The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, March 16, 2007 Volume XV, Number 191
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Class of
2007 Project Graduation is holding a raffle for a
2007 Dodge Charger. Prize to be awarded at the
Big Man on Campus event, April 27. Only 2,500
tickets sold, must be 18 years of age to
purchase. Proceeds benefit Project Graduation.
$20 per ticket. Call 358-8786. Winner will be
responsible for all taxes, title fees, license,
registration and insurance costs.
Did Ya Know?...
Throughout March the McCune-Brooks Hospital lab
will offer Colorectal Cancer Screening Kits free.
Call 359-2432 for more information.
Customer: I see you advertise
an unlimited variety of sandwiches. Give me an
elephant steak sandwich on rye.
Waiter: I’m sorry, sir. We can’t start
an elephant just for one sandwich.
Instructor: If I tear a piece
of paper into four pieces, what do I get?
Student: Quarters
Instructor: And if I divide it into eight pieces?
Student: And if I divide it into eight thousand
Student: Confetti.
"What do you mean by
arguing with that customer? Don’t you know
our rule? The customer is always right!"
"I know it. But he insisted that he was
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
An Afternoon Party.
Misses Virginia Sayler and
Marguerite Dinsmore delightfully entertained a party of
young lady friends at the home of the latter on West
Third street this afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30. Misses
Julia McElroy and Edith Sayler assisted the hostesses in
serving and receiving. Those present were Misses Fay
Smith, Edith Scott, Alpha Junkin, Elsie McElroy, Myra
Moore, Ada Dexter, Eunice Knepper, Charolette Reed,
Sallie Schooler, Ollie Boland, Nell Hamilton, Julia
Mitchell, Laura Clark, Nell Scott, Marie Wetzel, Edith
Price, Edna Givens, Jean McClurg, Etta Burch and Eunice
Just at present S.W.
Hanford thinks the person who will milk another
man’s cow is about the meanest person on the pike.
Last night his cow was a little late in getting home from
Kellogg’s pasture, and when she finally arrived, had
not a drop of milk for her young calf. The cow is
supposed to have been held up and milked on the way home.
Benefit for
Malaria No More.
Cub Scout Pack 9,
Sponsored by First United Methodist Church in
Carthage, will hold a benefit dinner to raise
funds for bed netting to be distributed to
families in Africa through the Malaria No More
The Italian dinner
is $15.00 per person, $10.00 of that will be
donated to the Malaria No More Organization.
Things will get off to a roaring start March 24th
at 6:00 p.m. at 2000 Grand (Fairview and Grand)
in Carthage. Cub Scout Pack 9 asks that
reservations be made by March 16 which can be
done by forwarding checks made payable to Cub
Scout Pack 9 to 617 S. Main, Carthage, MO 64836
or by contacting Cub Master Mike Selsor at
417-793-0979 or Assistant Cub Master Sharon
Newman at 417-358-0602.
According to a
news release from Cub Scout Pack 9, one child
dies in Africa every 30 seconds from malaria. At
least one million infants and children under five
in sub-Saharan Africa die each year from the
mosquito-borne disease. While this disease is a
great threat, malaria is both preventable and
treatable if addressed properly and quickly. Cub
Scout Pack 9 hopes that Carthage residents will
make reservations to help put an end to Malaria.

Just Jake
Onea the bad things about sunny days is
carryin’ sunglasses in the pocket of a short
sleeve shirt. Ever’
time ya bend over to pick somethin’ up, they
fall out. Then when ya bend over to pick up your
glasses, your pen falls out. After ya finally
locate your pen from where it landed when ya
kicked it across the floor and bend over to pick
it up, your glasses fall out again. It’s
like Lucy and Dezzie in onea their bad movies.
I’ve been shoppin’
for onea those straps ta hook on the ear piece
like my fourth grade teacher Mrs. Evans had. Then
I’d not only secure my sunglasses, but have
a place to hang my pen. If I get onea those
elastic types, I could use it for a sling shot
and really give my pen a ride. Somethin’ I
think I tried in the fourth grade once.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oak Street Health & Herbs |
Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis
Spring has sprung, but
don’t let your guard down to colds and flu.
Many people come down with serious cases of
spring colds and sinus infections. The following
are a few ways to increase your resistance.
1. Drink plenty of liquids.
Fluids support the body by preventing dehydration
of the respiratory tract. Soups, warm beverages
and water are the best choices.
2. Wash your hands frequently
with soap and water. Most people catch a virus by
rubbing their nose, eyes or mouth after touching
something handled by a person who has a cold.
There are convenient antibacterial lotions/soaps
available which require no water. Excellent
choice for those times when you are shopping or
other times when washing is not convenient.
3. Increase your intake of
Vitamins A, C and Zinc.
4. Increase your calcium
intake. You get aches and pains when lack of
calcium in the white blood cells causes calcium
depletion in the bones.
5. Get plenty of rest and
sleep, and defend your health with good food
based supplements, minerals and vitamins.
This article is meant for
informational purposes only and is not intended
as a substitute for medical advice. References
available by request. These statements have not
been evaluated by the FDA.
Art Notes from Hyde House
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
Thanks to the CARTHAGE PRESS
and two great reporters, we had 2 very successful
events again at the Hyde House this past weekend.
Michael Shelton came out and photographed the
work of Mary Lou Reed and Frank Young last
Wednesday, and the Thursday article was very
helpful in getting our visitors interested. The
opening night went very well with a good crowd,
and beautiful flowers galore to make the gallery
smell so much like spring! Then on Saturday we
had seven ladies come who were interested to know
how to replicate Mary Lou’s great style, and
a young reporter for the PRESS came out and
created a wonderful full page layout for the
Sunday paper documenting our adventures in
pastels! It was a busy weekend.
I promised last week to tell
you a bit more about our featured MEMBER GALLERY
artist, Frank Young, of Joplin Missouri. Frank is
originally from Kansas and grew up in the
mid-west. Showing an artistic promise while in
lower school, he was encouraged to further his
education in art, and for formal training, went
on to attend and graduate from the Kansas City
Art Institute. While there, he was schooled in
the old methods; to look for the shapes and not
to paint the objects, to learn color
relationships and values and to paint those. He
gained a strong appreciation for drawing during
this time. He continued in art, and while at the
University of Cincinnati seeking a Masters
Degree, he experimented with various painting
approaches. However, while there he learned some
ways in which he did not want to paint, and
returned to the painting he knew.
Detouring from painting for
pleasure for the next 30 years while working for
the Department of Defense in Washington, he went
into the publications field and worked with
writers, illustrators, and printers. The terrain
in Virginia did not capture his artistic
interest, and upon his retirement, he chose to
return to the mid-west and scenes he remembered.
Choosing Joplin for it’s central location,
he feels he is in a "hub" where travel
is easy and living cheap. He maintains a studio
in his home there, as he as always done. He is
not currently exhibiting in any other galleries,
but is choosing now where he will exhibit his
work. "On snowy or rainy days, I stay in my
studio and utilize sketches that I have made on
location, a reduction lens, mirrors to visually
invert the canvas, and other inside tricks to
achieve a better perspective. I believe that any
scene is beautiful under the right conditions and
if you are willing to see the beauty in it!"
Frank Young and Mary Lou Reed
will remain in our galleries until March 25th.
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