleground.
A Vespers Memorial
Service will be held on Thursday, July 5 at 6:30
p.m. at the Battle of Carthage State Park, E.
Chestnut Street at the railroad.
The service will
mark the anniversary of the Battle of Carthage,
July 5, 1861 at the beginning of the Civil war
and will honor warriors of both North and South.
Participants are requested to bring lawn chairs
and any memorabilia of the 1860’s. The event
is planned by Marvin and Irene VanGilder in
cooperation with the Missouri Department of
Natural Resources parks department.
Public Services
Committee Meeting.
The City Council
Public Services committee met Monday evening at
Griggs Park in Carthage. The committee heard from
Tom Howard of the Jasper County Youth Fair Board.
During this year’s ice storms a building on
the fairground property collapsed and insurance
money was received. The committee had approved a
motion to allow that money to be used to
construct a new building, which was done. Howard
asked the committee to request from City Council
the reimbursement of the construction costs from
the insurance money.
Kellogg Lake
Nature Center and Preserve Board member Jo Ellis
was also present at the meeting to discuss the
progress of a proposal to install post and cable
fencing at the lake. The proposal was rejected
once by Council and has been returned to the
committee for modifications. Council members upon
rejecting the previous incarnation of the
proposal objected to blocking access to the
grass. The committee discussed the possibility of
adding a gate for access. No action was taken on
the proposal but the committee agreed to continue
discussions at a later date.
The committee also
discussed with Ellis a parking lot at the lake
that has been damaged and considered the costs
for repairing the damage. No action was taken on
this item either.
The committee
approved a bid for an air conditioning unit to be
installed at the Municipal Park Golf Pro Shop.
Six bids were received and the committee approved
a bid from Rouse Sheet Metal in the amount of
$4,800 for the unit. The item will be forwarded
to Council for approval.
Metcalf Auto Supply |
Click & Clack Talk Cars
By Tom & Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom and Ray:
The other night, I came out of
a function that was 99 percent women and 1
percent men (a quilt show, to answer your
question). In the parking lot, two women asked if
I had jumper cables, since their rental Chevy
wouldn’t start. I pulled up my Suburban,
popped the hood, pulled out my jumper cables and
stopped two men to help us. The two men, myself
and the two women stared at the engine of the
rental car and had no idea where to place the
jumper cables. We think it must have been a
hybrid car, but the renter was never told this,
and none of us had ever seen one. All we could do
was tell her to call the rental firm. Question:
Where were the battery terminals, and how do you
tell a hybrid if you’ve never seen one? -
TOM: The way you tell that a
car is a hybrid, Roni, is that the word
"HYBRID" is plastered all over the
vehicle. People who buy hybrids like other people
to know that they bought a hybrid, so they can
smile and feel smug about their decision.
RAY: So, companies that sell
hybrids aren’t shy about plastering them
with labels. I can’t think of a hybrid car
that Chevy makes yet, so I don’t think it
was a hybrid.
TOM: More likely, the rental
car was a Chevy Cobalt. The Cobalt’s battery
happens to be located in its trunk, near the
spare tire.
RAY: In the Cobalt, the remote
terminals are attached to the fuse box, which is
up near the firewall, close to the windshield.
TOM: So that’s the
explanation, I think, Roni. It was dark, you
didn’t know to look for the remote battery
terminals and the guys you stopped to help you
weren’t experts on battery placement either.
I’m just guessing. I mean, I don’t want
to stereotype anybody, but knowing that they just
came out of a quilting show, I’d surprised
if they’re also big readers of Automotive
Battery Digest.
By Greg Zyla
Sponsored by Curry Automotive
Who Is Lewis
Q: What’s the
scoop on this kid Lewis Hamilton, who now leads
the Formula One standings? -- Karen B., New
A: Karen, Lewis
Hamilton was born Jan. 7, 1985, in Stevenage,
Hertfordshire, England. The Brit drives for the
F1 McLaren Mercedes team and is a protégé of
team boss Ron Dennis. Hamilton’s debut year
includes two wins and seven straight podium
finishes in seven races thus far. He currently
sits atop the point standings in front of his
teammate, Fernando Alonso, the defending F1
When Lewis
finished second in Spain this year, he became at
age 22 the youngest driver to ever lead the
drivers’ championship. His first win came in
Canada in just his sixth race, and his second
win, at Indianapolis in his seventh and very next
start. This feat marks the first time in F1
history that a rookie driver won two consecutive
poles and followed with the race victories.
When Lewis was 9
years old and a champion racer in go-karts, he
approached McLaren’s Dennis and told him,
"I’m going to race for you one day. ...
I’m going to race for McLaren."
Dennis signed
Lewis when he was just 11 to a McLaren
development-program contract. Great move, Mr.