The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, March 23, 2007 Volume XV, Number 196
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Veterans’ Alliance will meet
Tuesday night, March 27th at 7:00 p.m. in the
Legion Rooms of the Memorial Hall to plan the
Annual Memorial Day service. American Legion,
Disabled American Veterans, V.F.W., Chosen Few,
Order of Purple Heart of Vietnam, those who were
in the Middle East, Community Band and Boy Scouts
are requested to attend.
Did Ya Know?... An Eggs
& Issues Candidate’s Forum will be held
Tuesday, March 27th in the McCune-Brooks Hospital
Cafeteria. 7:30 a.m. Breakfast, 8:00 a.m.
program. $5.00 per person. Hear from local School
Board and City Council candidates as they list
goals and objectives. Open to the public.
Reservations required by Friday, March 23, call
358-2373. Sponsored by the Carthage Chamber of
Did Ya Know?...
Throughout March the McCune-Brooks Hospital lab
will offer Colorectal Cancer Screening Kits free.
Call 359-2432 for more information.
"Some woodsman you are.
I’ll bet you wouldn’t know what to do
if you came face to face with a skunk."
"If I meet a skunk, that’s the way I
want to meet him... face to face."
"Who says that all men are
born free?" wailed the young father as he
received the doctor’s bill.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
The Renters Skipped.
Wm. Seela owns a house and
nice little farm east of this City on the Avilla road.
Last fall he rented it to a family from the Territory who
were to pay him the rent in cash in the spring. Today he
drove out to take a look at the farm and found the house
empty. The family had flown and Mr. Seela gets nothing
for the time the family have occupied the place.
C.P. Fullington, a
prominent cattle dealer and capitalist of Wichita,
Kansas, was here yesterday, the guest of Mr. Gashwiler.
Mr. Fullington was well pleased with Carthage, especially
with the Cassil place.
Lyons Goes on Spree.
Will Lyons, a Frisco
switchman of good reputation, got on a spree yesterday
and ran amuck in the station at Springfield, breaking up
things and chasing employees out of the place.
Distribution Day.
News release.
The Carthage
Crisis Center and area church youth groups will
be sponsoring the 3/31 Distribution Day on March
31st at the First Nazarene Church at the corner
of Fairview and Grand Avenue in Carthage Missouri
from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
Good quality
furniture and appliances will be distributed to
needy families and individuals on that day. Items
such as couches, desks, chairs, hideabeds,
mattresses and box springs, dressers, washers,
dryers, microwaves, etc will be available. Some
bread and food will also be distributed. The
quality of the items is not guaranteed and no
returns will be accepted. All interested
individuals should come prepared to transport the
items they have selected in their auto, truck, or
The Director of
the Carthage Crisis Center, Brian P. Bisbee, has
seen the need first hand. According to Bisbee,
"Every week we get calls asking for
furniture and appliances at the Carthage Crisis
Center. There are some families out there who are
lacking the basic essentials, and we feel that we
need to help in a greater way."
The Carthage
Crisis Center has given out over 1,600 units of
furniture and appliances over the last two years.
In a truck borrowed from Steve Beimdiek of
Beimdiek Insurance Agency, Bisbee is often out on
Saturdays with a work crew of three or four
Crisis Center residents picking up furniture that
has been donated. The furniture is then taken to
a storage area at the First United Methodist
annex and is set aside for a needy family. Bisbee
relates, "We have had the opportunity in the
past to help Katrina and Rita hurricane families,
area families, and our residents who are getting
places of their own. In each case the furniture
and appliances have made a significant difference
in somebody’s life."
In late 2005
Bisbee shared with several youth pastors of local
churches that there was a continuing need on the
part of needy families for good quality furniture
and appliances. From those discussions came the
commitment on the part of the youth pastors and
their youth groups to team up with the Crisis
Center staff and residents in the distribution
which took place on 4/1/2006. Bisbee said,
"We had a great day last year, and we have
decided to do it again. In a practical way we
want to show needy families that God loves them
and cares about their needs. We also want to have
a good time working and serving together."
Good quality
furniture and appliances are being accepted. (No
junk items, clothing or household items will be
accepted.) Items may be dropped off at the First
Church of the Nazarene on the 30th of March
between 4 and 8 p.m. Pickup of items can be
arranged by calling Brian or Marilyn Bisbee at
the Carthage Crisis Center at 417-358-3533.
Special Sunday
Powers Presentation.
A special
storytelling program will be held at the Powers
Museum Sunday, March 25 at 2 p.m. Doors open at
1:30 p.m. Diana West will present "Sweet
Victory of Missouri’s Honey Wars."

Just Jake
The problem with bein’ a "nice
guy" is that eventually folks start
taggin’ you as a soft touch and
ever’one starts tappin’ the golden
goose.We as a community
are fortunate to have several "nice
guys" around. Folks that want to see things
get done to improve the quality of life and
understand that there are many ways to "give
back" somethin’ to the community.
The problem some think might be
developin’ is those "good guys"
might start feelin’ that they’re
getting to be taken for granted. Not only that,
but when the community starts
"expectin’" things, we don’t
plant the seeds and cultivate much. We just start
expectin’ the crop to pop up ever’ year
and get upset when we start gettin’ hungry.
Appreciate, but don’t
start expectin’.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’
Oak Street Health and Herbs |
Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis
There is much information out
about folk remedies. Paul Bragg, a well known
health crusader, has focused much of his life
promoting the health benefits of Apple Cider
Vinegar. He compares taking it to the old adage
of "an apple a day keeps the doctor
away." In his book on vinegar he states it
may have the following benefits.
• Helps maintain a
youthful, vibrant body.
• Helps fight germs and
bacteria naturally.
• Helps retard the early
onset of old age in humans and pets.
• Helps keep the blood the
right consistency.
• Helps regulate
menstruation for women.
• Helps digestion and
• Helps relieve sore
throats, laryngitis, throat tickles and clean out
• Helps fight arthritis
and removes toxins and crystals from joints,
tissues, and organs.
• Helps maintain a healthy
He states that an unfiltered
apple cider vinegar with the "mother"
is the most beneficial and that overly processed
vinegars may do more harm than good. Of course,
Mr. Bragg also promotes the need to exercise and
nourish yourself well with good wholesome foods.
Art Notes from
Hyde House
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
Sometimes it seems that I
really need to be about five people! Since the
last show opened at the Hyde House, with two
artists in both galleries, and the workshop we
all enjoyed with Mary Lou Reed, I have been
spending 99.5% of my time there it seems! At this
time of year, we are in an active membership
drive for new members as well as maintaining our
current memberships with renewals, so many
letters have gone out to both. Currently we are
enjoying a membership of about 160, but we can do
better! The only way to provide better shows and
programs is by selling additional memberships.
And then the Board of Directors have voted to
implement a new program to enable local
companies, banks and businesses as well as
benefactors to underwrite one of the remaining
shows this year, and I have sent out several
requests for this consideration.
Then we are preparing for a new
show in April to include 13 pottery/ clay men and
women of the Midwest Clay Artists, and we will
feature a weekend Pottery Fair the weekend of
their opening as well. Planning is underway and
it promises to be an exciting exhibit. The fair
will include booths and displays outside and the
show will be featured in both galleries inside.
In the very near future is the
children’s artCamp, and I am beginning to
plan for that, as the letters of invitation to
the teachers have to go out in April and we are
currently gathering ideas for new classes to be
offered and themes to be explored. I have some
new individuals who have expressed interest in
teaching, and some new students to pursue.
A new newsletter is due to be
written by the end of the month, and both a yoga
class and Women’s Art Day are to be
advertised, in addition to the regular things
planned. A local woman called recently and asked
if we might consider holding Toddler Art Days,
and I asked her for a written proposal to see if
we might consider this. When I get that, we will
discuss it at board meeting. And finally, when we
hold our regular Membership Show in June, we will
be unveiling a special project that has been in
the planning stages for many months, something
that will be offered to the community and
hopefully will be an exciting fund-raising
opportunity for artCentral as well.
Yes, we are busy as bees, and
with the Spring weather announcing itself, we
hope to move out onto the grounds and repair a
broken trellis, plant some new climbing roses and
complete a flower bed with perennials. No grass
will be growing under OUR feet this month, but
maybe some new grass will be growing on the
grounds at the Hyde House!
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