The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 Volume XVI,
Number 106
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... VFW Post
2590 Men’s Auxiliary will hold a Turkey
Shoot every Saturday & Sunday through
November 18th. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. West of Carthage
at the intersection of 96 & 171 Highways.
Splatter board. Public Invited, Male &
Did Ya Know?... A
Thanksgiving Feast of Thankfulness will be held
Thursday, November 22, 2007 from 1 p.m. till 3
p.m. in the First United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall, 7th & Main, Carthage for
those who need to be with others but have no
place to go. Those who would like to volunteer,
call Marilyn Bisbee at 417-358-3533.
Did Ya Know?... A
Thanksgiving Dance will be held at VFW Post 2590,
Carthage on November 17, 2007 from 8:00 p.m. to
12 midnight. Music by the Highway 66 band. $5.00
at the door.
Did Ya Know?... The
McCune-Brooks Hospital Gift Shop will hold its
Christmas Sale on November 16 -17 from 8 a.m. to
7 p.m. 627 W. Centennial, Carthage.
In that country fish is so
plentiful they use it as a medium of exchange.
They use fish as a medium of exchange? Like
That’s right.
They must have a messy time playing with slot
Why’s this letter all wet?
Postage due, I guess.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Public School Notes.
Citizens who know of any
children in the City who are unable to attend school
because of lack of books or insufficient clothing, are
requested to leave the name and address of such children
at the superintendent’s office. An effort will be
made to supply them with whatever is necessary to enable
them to attend school Several of the generous citizens of
our City have been giving such systematic assistance to
this matter, that we believe it will be possible for
every child to attend school.
Mrs. C.B. Stickney and son
Chauncey went to Pierce City this afternoon to spend a
few days with Mrs. L.E. Martin. Mr. Stickney will join
his wife there Sunday.
Extract of Beef and Wine
taken in milk is the most nutritious and strengthening
tonic. Prepared in any quantity with or without iron. Wm.
H. Deemer, Carthage, Mo.
New Displays at
Powers Museum.
A new exhibit is
on display at Powers Museum following the closing
of the Maple Leaf Festival Quilt Show. The
special display is based on the museum’s
two-year participation in the Library of Congress
Veterans Oral History Project. The first year of
interviewees will be displayed through December
22 at the Museum, as well as others if space
In addition to the
Veteran’s Oral History Project, 150 proof
photographs of World War II soldiers from
Carthage and Camp Crowder are on display. The
photographs were donated to the museum by Mrs.
Wilma Steward and were originally taken by
Steward’s Studio in the early 1940s. This is
the first showing from the gift lot containing
over 1,500 glass plate negatives and proofs.
Approximately one third of the collection has
been processed by the Museum.
The museum is
located at 1617 West Oak Street in Carthage and
is open Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. Admission is free, though donations are
accepted. The museum will be closed November 22
& 23 for Thanksgiving Holiday. For more
information visit the museum website at

Just Jake
Has anyone really come up with a food that tastes
anything like real food once it’s put in a
microwave? Seems like after all these years
they’d come up with somethin’ ta cook
with this wonderful machine that tasted better
than plain home cookin’. I’ve bought those "meal in a
package" deals. Just pop ‘em in the
microwave. Gourmet food some of ‘em say. If
that’s what gourmets eat, I’m glad
I’m not one.
Maybe folks just don’t
take time ta taste anything anymore. All that
matters is how fast it can be yanked out and
carried out to the car. Seems like folks like ta
eat in the car a lot.
I suppose that’s the way
it’s supposed ta be. New fangled gadgets can
only take us so far. Some things just don’t
get any better (or worse) no matter how hard we
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oldies & Oddities |
Here's A Tip
By JoAnn Derson
• An easy way to clean
really dirty blinds is to lay them in the bathtub
to soak in an oxygen cleaner. Use a washcloth to
get the dirt off and hang them over the shower
curtain to drip-dry.
• Dear JoAnn: Whenever I
am baking something and the recipe calls for,
say, 1 cup of honey (or some other sticky
substance), I pour the honey into the measuring
cup but then have a hard time getting all the
honey back out of the cup and into the mixing
bowl. Any suggestions? -- C.E. in Florida
Dear C.E.: A lot of people face
this problem. Rinse the measuring cup with water
right before measuring, or spray with nonstick
cooking spray! -- JoAnn
• To create a
self-watering area for potted plants while
you’re on vacation, set plants in the
bathtub or in a kiddie pool and use a length of
cotton rope to wick water from the bathtub to the
plant’s roots. You can either stick it up
the holes in the bottom of the pot or dig it down
a few inches into the soil. This should get you
by for a week or so.
• "I have two guest
bedrooms that hardly get used until the holidays.
I keep the beds made up, but when I am expecting
guests, I usually will strip the beds to freshen
the sheets and blankets. I toss the sheets into
the dryer with a fabric-softener sheet and hang
the blanket outside in the sunshine for several
hours. It always does the trick, and I don’t
need to wash linens that are already clean!"
-- U.C. in California
• "As soon as
November hits, so does the nonstop social and
scholastic schedule. We make a trip to the
grocery and seriously stock up -- I mean
prepackaged healthy snacks, drinks, quick items
for entertaining (like a cheese ball and special
crackers, or a coffee cake that can be frozen)
and fast dinners. This way, we are already
prepared for a meal in a snap before going off to
a party or function, and the kids have something
to snack on after school." -- F.J. in Nevada
• Here’s a wonderful
tip from V.C. in Kentucky: To save trees, tear
your tissues into thirds. Fold an open tissue in
half, then tear with the grain into thirds.
"Good for small jobs, tearing eyes,
sniffles. Store in the old tissue box. Works for
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