The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 Volume XV, Number 198
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Veterans’ Alliance will meet
Tuesday night, March 27th at 7:00 p.m. in the
Legion Rooms of the Memorial Hall to plan the
Annual Memorial Day service. American Legion,
Disabled American Veterans, V.F.W., Chosen Few,
Order of Purple Heart of Vietnam, those who were
in the Middle East, Community Band and Boy Scouts
are requested to attend.
Did Ya Know?... The
McCune-Brooks Hospital Diabetic Support Group
will meet March 28 at 4 p.m. in the mbh
cafeteria. The topic will be "Food, Glorious
Food." Speakers: Jessica Coates, RD LD and
Debbie Herbst RD LD CDE.
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Lions Club Annual Broom Sale will begin
April 2. Pushbrooms available, will sell to
businesses. Call 358-6175 or 358-2666. Please
leave message if no answer.
"The postmaster gave you a
dirty look when he handed out your mail."
"My friends are such poor writers he
can’t read the cards that come for me."
First girl: "Did you hear
about the new lipstick they just put out?
It’s made out of Bourbon."
Second girl: "Out of bourbon?"
First girl: "Yes, it’s kissproof,
smudgeproof and 100 proof."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Trunks Attached.
The trunks of R.C.
McClellan, who now travels for a Kansas City boot and
shoe house, were attached at the Harrington last night by
Constable Crawford for a claim of $75 in favor of E.
Bennett, who claims that he loaned this amount to
McClellan in 1905 to replace money lost in a poker game.
McClellan replevined the trunks and gave bond for
producing them when the case is tried before Justice
A. H. Goldstein has rented
the building on the north side of the square vacated
sometime ago by Keim & McMillan, and expects to
remove his wholesale and retail clothing and furnishing
stock to his new quarters about the middle of May. By
this change he will secure about 2,500 square feet more
floor space which he has been much in need of. He will
use both floors the upstairs being devoted to the sample
room and wholesale department and the downstairs to the
retail store.
Council Meets
The Carthage City
Council will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in
the Council Chambers of City Hall. There is no
old business on the agenda and only three items
of new business
Those items
include the first reading of an ordinance that
would annex 3071 South Grand Avenue into the
City. Property owner Siam Manzer requested this
The Council will
also hear the first reading of an ordinance
adding a fee for vacation of property. This item
is forwarded with a recommendation for approval
from the Public Works committee. Currently if a
property owner requests the vacation of an alley,
street or easement the item is passed through the
Public Works department and the committee and, if
approved, the vacation is free of charge. If this
item is approved by Council a $50 fee will be
The other item of
new business on the agenda is an ordinance
accepting the final plat of the Blackberry Briar
Subdivision. This item is brought to Council by
the Planning, Zoning and Historic Preservation

Just Jake
More about dish washin’. One time I stayed with my uncle for a
couple a weeks. We were gettin’ ready to
wash up the dishes and he filled up the
washin’ side of the sink. When he got done,
I turned the faucet and started fillin’ up
the other side with hot water, the way I’d
always been shown. He shut off the water and put
a kettle on the stove. After washin’ off the
dishes, he put ‘em in the dryin’ rack
and grabbed the boilin’ kettle.
He poured the boilin’
water over the dishes and I started ta grab one
and start dryin’. Wrong again. He said the
boilin’ water not only sterilized, but also
headed the dishes enough ta dry ‘em in a few
I never figured out if that
really makes sense or not, but it works and I
never liked dryin’ much anyway.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
To Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Baby Can’t
Catch Shingles From Grandpa
My dad had a very bad case of shingles. He’s
getting over them. We plan to visit my parents
this spring. We have an 8-month-old baby whom
they haven’t seen. Is the baby in any danger
of catching shingles from my dad? -- C.B.
ANSWER: The baby
isn’t going to catch shingles from your dad.
No one is. Shingles is the chickenpox virus that
lives on in a person from the first day it
infected that person.
If a person with
shingles is at the stage where the rash has fluid
in it, there is a possibility that others who
never had chickenpox could catch the chickenpox
virus and become ill with chickenpox. That’s
a remote but theoretically conceivable scenario.
Once the shingles rash dries, there is no chance
of transmitting the virus to anyone.
After having triplets, I have a fold of skin that
hangs down from my stomach. It looks awful, and I
know my husband doesn’t like it. I gained
weight during my pregnancy, in addition to the
weight of the triplets. Would losing weight help
shrink the drape of skin that hangs from me? --
ANSWER: No, it
wouldn’t. It could make it more pronounced.
The triplets stretched your skin beyond its
elastic limits, and it cannot spring back to its
normal size.
The only way I
know that the dangling fold of skin can be gotten
rid of is by surgery. Why not discuss this with
the doctor who delivered your children? If he or
she doesn’t do that kind of surgery, he or
she will know a doctor who does.
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