The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 Volume XVI,
Number 81
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Carthage Veterans’ Alliance will meet
October 11th in the Legion Rooms of the Memorial
Hall at 7:00 p.m. to plan the annual
Veterans’ Day Program. All of the
organizations and the members of the Community
Band are invited to attend.
Did Ya Know?... Boy
Scouts of America Eagle Project. There will be a
coat drive from October 3-17 to collect coats for
the Carthage Crisis Center and Souls Harbor in
Joplin. Coats of all sizes are needed ranging
from infants to adults. There is a drop off box
at Walmart in the game room. If you need more
information, please contact Andy Petersen at
Did Ya Know?.. Pleasant
Valley PTO is hosting the 2nd Annual Chili Feed
and first ever Chili Cook-Off October 13th from
5-7 p.m. All you can eat dinner includes hot
dogs, frito pie, drink and dessert for $6.00
(adults), $3.00 (kids) and kids under 3 eat free.
To-go orders just $3.00. Cook-off
pre-registration deadline Oct 13, $4.00. Forms
can be picked up at Pleasant Valley Elementary or
YMCA bulletin board. Judges: Allan Mattthews from
KODE and Food Columnist Cheryle Finley. For more
info call 359-5126.
A grouch is a man who spreads
good cheer wherever he doesn’t go.
If you’re looking forward
to a dull evening - you’ve reached middle
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Pension Money Thief
Clayton Watson, the
Oronogo man who stole Mrs. Ellen Jump’s pension
money a few days ago, was landed in the county jail
yesterday afternoon. He was arrested by Constable J.L.
Sudduth, of Mineral township, at Elk City, Kas. Sudduth
had followed him all the way out there and had a lively
time catching him. Watson had about $37. He caught a ride
to Carthage, hired a livery team here and had Tom Moore
drive him to Jasper, and then boarded the train for
Lamar. From there he took the Gulf west and kept dodging
the constable, who was close on his trail. When arrested
he had only 35 cents left. Sudduth secured from him an
itemized account of his expenditures of the money by
which the whereabouts of almost every cent of it are
Doc Niehardt is nursing a
sore hand as the result of a slip while sawing some brush
for Dr. W.W. Watkins.
Budget Meeting.
The Carthage City
Council Budget Ways and Means committee met
Monday evening in a regular session. The agenda
was light, with only one item for consideration.
City Administrator Tom Short was not present at
the meeting and City Clerk Lynn Campbell
discussed with the Committee an appropriation of
funds for repairs to the Kellogg Lake fountain.
Campbell said that
funding has been donated over the years
specifically for the Kellogg Lake Park fountain.
This money goes to the City Civic Enhancement
fund where it stays unappropriated until the
fountain needs repairs. At that point the funds
for the repair are appropriated. Currently the
fountain needs repair, and the committee
discussed a motion to appropriate $1,000 for that
repair. It has been estimated that the repair
work will cost $275. The committee discussed
appropriating only the amount required for this
repair, but agreed that if further repairs are
needed this fiscal year it would be a sound idea
to have additional funds ready.
A motion to
recommend the $1,000 appropriation was
unanimously approved by the committee.

Just Jake
These pre-fabricated playhouses you can buy for
the kids seem a little unusual to me. In the rural setting of my childhood,
the only thing that concerned us when building a
playhouse was havin’ enough nails to hold
the thing together. We didn’t care if it was
painted, or even if it was structurally sound. We
simply gathered all the scrap lumber available
and built until we ran out. Usually there
wasn’t any roof type materials and it
didn’t matter much, ‘cause then the
structure would just become a "fort."
Guys never had
"playhouses" anyway. Anything
resemblin’ a structure would be a
"clubhouse" or a "hideout,"
even though there were no members and
ever’one knew our location.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Mornin' Mail |
Here's A Tip
By JoAnn Derson
• If you need to work with
finishing nails, you might have the same problem
I do: They are terrible to keep in place when
first putting them in. I solved it by using a
small but strong magnet in the shape of a thin
rectangle. I can put the nail on the end of the
magnet, tap it in place and then detach the
magnet to drive the nail in all the way. This has
saved me HOURS of aggravation and sore fingers
through the years. -- C.A. in Florida
• Here’s a timesaver:
Schedule repeat visits before you leave. This
applies to doctors, dentists, hair stylists,
veterinarians, etc.
• "I keep a pair of
scissors and a lint roller in (almost) every
room. I always seem to need them, and I never
have to go far to get one." -- G.K. in
• "To make my morning
oatmeal more interesting, I keep a supply of
add-ins handy. Raisins, various nuts and
different spices let me mix it up while still
getting the healthy benefits of oatmeal." --
H.L. in New Mexico
• "I don’t have
a dishwasher. It really used to annoy me to wash
dishes, but now I just put on my hands-free
headset that hooks up to my phone, and I wash
dishes while chatting with my friends and family.
It makes time go so quickly that I clean house
while talking on the phone, too!" -- M.W. in
• "I keep my
checkbook and receipts in a small fabric
zipper-top envelope I found at the store. I also
keep a calculator and pen in the envelope, so I
have everything I need to balance the checkbook
at the drop of a hat (since I do it mostly online
anyway)." -- P.R. in Virginia
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