The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, November 30, 2007 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Santa
will be at Show-Me Scrapbooking on Saturday,
December 1, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a
Christmas Open House
Did Ya Know?... The Fair
Acres YMCA recently sent out a winter youth
sports brochure with events, ages, and prices for
the winter sports program. There is incorrect
information on the brochure. The correct
information is as follows; Cheerleading is for
youth 4 years of age through 6th grade. The
member fee is $20 and the non member fee is $35.
Basketball is also for youth 4 years of age
through 6th grade.
Did Ya Know?... An arts
and crafts fair will be held at Evangel Assembly
of God, Friday Nov. 30th from 9am-8pm and Sat.
Dec. 1st from 9am-5pm. Booth space is available.
$30 for both days. Chili and Chicken noodle soup
will be served Friday starting at 5pm. $5 with
dessert and a drink. Call 359-9223 or
417-850-5953 for more info.
What’s that waving up
there on the pole?
The flag, dear.
The flag?
Yes, the flag. Your flag and my flag...
Then, let’s go up and get it.
I wish to marry your daughter.
Can you support a family?
But there are eight of us!
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Gave a Concert at
Miss Emma Johns, Miss
Clara Evans, Ruth Myers and the Schubert quartet of his
City gave a concert at the M.E. Church in Galena, Kansas
last night. The concert was very successful and very
satisfactory to the audience. The church people gave the
concert to raise money for the purchase of an organ for
the church and a neat sum was cleared. The party went
down on the 4 o’clock and returned on the 1:10 this
Fished Near Golden
Ward Terry and son,
Sterling of Carthage, were encamped upon Horse creek,
north of Golden City, last week, fishing, and it is
reported that they had no end of luck. Mr. Terry is one
of the best informed men upon sporting matters in
Missouri. He is conversant with all kinds of fishing,
hunting and trapping. He brought his boat with him,
hauling it overland by a peculiar device made of a pair
of cultivator wheels which trailed in the wake of his
spring wagon.
Parade Coming.
The 35th Annual
Carthage Christmas Parade, sponsored by the
Carthage Technical Center’s SkillsUSA, will
be held this Monday, December 3rd at 7:00 p.m.
The theme for this year’s parade is
"I’ll Be Home for Christmas." Neel
Baucom of Knell Mortuary will serve as the Grand
Marshal of the parade. Baucom was chosen for his
years of dedication and service to the Carthage
The parade will
begin at the corner of Chestnut and Main, proceed
north on Main, circle the Carthage Square, then
proceed south on Grant street to end at Chestnut
and Grant.
Trophies will be
awarded to first place winners in each category
immediately following the parade on the steps of
the First Christian Church. Bands will be divided
into sub-groups based on their size/numbers and
trophies will be awarded accordingly. Trophies
will also be awarded for Mayor’s Choice,
Director’s Choice, Best Interpretation of
Theme, and Best Use of Lights.
SkillsUSA is a
youth organization, made up of high school
students who are enrolled in classes at the
Carthage Technical Center. These classes cover a
wide range of interests such as Electronics,
Health Services, Computer Maintenance, Carpentry,
Drafting, Auto Mechanics, and Precision
Machining. The 2006-2007 school year was very
successful for our chapter. The local
organization consists of 120 members which
participate in several activities throughout the
year. The main community service project is the
Carthage Christmas Parade. Beginning with the
very first Christmas Parade, SkillsUSA has worked
jointly with either the Chamber of Commerce, or
Main Street, Inc. In 2002 SkillsUSA became the
sole sponsor. The SkillsUSA creed states,
"We believe in the dignity of work and the
American way of life."
Library Book
The Friends of the
Carthage Public Library monthly used booksale
will be held on Saturday, December 1st, 2007 at
the Library Annex, 510 S. Garrison Ave. from 8:00
a.m. until 12:00 noon.
Letter to the Editor.
expressed are those of the writer and not
necessarily those of the Mornin’ Mail.
We have received
information concerning a possible scam in
connection with selling advertising on a mobile
vehicle that would be located in shopping malls
around the area, moving from location to
location. The company name is BigAdCo and the
person selling the advertising is a Dwight
Flemming. They, apparently, have sold several
packages in Oklahoma and Kansas without following
through with any actual advertising being
delivered. The contact numbers no longer work and
the phone messages are not being returned. This
same operation may be working in southwest
Missouri as one Carthage Chamber member business
has possibly been scammed recently. If you are
approached for such an advertising package, check
for references, business licenses, get names and
license plate numbers and check with the Carthage
Police Department before issuing a check for the
If you need
additional information call our office at
John W. Bode
Carthage Chamber
of Commerce

Just Jake
I was walkin’ the other day and a car was
waitin’ to pull out of the parkin’ lot.
I aimed to the rear of the car to let the driver
know I was clear and the car went ahead and
pulled out. No sense in a car havin’ ta wait
on my pace. Then, later,
I was drivin’ and a teenager stopped in the
middle of a cross walk and just stood there as if
to dare me to hit him. He and his buddy seemed to
get a big kick outta makin’ the vehicle
Now, I’m not sayin’
that I didn’t have a right to my piece of
sidewalk when I was walkin’, or the kid
didn’t have a right to be safe in the
sidewalk. As a pedestrian the law protects us
against automobiles. It just appears to me that
sometimes folks get to thinkin’ just because
they have a right, they want to flaunt it to the
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Metcalf Auto Supply |
Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis
The holidays are in full swing
with Thanksgiving over and Christmas quickly
approaching. Along with both comes some extra
stress and we know that Chamomile and Valerian,
St. John’s Wort and Kava Kava are readily
available and may help one be less Scrooge-like.
However, there is more to holiday shopping than
stress. What about the exposure to crowds of
people including some who may not be so healthy.
That is where the immune system comes into play.
Your chances of getting a cold or flu may be less
if you have taken some nutrients to give it some
extra steam.
Vitamin C is among the most
common. Recent research choosing a Vitamin with
some bioflavonoids and possibly zinc gluconate
can shorten the duration of a cold. The research
coming out of the University of Texas stated that
the zinc gluconate needed to be dissolved slowly
under the tongue. Makes a difference if you
follow the instructions. Lozenges with both the C
and zinc are available and taste pretty good.
Although the benefits of garlic
have been expounded upon in many magazines,
pamphlets and on the TV, it definitely deserves a
mention. Take it! is all I will add as it will do
you no good just sitting in the cabinet. That
seems to be the most common reason why our herbs
don’t work... they don’t get taken on a
steady basis and for a long enough period of
time. Remember that when taking herbs they are
whole foods and will not, in most cases, act as
quickly as a drug. We have become a "want it
now" society, but I assure perseverance pays
Art Notes from Hyde House
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
The art is in place, the
Christmas décor is hung and food underway! We
are ready for our visitors this Friday night at
the opening of our last show of 2007, and if you
missed it, then don’t despair, as we will be
open during our regular hours (call for those,
358-4404) until December 16th with the beautiful
paintings of Donna Roberts, Joplin. There are
several striking florals, great landscapes, and
some unusual works that incorporate both acrylic
and ink in a unique effect. Most interesting are
a group of seven small 5" X 5" canvases
priced very reasonably--- tiny original acrylic
paintings painted like oils of some beautiful
scenes. These will go quickly, and they would
make darling Christmas gifts! I will tell you now
about the show we are exhibiting upstairs in the
Member Gallery, which is actually art-quilting by
Kelly Moreland of Joplin. In this show called
"FIBER COLLAGE" Kelly displays her
unique style of framing fabric as a painting! She
says, "As a child, one of my grandmothers
taught me to crochet while the other introduced
me to quilting. I have enjoyed the needle arts
ever since! I consider myself an "art
quilter". My work consists of
representational as well as abstract themes.
Using various techniques, I layer fabrics and
threads as well as paint, image transfers, beads
and embellishments to create depth. Art quilting
frees me from the traditional quilting restraints
and allows for much creative expression!"
Come and see the wonderful scenes, florals,
landscapes and even a baseball- pitcher that
Kelly has created in colorful chips of fabric,
then stitched over in colored threads. You will
be amazed! I am pleased to tell you that we look
forward to being open on the day of the Carthage
Historic Preservation Christmas tour,
"UPSTAIRS- DOWNTOWN" on December the
8th and will be serving some holiday refreshments
to tour-goers that day during the tour hours of
ArtCENTRAL will also be
featuring a special display of gifts from the
gallery at the Phelps House during that day,
which will include some framed and unframed
artist prints, cards and notes, jewelry and
cookbooks. Come and see our holiday art show
during the tour day and visit our sales area at
the Phelps House!
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