The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, June 15, 2007 Volume XV, Number 255
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Sign ups
will be held this week for the Carthage Public
Library 2007 summer reading programs "Get A
Clue @ Your Library (ages 1-12) and "You
Never Know @ Your Library" (young adults).
Did Ya Know?... Spare
Cat Rescue will help pay for the spay or neuter
of your cat. Call for details. 417-358-6808.
Did Ya Know?...
Crossroads Chapter No. 41 will meet Tuesday
night, June 19 at 7:00 p.m. in the Legion Rooms
of the Memorial Hall. The sons of Veterans can
now join the auxiliary of the Disabled American
Did Ya Know?... Kelcey
Schlichting, a local blind 5th grader is a
finalist in the 7th annual National Braille
Challenge to be held in Los Angeles, June 22
& 23. An account has been established at SMB
bank to help raise funds for her transportation
and food on the trip. Donations can be made at
any SMB location.
My boy, there are two things
which are vitally necessary to succeed in
What are they, dad?
Honesty and sagacity.
What’s honesty?
Always - no matter what happens
or how adversely it may affect you - always keep
your word once you have given it.
What’s sagacity?
Never give it.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Lost a Valuable Horse.
G.W. Fosdick is mourning
the loss of a valuable horse-the pet of the family. He
found her this morning with one foot fast in the manger
with evidences that she had made heroic efforts to free
herself. On being released she died in five minutes,
being completely exhausted.
Scalded at the Quarry.
G.W. Bennett, a quarryman
for the Center Creek Stone, Co., was severely scalded
with hot steam while at work in the quarry Monday. He was
working with a portable steam drill and was handling the
rubber steam pipe when the wire wrapping caught in his
shirt and caused the hose to break.
His left shoulder and arm
received the full force of the scalding steam. Bennett
came to town on the electric car and had his injuries
dressed by Dr. Post. He is now recovering nicely.
Powers Museum
19th Anniversary.
The Powers Museum
will celebrate its 19th Anniversary on Saturday,
June 16 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, June
17 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The festivities will
include refreshments, music, special video
presentations and door prizes given on the hour.
Every 19th visitor to the museum will receive a
special souvenir.
The special
Mid-American Art Alliance/Ozarks Plateau
traveling photographic exhibit "Grand Ole
Opry" will be available for viewing through
the 17th. Co-sponsors of the MAAA exhibit include
the Carthage Council on the Arts, Community
Foundation of Southwest Missouri, Community
Foundation of the Ozarks and the National
Endowment for the Arts.
A free special
education program will also be held at the Museum
on June 16th beginning at 1:30 p.m. "High C
Diva" Colleen Malette will present a 45
minute interactive performance for children
featuring national folk music. This presentation
is being sponsored by the Powers Museum, the
Carthage Arts Council and the various sponsors of
the "Grand Ole Opry" exhibit.
More information
may be obtained by calling the Powers Museum at

Just Jake
Monday will be the
official end of the fifteenth year of publication
of the Mornin’ Mail. For those who
don’t want ta figure, we put the first Mail
on the street on June 18, 1992. That comes out to
about 3,600 issues, and near that many Jake
Columns. Looks like even Jake should observe a
day of silence ever’ now and then.
‘Course the whole
operation is entirely dependent on the
cooperation of our readership and our loyal
sponsors. Sponsors put up the cash, and the
readers have to support the sponsors by
walkin’ in the door. Next time you pick up a
Mornin’ Mail, be sure to acknowledge your
appreciation for those who allow the Mail to
occupy valuable counter space. Let those who
advertise know you appreciate their contribution.
Tell ‘em ya saw it in the Mornin’ Mail.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oak Street Health & Herbs |
Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis
The farmers market has made it
easy for all of us who did not get out a garden.
Fresh is best! Thanks to all of you who have
weeded and gathered and taken care of gardens so
those of us who have not been able to can share
in the summer bounty.
Vegetable Wraps
60th Anniversary
• 12 8-inch flour
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 1 diced red bell pepper
• 1 chopped small onion
• 1 cubed small eggplant
• 2 cloves minced garlic
• 1/2 cup Enrico’s
All Natural
Chunky Style Mild Salsa
• sour cream substitue
• fresh sprouts
Preheat oven to 250.o Warm
tortillas in oven while preparing the vegetables
and stir until browned.
Add salsa to taste and then
wrap mixture in tortillas with sour cream and
some fresh sprouts. Enjoy!
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
No one who has seen the
exhibition of art currently being shown here in
Carthage at the Hyde House Galleries can say we
don’t have variety! Ninety pieces of various
media are presented side by side representing
forty artists from three states. There are
sculptures in marble and alabaster, fiber, metal,
and wood, framed photography, oils, acrylics,
watercolors and watermedia on our walls, textiles
and weaving, jewelry and ceramics on pedestals
and platforms. All ages and genders, old members
and new. Something truly for everyone!
Seven artists we are seeing for
the first time. These include Cha’Tullis of
Hominy, Oklahoma and his paintings of horses,
Melody Knowles of Carthage has three very
different entries in ceramic sculpture and mixed
media, Frank Young of Joplin and two oils of city
and harbor scenes, Kathleen Day of Nevada and
three very different entries, one a metal
sculpture, Betsy Cooper of Joplin with intaglio
prints and a watercolor, Janice Kinman of
Carthage with a pencil sketch and a watercolor,
and Kelly Moreland of Joplin and 2 framed
textiles. Welcome to these new artist-members of
artCentral and their work! If you have not yet
had a chance to see this wonderful exhibition we
hope you will do so before it closes at the end
of the day Sunday the 17th of June. Artists may
pick up their work anytime after that day during
regular hours or by appointment. And speaking of
new artists to our area, the paintings for the
next exhibition are already here and we are very
pleased and excited to show for the first time in
Missouri the work of a Wisconsin artist, Cathy
Martin. Her oil paintings are done on masonite
board, reflect rural themes and nature, and are
elegant and realistic pieces that should be most
appealing to all. I invite you to plan to come to
this next showing we have scheduled for July 13-
August 5th here at our gallery, and additionally
see a second exhibit of Cathy’s daughter
Lindsey’s photo-realistic paintings in the
Member Gallery. Both of these shows should be
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