The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, November 12, 2007 Volume XVI, Number 104

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... The City of Carthage Recycling Drop-Off Center and Composting Lot will be closed Tuesday, November 13th due to Veterans’ Day. The Center also currently has free compost and mulch for Carthage citizens.

Did Ya Know?... Carthage City Council will meet Tuesday, November 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. A public hearing will be held during the meeting seeking public input on an ordinance that would legalize the discharge of fireworks within the City limits on New Year’s Eve and the week of July 4th.

Did Ya Know?... The McCune-Brooks Hospital Gift Shop will hold its Christmas Sale on November 16 -17 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. 627 W. Centennial, Carthage.

Did Ya Know?... A Thanksgiving Feast of Thankfulness will be held Thursday, November 22, 2007 from 1 p.m. till 3 p.m. in the First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 7th & Main, Carthage for those who need to be with others but have no place to go. Those who would like to volunteer are asked to call Marilyn Bisbee at 417-358-3533.

today's laugh

Say, I lived in a house for four years before I found out it didn’t have a roof.

How did you find out the house didn’t have a roof?

I happened to be home once and it rained.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Pocketbook Lost and Found.

Mrs. G.C. Kellogg lost her pocketbook containing $42 in the gutter in front of the First National bank this afternoon. Oran Henning picked it up and left word a the bank and stores near by. A half hour later Mrs. Kellogg recovered her property. She was fortunate to recover it, as not everyone would have been as honest in the matter as was Mr. Henning.

Dog Returned.

W.E. Hufft, one of the barbers at Ed Murdock’s shop, is happy over the return of his dog, "Sport." The animal has been missing since Thursday morning, but came home today. It is supposed that someone kept the dog tied up and that he only escaped this morning.

‘Tisn’t safe to be a day without Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil in the house. Never can tell what moment an accident is going to happen.


Today's Feature

YMCA Youth Basketball Program.

Sign-ups for the Fair Acres Family YMCA Youth Basketball and Cheerleading programs will take place through November 26th at the Y located at 2600 Grand Avenue, Carthage.

Basketball is open to all boys and girls ages 4 years through 6th grade. Youth are organized by age or grade groups as follows: Iddy-Biddy, 4-6 year-olds who are not yet in first grade; 1st & 2nd Grades, Co-ed; 3rd & 4th Grades, separate divisions for boys & girls; 5th & 6th Grades, separate divisions for boys & girls.

Cheerleading is open to girls ages 4 years through 6th grade.

Cost to register for YMCA Youth Basketball or Cheerleading is $20 for Y-members and $35 for Non-Members with a $10 late-fee taking effect after November 26th.

Coaches & Parents Clinics will be held in December with games starting January 5 through February 23, 2008. Games take place on Saturdays with practice during the week.

Cari Eck, Program Director of the YMCA, said, "Volunteers are critical to our youth sports program. We encourage parents to get involved as coaches, assistant coaches, timekeepers, scorekeepers, officials and in other capacities that render support to their children. Please let us know of your willingness to help at the time you register your child."

For more information about YMCA Youth Basketball contact Cari Eck or Bob Brower at the Fair Acres Family YMCA at 417-358-2070 or visit the Y’s website at

Just Jake Talkin'
At an auction a while back, I accidentally got in on the biddin’ when I scratched an itch on my nose. I didn’t want the thing and I had ta wait until it sold to scratch again. You know how it is, once you bid, they watch ya real close, keep glancin’ at ya and pointin’ like it’s your duty ta bid again if ya bid once. I was even afraid to twitch my nose.

I finally had ta turn and walk away ta scratch, but the guy followed me, pointin’ like it wasn’t legal to leave after a bid.

When I wanna bid on somethin’, I usually make a deliberate, unnatural motion, so as not to be confused with scratchin’. I always figured scratchin’ my nose was a personal thing anyway, I don’t want anyone lookin’.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Oak Street Health & Herbs

This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta

Winter Heating Saps Moisture From Air

Q: I have a forced-air furnace (gas) that heats the house through an air-duct system, as well as supplemental heat from a small gas heater in each room. Needless to say, the air in the house gets pretty dry in the coldest part of winter, enough that the slightest brush of my nose will set off a nosebleed. And we always have dry throats and dry skin. Is there any way to remedy this dry air? -- Joyce in New Hampshire

A: Forced-air furnaces and gas heaters (that radiate heat into a given space) tend to sap moisture from the air. In midwinter, when the air outside is often crisp, dry and cold, the air inside the house can be very dry.

This kind of air can dry sinus passages -- actually increasing the risk of catching a cold -- and make hands feel like sandpaper. It also can exacerbate breathing problems in those who have respiratory issues. So, preventing or reducing super-dry air inside homes is important. Fortunately, there are a few ways to do this.

• Run a humidifier in sleeping areas overnight to make breathing easier and help occupants get a good night’s sleep.

• If the radiant gas heaters have a flat top surface, place a metal or porcelain bowl filled with water on top of them and allow the heat to convert the water to steam, bringing some moisture into the room.

• Make herbal tea -- boiling the water will release lots of steam into the kitchen, and you can hover over the teacup, breathing in the steam.

• When you’re done taking a bath, leave the water in the tub until it is completely cool. This allows the steam from the hot water to increase the moisture content of the air.

• Drink plenty of water -- it’s good for you and will help your body regulate its temperature and keep sinuses and skin from getting too dry.

Letter to the Editor.
Opinions expressed are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the Mornin’ Mail.

I enjoy a public fireworks display as much as anyone. It is my personal opinion that public displays are the best way to enjoy fireworks. As far as Carthage having a ban on fireworks within the city limits, it seems to be unknown or of little significance in my neighborhood. I am at a corner location, and fireworks are set off in the street on both sides of my corner location every year. As much as I would like to see that change, I don’t expect that it will change.

I am against doing away with the ban as that would open up the entire town to people setting off fireworks. I consider this to be dangerous and annoying. I think city parks should be a place where one can have a picnic and enjoy the day without being harassed by firecrackers.

M. Tilton

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