The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 Volume XV, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Sign ups
will be held this week for the Carthage Public
Library 2007 summer reading programs "Get A
Clue @ Your Library (ages 1-12) and "You
Never Know @ Your Library" (young adults).
The summer session of Wednesday morning story
times begins on June 13th at 10:00 a.m. in the
new children’s department.
Did Ya Know?... Spare
Cat Rescue will help pay for the spay or neuter
of your cat. Call for details. 417-358-6808.
Did Ya Know?...
Crossroads Chapter No. 41 will meet Tuesday
night, June 19 at 7:00 p.m. in the Legion Rooms
of the Memorial Hall. The sons of Veterans can
now join the auxiliary of the Disabled American
A woman’s three sons go to
Texas to raise cattle, hogs and sheep. After a
while, they write to her and say that all is fine
except that they have been unable to come up with
a name for the ranch.
"NAME IT FOCUS," she telegraphed.
The boys were puzzled and cabled back for an
Why do you keep applauding such
a poor play?
To keep awake.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
They Drew Animals.
A merry crowd of young
people enjoyed an evening with Miss Bertha Aspinal of
Macon street last night. The principal amusement of the
evening was a guessing contest in which Hal Osborn and
Will Oeast won the prizes. The game was for one to draw
an animal and the others to guess what animal it was.
Miss Aspinal’s guests
were; Misses Ethel Hedge, Mattie Osborne, Lena Riddle,
Stella Burrows, Myrtle Tolbert, Gladys Campbell; Messrs
Paul Green, M Johnson, Hal Ostorn, Fred Nesbit, Will
Oeast, Dave Huff, Reg Fulford, Roy Nase of Webb City.
To Spend Summer in
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Lewis ,
of southwest of Jasper, were in town today and Mrs. Lewis
left this afternoon for San Antonio, Texas, where she
will spend the balance of the summer visiting with her
daughter who resides there.
A Brief Budget
The City Council
Budget Ways and Means Committee met Monday
evening in a regular session. The committee
reviewed an amendment to the budget for this
fiscal year. City Administrator Tom Short told
the committee that Municipal Golf Course was
seeking additional funding, to be transferred
from the General fund unreserved balance. Short
said that the preliminary numbers had shown the
need of approximately $10,000, but based on a
"worst case scenario" projection up to
$20,000 was being requested. Short added that the
Golf Course staff was working to keep
expenditures down to help compensate for a low
number of rounds and lagging revenues. The
committee approved the amendment to allow the
transfer of up to $20,000.
The committee also
reviewed several contracts with City agencies and
discussed a change to the contract with the
Chamber of Commerce. Short told the committee
that a proposed revision to the contract would
allow the Chamber of Commerce to install a search
committee in the event of the departure of a
director. The committee approved this change
unanimously. The meeting lasted 15 minutes.

Just Jake
I see there was a recent study that says folks
aren’t gettin’ enough sleep these days.
I suppose such a study would have interested Tom
Edison, who reportedly got through his life
sleepin’ ‘bout four hours a night and a
couple a cat naps durin’ the day. I’ve seen other reports that say no
one can find a physical reason for sleep at all.
The body does need to rest a certain amount of
time ever’day, but sleepin’ is just one
a the mechanisms that allow such rest.
Some research indicates that
sleep is more of a mental rest that allows the
brain to shut down for a while.
‘Course cat’s might
have the right idea. They sleep about ninety
percent of their life. I suppose if all humans
had ta worry about was a portion of MeowMix and a
clean cat box, we’d get a lot more sleep
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
Here's A Tip
By JoAnn Derson
• "Here’s a
simple tip both for saving money and helping out
the environment: We all know that plastic cups
are easy to misplace at a picnic. Invariably, you
set your glass down, only to come back to a table
filled with similar glasses. You can never tell
which is yours. Take a permanent marker and put
it by the cups. Then ask everyone to write his or
her name on the cup before filling. There’s
no mistaking that!" -- A Reader, via e-mail
• Every home should have a
fire extinguisher, and I hope yours does. But do
you know how old it is, or when it was last
serviced? If not, replace it today. Date the
outside of the extinguisher with a permanent pen,
and have it serviced yearly. They last, on
average, 10-12 years.
• "Being a little bit
of a maniac about clutter -- both physical and
visual -- I have settled on a fantastic way to
maintain chore lists for each family member
without having multiple paper lists on the fridge
or counter. I had a photograph of each family
member laminated. They hang in a nice
presentation on a lower kitchen cabinet. On the
backside, with a dry-erase marker, I write that
person’s daily or weekly chores. They have
only to turn their picture around to see their
jobs. I can also attach Post-It reminders for
appointments there. It looks so much
better." -- S.L.R. in Missouri
• "You can use white
vinegar to polish your patent-leather shoes. Just
dampen a cloth with straight vinegar, shine and
wipe with a dry cloth. They look great, and it
really restores that shine!" -- D.L. in
• "To freshen stuffed
animals, wipe any dirty spots clean with a
dampened towel, then put several together inside
a pillowcase. Tie the case shut and add the
pillowcase and a fabric softener sheet to the
dryer. Fluff for 10 minutes on low heat, then
remove. They look and smell great!" -- L.E.
in Ohio
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