The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, September 13, 2007 Volume XVI,
Number 62
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... Carthage
City Council will meet this evening, September
13th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City
Did Ya Know?... VFW Post
2590 of Carthage invites everyone to get their
kicks to the music of the Hwy. 66 Band on Sat.,
Sept. 15, 2007 from 8:00 to 12 p.m. The event
free and open to the public.
Did Ya Know?... A C.A.N.
D.O. Senior Center Fundraiser breakfast will be
held Saturday, September 22nd from 7 to 10 a.m..
All you can eat, Adults $4, Kids 12 and under,
$3.00. 404 E. 3rd Street, call in advance for
carryouts, 358-4741. Proceeds benefit the C.A.N.
D.O. Senior Center
Did Ya Know?... Chief
Sarcoxie Days will be held on the Sarcoxie,
Missouri square, Thursday, September 13 through
Saturday, September 15. The event is free.
Waiter, the portions seem to
have gotten a lot smaller lately.
Just an optical illusion, sir. Now that the
restaurant has been enlarged, they just look
Student: What part of the body
is the fray?
Teacher: What part of the body is the fray? What
are you talking about?
Student: Well, right here in this history book it
says - the general was shot in the thick of the
A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our
last Issue.
The Perry Recital.
Edward Baxter Perry, the
noted blind pianist, will appear at the Christian church
next Tuesday evening. The Paris journal of April says:
"Edward Baxter Perry of Boston, gave a concert
yesterday, which was the occasion of a new triumph for
this eminent pianist. An old pupil of Liszt and Clara
Schumann, Mr. Perry, who has given thirteen hundred
concerts in the past ten years in America, is a
remarkable virtuoso, interpreting with an equal authority
the works of Beethoven, Liszt and Chopin. We had all but
forgotten to say that Mr. Perry blind; but all those who
applauded his execution so precise, and his cleanness of
attack, probably like ourselves, in listening to the
virtuoso, quite forgot his infirmity."
The Misses Annie Burch and
Jessie Litteral of Carterville were visitors in Carthage
Festival of
The Carthage
Multicultural Committee, Carthage Caring
Communities and The Alliance present the 7th
annual Festival of Friends at Carthage Central
Park on September 15, 2007 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Over 1, 000 people
have attended the festival in previous years to
enjoy the variety of cultural displays,
entertainment and ethnic foods offered. Visitors
can spend the evening in Carthage with their
families and visit Germany, Egypt, Columbia,
Japan, the Cherokee nation and a variety of other
The event will be
hosted by Brian Hamman & Lauren Hieger from
KODE Action 12 News and will feature such acts as
Middle Eastern Belly Dancers, Lamuel Sheppard and
Kufara. Opening ceremonies start at 3 p.m. with a
flag ceremony from the Boy Scouts followed by a
Native American prayer ceremony. Participants can
register for door prizes throughout the evening.

Just Jake
Usin’ the internet mostly ever’ day,
the main problem I’ve encountered is the
vast amount of information that’s available.
Too much. It’s like walkin’ into a
football field sized library with ever’ book
ever published and a pot full a manuscripts that
never made it to the printer. I still haven’t even got the door
open all the way, so I don’t know what
all’s in there, but it’s a pretty safe
guess that it’s more than I’d ever
wanna know.
The good part, theoretically,
is that if I ever need to know somethin’ in
particular, it’s supposed ta be there.
‘Course, if it isn’t there, that
doesn’t do a lot a good.
The internet makes it an easy
task to ramble around in the perpetual aisles of
information and end up where you want to be. The
only question is where that actually is.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Metcalf Auto Supply |
Click & Clack Talk Cars
By Tom and Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom and Ray:
I have a 2003 Jeep Liberty that
groans so badly when I use the brakes, it causes
people walking down the street to stop and stare.
The noise seems to get louder when the weather is
cold or damp. Living in Montana, we have plenty
of cold days. I have had the local dealership
check the brakes and have been told it is due to
the high metallic content in the brake pads. I
have been told to spray water directly into the
brake-disk area when washing my vehicle to remove
any dirt or debris that may be adding to the
problem. It’s not like I’m using it
off-road, so I’m not sure there’s
really enough dirt to amount to anything. Brake
performance doesn’t appear to be affected.
I’ve been grinning and bearing it for two
years now. Is it really something I have to put
up with? - Karen
RAY: Ah, yes. With Liberty and
groaning for all.
TOM: I’m surprised your
dealer didn’t sell you the special Jeep ear
muffs for this, Karen.
RAY: Actually your dealer
should have known about this. This is a common
problem with Jeep Liberties, and Cherokees, too.
Such a problem, in fact, that Jeep finally
devised a solution for it.
TOM: The solution involves
changing out something called the caliper
slippers - which are like the ruby slippers from
"The Wizard of Oz," except they’re
nothing like that. The caliper slippers just
allow your mechanics to attache something called
anti-rattle straps. And those straps keep the
brake pads from moving too much, which is what
causes the groan.
RAY: So go back to your dealer
and ask him to look up Technical Service Bulletin
"05-004-06 REV.A." If he looks
surprised by the specificity of your request,
tell him you read about it in Brake Groaning
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