The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, September 10, 2007 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
McCune- Brooks Blood Pressure Clinic is open
M-W-F from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Clinic located at
2040 S. Garrison in the MBH wellness Center. Call
358-0670 M-W-F. BP logbook available.
Did Ya Know?... The seventh
annual Festival of Friends, a multicultural
celebration, will be held Saturday, September
15th from 3 to 7 p.m. in Central Park
Did Ya Know?... A C.A.N.
D.O. Senior Center Fundraiser breakfast will be
held Saturday, September 22nd from 7 to 10 a.m..
All you can eat, Adults $4, Kids 12 and under,
$3.00. 404 E. 3rd Street, call in advance for
carryouts, 358-4741. Proceeds benefit the C.A.N.
D.O. Senior Center
I’m a steady worker.
Yeah, and if you were any steadier, you’d be
Friend: Which of your works of
fiction do you consider the best?
Author: My last income tax return.
He’s achieved a gread deal
of success as a ghost writer.
How do you mean?
Well, he’s able to hire another ghost writer
to write his ghost writing for him.
Balderdash - A rapidly receding
A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our
last Issue.
For "Making"
Nine Dollars.
James Massula was tried
before U.S. Commissioner Perkins today on the charge of
raising a one dollar bill to ten dollars. U.S. Attorney
John R. Walker was here from Kansas City to conduct the
prosecution and T.B. Haughawout defended Massula. He was
bound over for trial and released on bond.
A Victim of Appetite.
The West Plains Gazette
says that John Lane, the singing evangelist who created
quite a stir in this City last year, got on a big spree
at Seymour a short time ago and was unable to fill his
appointments. For years he was a habitual drunkard, but
having been converted he tried with all his power to
fight the appetite, but has been overcome occasionally.
He most sincerely regrets his conduct at Seymour and now
proposes to take the Keely cure and use every effort in
trying to reclaim the unfortunate past.
Revisions to
Post & Cable Proposal.
The City Council
Public Services committee met late last week, the
meeting having been rescheduled due to Labor Day
and a number of additional meetings early in the
week for the City comprehensive plan. The
committee met in Central Park as part of an
ongoing parks and recreation system evaluation.
Kellogg Lake
Nature Center and Preserve board member Jo Ellis
was present to speak to the committee about a
proposal to add post and cable fences at parts of
Kellogg Lake. If the proposal is approved the
post and cable fencing would be placed to allow
the option of blocking driving access down to
Spring River in cases of high water or rainy
conditions. Ellis has told the committee
previously that when the entrance to the river
gets wet vehicles leave large ruts trying to get
back out. This item has been brought before
Council before, as an earlier rendition that
would have blocked the entrance more permanently.
Some Council members opposed the fencing, saying
that the option should be available for citizens
to drive or walk down to the water. This first
presentation of the proposal was rejected.
Revisions included
the addition of gates that can be closed and
locked but would be left open in fair weather.
The committee
discussed the revisions and felt that the
proposal in its current form would be acceptable
to Council. A motion was made to present it at
the next Council meeting, with a recommendation
to approve.
The committee
reviewed the benefits of Central park and also
discussed areas that could use improvement. Parks
Director Alan Bull showed the committee a large
oak tree which was struck by lightning. Bull said
that after the lightning struck a tree specialist
from the Missouri Conservation visited to look at
the damage. The specialist told Bull to watch the
tree because it could get worse or it could
recover. Bull said that lately a large branch
fell off and the tree looks like it is getting
worse. It is now considered a hazard and will
need to be cut down.

Just Jake
As I’ve been talkin’ to folks the last
several years, I hear all kinds a stories
‘bout why this or that is the way it is. One
of the things I’ve heard that’s got me
thinkin’ was that we have an
"imperfect" system. I don’t suppose anyone figures our
system of government is perfect, just the best
anyone’s come up with so far. But it got me
wonderin’ if I could think of anything that
was perfect. The best example I could come up
with would be nature.
A rabbit seein’ a coyote
comin’ over the hill might have a different
perspective. He might not think his situation is
perfect. But the coyote prob’ly thinks
it’s a pretty good setup. The point
bein’, if you look at any particular
situation, from where you sit things could always
be better, but it doesn’t necessarily mean
the system isn’t workin’.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oldies & Oddities Mall |
This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta
Cleaner Works
Miracles on Hard-Water Buildup
Q: I read your
column on cleaning hard water spots off windows
and wanted to put in my 2 cents. I use a product
called Lemi Shine, which is actually made to work
in your dishwasher to clean hard-water buildup.
It’s available at retailers like Wal-Mart.
This stuff works great.
I used it on
church windows at an old church that has a water
well, which as you know, can have water with a
high mineral content. I mixed some of this
product up in a squirt bottle, sprayed down the
windows and let it sit for about 30 minutes, then
came back and rinsed it off. It took two
applications, but it took off 40 years of
hard-water buildup on those windows! Hope this
helps -- Cheryl H., via e-mail
A: Many thanks,
Cheryl! I had heard somewhere that dishwashing
detergent could help clean off hard-water spots,
but I’ve never tried it. Lemi Shine,
however, is not a detergent, but an automatic
dishwasher cleaner that removes mineral buildup
due to repeated washes with hard water (water
with a high mineral content). A check of the
company’s Web site (
reveals several additional uses, including
cleaning hard-water stains from shower doors and
removing buildup from fixtures.
This product and
similar cleaners can often be used in a diluted
form on glass, porcelain and chromed hardware.
Just be sure to test the product in a small area
of the item you are cleaning, to make sure
chemicals in the cleaning product don’t
stain or react with the material (especially when
cleaning metal fixtures or door frames).
Hard-water cleaners developed for dishwashers may
be used to clean buildup from other fixtures and
appliances; always check the manufacturer’s
directions on the product label or the
manufacturer’s Web site.
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