The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, October 29, 2007 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The City
of Carthage invites all interested citizens to
attend the Second Community Workshop to provide
input which will help determine the direction of
future growth for the City on Tuesday, October
30th at 7:00 p.m. in the Carthage Memorial Hall,
407 S. Garrison Ave. For additional info call
Did Ya Know?... The
McCune-Brooks Blood Pressure clinic is open
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. at 2040 S. Garrison in the Katheryn Collier
Wellness Center. Call 359-2432 or 358-0670 M-W-F.
Say, what’s the matter
with that dog of yours? Every time I take a drink
he growls.
Oh, he won’t bother you.
Then what’s he growling about?
He’s probably a little sore because
you’re drinking out of his cup.
I went to the dog races last
night and I bet on a dog called Wise Guy.
How did you make out?
He lost. He went all right up to the middle of
the race, then he stopped, turned right back to
where he started from.
What happened to him?
He found out the rabbit he was chasing was a
I’ve been out of work so
long I forget what it is I do for a living.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Was Jawed Too Much.
J.W. Rawlins of Diamond,
last night received a letter from his wife, who drove to
Carthage on Monday afternoon with Dr. Oakwood’s team
and went west on that night’s Frisco train. The
letter bore no date but was mailed in Stanton, Kan. It
informed the husband that she could not live with him any
longer, for the reason that he "jawed" her too
much. She had left him, she said, for all time and
instructed him to take the two little boys and live with
his mother and father. The epistle was very brief and
wound up with the assurance that she was as happy as she
could be.
Rawlins has gone to Neosho
to see the prosecuting attorney of Newton county to have
proceedings begun against Dr. Oakwood, whom Rawlins
blames for the loss of his wife. As the offense was
committed, if was committed at all, in Newton County, it
was necessary to go to Neosho to make proper proceedings.
Verizon to
Refund Erroneous Taxes.
The Mornin’
Mail’s efforts to get an erroneous 1%
tax charged to Verizon cell phone bills removed
has produced results. Verizon is removing the
Peachtree Community District Tax from all
Carthage Verizon bills until the company can
determine what locations should be charged the
tax. Only addresses within the Peachtree
development should be charged.
According to
Cherryl Bini-Armbrecht of Verizon, the company is
also in the process of refunding any erroneous
tax collected from Carthage residents.
Verizon also says
it will not recoup money paid to the City of
Carthage as part of a statewide settlement for
uncollected Business License Surcharge tax. As
part of the settlement however, the company is
required to collect the 5% Local Business License
tax for the City on all Carthage located cell
Other cell phone
companies are still involved in a statewide law
suit concerning the Business License tax. Verizon
opted out of the suit and settled on its own.

Just Jake
Onea the Council members got a couple calls
before the meetin’ on Tuesday from people
against openin’ up the City to fireworks.
One of the callers said he didn’t think the
call would matter much ‘cause the Council
did what it wanted anyway.I’m here to tell ya, those calls do
matter. What matters even more is the calls ya
don’t make. Most Council members take not
hearin’ anything as an indication that you
approve of what they are doin’. A no call is
a vote for the measure.
What most folks don’t
understand is that one call to a Council member
can make a difference. And ten or twenty calls is
almost unheard of. If you don’t know who
your Council representative is, call City Hall.
While you’re at it, call ‘em all.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oldies & Oddities |
This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta
Q: Every year, it
seems, the local kids pick out a house or two in
the neighborhood to "paper," throw eggs
at, or do other sorts of vandalism. It’s
that time again and like every year, I worry that
my house is on the target list. Should it happen,
will things like eggs and shaving cream stain the
exterior of the house? What’s the best way
to clean them off? -- Karen S., Madison, Wis.
A: First, let me
get my civic duty out of the way and say this:
Kids, don’t go around vandalizing property
-- though it seems like a minor offense, the
consequences for both you and your targets can be
quite serious.
Fortunately, the
damage done by eggs and shaving cream can be
washed away with a hose or soap and water.
Don’t let these things sit around on the
siding though; sunlight can bake proteins into
the paint, leaving a stain that’s difficult
to remove. So, check the house first thing in the
morning and wash off any debris right away.
There are a few
ways to discourage vandals from picking your
house, without having to stay up all night
worrying. Well-lighted front and back entryways
-- not necessarily blinding spotlights, but light
enough to read large print by -- signal that
someone is home. A well-kept yard -- grass mowed,
leaves raked and hedges and tree branches cut
back -- prevents would-be egg throwers from
hiding out of sight.
Inviting a couple
of friends over and playing music just loud
enough to be heard on the lawn, and keeping the
downstairs lights on also help.
Halloween vandals will choose the best targets of
opportunity -- unlighted houses and dark yards
where few people will see them -- to play their
pranks. The better the chance that they’ll
be caught, the less likely they are to strike.
HOME TIP: Drill a
few holes into the top step of a stepladder --
you can place small tools and screwdrivers into
them and have them handy while working on the
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