The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, March 13, 2007 Volume XV, Number 188
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Edwin W. Wiggins Post #9 and the Auxiliary Unit
#9 of the American Legion will meet on March 15th
in the Legion Rooms of the Memorial Hall at 7:00
p.m. Daylight Savings Time.
Did Ya Know?... March is
Disaster Preparedness Month. Tuesday, March 13th
at 1:30 p.m. City and Statewide sirens will be
sounded. Back up date if weather is inclement
will be Thursday, March 15.
Did Ya Know?... Class of
2007 Project Graduation is holding a raffle for a
2007 Dodge Charger. Prize to be awarded at the
Big Man on Campus event, April 27. Only 2,500
tickets sold, must be 18 years of age to
purchase. Proceeds benefit Project Graduation.
$20 per ticket. Call 358-8786. Winner will be
responsible for all taxes, title fees, license,
registration and insurance costs.
The secret of success is
honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake those,
you’ve got it made. - Groucho Marx
"I could loan you money,
but loaning money only breaks friendship."
"Well, we never were really good
"There is only one thing
that keeps you from being a barefaced liar."
"What’s that?"
"Your mustache."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Two Suspects Under
The east bound passenger
train on the Frisco, which reaches Carthage at 5:37 a.m.,
was held up and robbed Monday night at Andover, a small
station about ten miles east of Wichita, an account of
which will be found in the dispatches on another page.
The express car alone was robbed, the passengers not
being disturbed. The two men who did the work first rode
into the town and robbed the ticket agent, securing about
$90, all of which with the exception of about three
dollars, was personal property of the agent.
After robbing the agent
they started out to flag the train. The agent had given
the alarm as soon as they had left and a citizen of the
town attempted to give the train crew warning, and was
shot by the robbers.
The posse which
immediately followed the robbers killed one of their
horses and wounded one of the men, who was tracked quite
a distance by a bloody trail. Two suspects are under
arrest at Wichita.
Public Hearing
for Annexation.
The Carthage City
Council will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in
the Council Chambers of City Hall. The agenda
includes a public hearing for an annexation at
Route 71 Alternate and Grand Avenue connection
and Elm Road Extension, the building formerly
occupied by Wolfe Pack Pawn.
This item has
already been approved by the Planning and Zoning
Commission and a resolution for annexation was
approved by Council at the previous meeting. A
public hearing is required by the City prior to
any annexations to allow Carthage citizens the
opportunity to speak for or against the
annexations. Following the public hearing a
Council bill will be drafted and will proceed
through two required readings.
This property has
recently been purchased by Manzer Family Medicine
LLC and will, if annexed, have access to City
sewer and water.
Other items on the
agenda include the second readings of the City
taxi agreement with the Missouri Highways and
Transportation Commission and the agreement with
the same organization for the purchase of a new
vehicle for the City taxi program.

Just Jake
I suppose it’s only natural that the one
that calls "let’s go the best two outa
three" is the loser in a coin toss. The
winner has nothin’ to gain whatsoever. Odds
are the loser is just prolongin’ his agony.‘Course typically little is ever
really gained by a coin toss anyway. Few seem to
be willin’ to decide any major decision by
the toss of chance. Typically this type of wager
would decide who takes a bath first, or who has
to take out the trash.
The old trick of "heads I
win, tails you lose" only works a time or
two even on grand kids.
As a kid I practiced for hours
tryin’ to consistently control the outcome
of a coin toss. The best I could do was about
fifty percent of the time.
Not bad when you consider the
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
To Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
How Long Before
Next Colonoscopy?
I need information on colon polyps, colon cancer
and colonoscopies. I just had my first
colonoscopy. The doctor removed a polyp, and I
have enclosed a copy of the pathology report. The
doctor says I don’t need another for 10
years. My brother just had a colonoscopy, and he
also had a polyp removed. His doctor told him to
have another in three years. Should I have
another sooner? -- R.W.
You’re a first -- someone who would like a
colonoscope exam sooner than the doctor suggests.
Every year in the
United States there are slightly fewer than
150,000 cases of colon cancer diagnosed, and
about 56,000 people die from it. Just about all
colon cancers arise from a polyp. Polyps (nose,
vocal cord or colon) are growths from the surface
of a structure. They’re very tiny at first
and reach grape size in a number of years. Not
all polyps are a prelude to cancer. But all colon
polyps of a certain size have to be examined
microscopically to see if they are the sort that
turns into cancer.
The kind of colon
polyp that turns into cancer is an adenoma. Your
polyp’s microscopic features revealed it to
be a hyperplastic polyp, one that doesn’t
become cancer. Your brother’s polyp was
probably an adenoma. If a colonoscopy shows no
polyps or no precancerous polyps, the usual
interval to a follow-up exam is 10 years. On the
other hand, if a polyp is an adenoma and if
it’s larger than 0.4 inch (1 cm), then a
follow-up exam is most often scheduled for three
years. Three small polyps also require an early
repeat colonoscopic examination.
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