The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, October 1, 2007 Volume XVI, Number 74

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... A Four Person Scramble Golf Tournament in memory of Dick Mansfield will be held Sunday, Oct. 14 at 12:00 at the Carthage Golf Course. Deadline to register is Friday, Oct. 5 by 5 p.m. Limited to the first 20, $40 per player/non-members, $30 for members, includes golf, dinner and prizes. Proceeds benefit the Grace Episcopal Church Youth Group. Call 417-237-7036 for more information.

Did Ya Know?... VFW Post 2590 Men’s Auxiliary will hold a Turkey Shoot Every Saturday and Sunday through November 18th at the VFW Post home, W. of Carthage, Intersection of 96 & 171 Hwys. 1 p.m. till 5 p.m. Splatter board, Public Invited, Male & Female. Food Concessions available.

today's laugh

Where are the Andes?
I don’t know; if you’d put things where they belong, you’d be able to find them.

Were you born in Texas?
No, I wasn’t.
Well, you look like you were. I can tell. You’ve got Texas teeth.
Texas teeth?
Yeah, you know, wide open spaces.

Did you pass your finals?
You bet!
Were they easy?
Dunno... ask Jim.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Neighborhood News.

Webb City Man Could Spare His Eloping Wife.

Harry Wild of Webb City caught Wm. Stites of Joplin eloping with his wife and when Stites made a motion to pull a gun Wild shot him making a painful but not dangerous wound. The parties then talked the matter over calmly and Wild told Stites he was welcome to his wife but never send her back to him.

Jas. S. Little, postmaster at Mayflower Barry Co., was charged with embezzling a registered package worth $40 and after swearing that he was innocent, took a large dose of laudanum and as that did not act soon enough stabbed himself in the stomach and died shortly thereafter.

Lon Stevenson Very Sick.

Lon Stevenson, the grocer residing near his tore on West Oak street, is dangerously ill with inflammatory rheumatism.


Today's Feature


The Carthage Humane Society Board met last Thursday evening with Assistant Attorney General David Angle in an open meeting in an effort to bring to light some of the issues involved in the suit filed against the Society by the Attorney General’s office in June.

Approximately fifty people filled City Hall Council Chambers for what turned out to be an emotional, but civil exchange of opinions between Mr.. Angle, the Society Board, and the general public.

Opinions from the public sector generally supported Director David Butler and his years of service, efforts to operate the Humane Society shelter, and general character.

Angle outlined what needed to take place to get the Society back on track. He emphasized that the results of an audit due this week are a critical component of the ongoing resolution of the suit.

"Some of the things that are most in need of being addressed," said Angle, "are board independence and board transparency. If those things get addressed and there is an active board that will challenge some of the old guard decisions and will challenge some of the secrecy that may have existed in the past, that will probably resolve everything else that might be at issue. So that’s really what I’m trying to work hardest on.

"To the credit of the Humane Society and the board, they have gotten their tax exempt status back. That was a primary concern of mine. I think I can speak for the office and say it was a primary concern of the office. That has been lost for a very long time. And as a result of that and some other problems, major sources of funding which would only benefit the animals were lost. I think there is progress being made to where those funding sources can be rejuvenated and be returned so the animals can benefit from the funding.

"It is my sincerest hope, that this case is resolved in the immediate future. So this community, this organization, can serve the charitable class that they are supposed to be here serving, and that’s the animals. They can’t be here, they can’t do what needs to be done for themselves."

According to Angle, the Attorney General’s office was also concerned about the lax bookkeeping practices of the board in the past.

Former Society Treasurer Bill Johnson spoke frankly to Angle.

"Either you haven’t seen the information that we have provided you, or you’re just blowin’ smoke at us, because..." said Johnson.

"Let me say I’m not blowing smoke at you," replied Angle. "Do you believe me when I say that? - because you should."

"Well," said Johnson, "I know what I gave to him (attorney Jim Spradling), do I know that it got to you? No. But when you say there were not any profit and loss statements for the last two or three years, everybody on the board knows there was a list of income, and a list of expenses and a net for the month. That was presented at every board meeting for probably the last three or more years since John (Isabel) turned it over to Chuck (Miller, former President).

"There’s been budgets, for the last two years presented to the county in order to get the funds from the county. And the board approved those budgets. You said there were never any budgets."

Angle addressed Board President Kaylene Cole and Treasurer Connie Shull.

"Were there board approved budgets?" he asked.

"I have not seen a budget since I’ve been on the board," said Shull. "And I don’t want this to become an argument of the board up here, but, you know, we have not seen a budget. And I have made that remark at every board meeting that I have not seen a budget."

"I think I’ve got an email that I sent to them", said Johnson. "The auditor for the county told me we needed to get a request in by a certain date. I went in ...I sent the email, I don’t remember, I think it went to Connie to go to the board, and I said I’ve got this ready, here’s what I did. Do I go ahead and give it to him so we get the $7,000 in funds, or not. My understanding was the answer was yes. Do you recall that Connie?"

"I recall that," replied Shull. "I did not see a budget. Kaylene (Cole) and I both questioned how you got a budget to present to the county that none of us had ever seen."

"I don’t know what to tell you," said Johnson. "I think I have the profit and loss statements at home. Part of it may be that it was left up to me to come up with some of these things. And sometimes when I would take them to the board, I couldn’t get them to approve some of the things. Even with payroll and things like that. So it wasn’t an argumentative thing, I think we did the best we could with what we had.

"I don’t think anyone did anything to profiteer from this. And I don’t think anyone has stolen anything. I think I had my fingers on the money well enough to know that that wasn’t happening. In any realm that I had any control over, let me put it like that."

The Board went into closed session with Mr. Angle after the one and one half hour open meeting.

Just Jake Talkin'
For some reason we humans seem ta function better with some sort of routine. Even those of us that say bein’ routine is the last thing we want to be called.

In Vegas they call ‘em grinders. Those folks that keep pluggin’ along, workin’ for the long term law of averages to work in their favor. That’s opposed to the "high rollers" who play to make or break on ever’ roll. Granted the high rollers seem ta get a lot more excited ‘bout what they’re doin’, but the problem is when any one particular bet can send ‘em to their room ta watch "Wheel of Fortune" for the rest of their vacation.

Although most of us like ta dream ‘bout hittin’ the "big one," usually it’s the grinders that keep eatin’ and survive to risk again. The trick is to be aware enough to distinguish between a routine and a rut.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Oldies & Oddities

This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta

Don’t Wait Till Spring to Fix Torn Screens

Q: What’s the best way to fix a few small (less than 1 inch) holes in a window screen? Should I patch them or replace them? I want to fix them up before I store them away for the winter. -- Tim G., Knoxville, Tenn.

A: Repairing screens when taking them down for the winter is an excellent idea, as they will be ready to pop into place next spring without additional work.

Really small punctures can be quickly dealt with by pushing the wire strands around the puncture back into place (an awl or similar small pointed tool will help) and dabbing the lined-up strands with clear nail polish or shellac.

A small rip can be sewn up, either with strong thread or a similar-sized wire; a few coats of clear polish will secure the repair.

Larger holes (wider than a half-inch) can be patched by trimming the edges into a smooth square and cutting a piece of matching screen just slightly larger. Apply clear silicone caulking around the edges of the patch and fit it to the hole, matching the mesh as much as possible. Wipe away excess caulk and allow the patch to dry for a couple of days.

If a screen has numerous punctures and holes, replacing it may take less time (and a lot less shellac). Screening kits are available at home-improvement stores for less than $20 and include replacement screen, a roll of spline and a screen roller (don’t pass this up, as it’s necessary to get the spline placed properly). Ideally, work with a partner, as the screen needs to be held taut while pressing the spline into the channels. Cut away the excess screen with a utility knife.

HOME TIP: Mark storm windows and screens in inconspicuous spots so that they always match properly with the window on which they fit. Color-code with a dot of polish, or place staples in a configuration of your own design.

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