The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, September 28, 2007 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... VFW Post
2590 Men’s Auxiliary will hold a Turkey
Shoot Every Saturday and Sunday through November
18th at the VFW Post home, W. of Carthage,
Intersection of 96 & 171 Hwys. 1 p.m. till 5
p.m. Splatter board, Public Invited, Male &
Female. Food Concessions Available.
Did Ya Know?... The
McCune-Brooks diabetes Support Group will meet
Wednesday, Sept. 26 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the
McCune-Brooks Hospital Dining Room. The topic is
"Pre Diabetes: Prevent and Protect
Teacher: What are your favorite
Small child: Stop and Go!
You know a lot about boating,
Yes, I do.
What would you do if a sudden storm sprang up on
the starboard.
Throw out an anchor.
What would you do if another storm sprang up aft.
Throw out another anchor.
And if another terrific storm sprang up forward,
what would you do?
Throw out another anchor.
Hold on. Where are you getting all your anchors
From the same place you’re getting your
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Dr. Skillman’s
Dr. C.G. Skillman’s
lecture on "Success" was well attended at the
Baptist church last night, and was reported a good one by
all who heard it. W.C. Thomas and his entire force of
clerks turned out in a body and occupied two pews in the
Mr. Skillman’s
lecture was intended for old men and young men alike, but
was especially applicable to young men by setting forth
the proper foundation for a successful life.
"Success," he said, "is doing our level
best according to our abilities and opportunities.
Attaining one’s aim is not always success, for it
may be at the sacrifice of every manly virtue." He
quoted opinions of many successful men and showed that
success lies largely in worthy aims diligently striven
"Wealth is much
striven for," he said, "but should be only by
right methods and for proper purposes." The doctor
spoke for an hour and held the attention of everyone.
Parade Entry
News release
The 41st Annual
Maple Leaf Parade, sponsored by Southwest
Missouri Bank and Leggett & Platt and hosted
by the Carthage Chamber of Commerce, is scheduled
to begin at 9AM on Saturday, October 20 on the
Historic Carthage Square. The event, which is one
of the highlights of the 8-day Maple Leaf
Festival, brings over 50,000 visitors to the
local community.
The two-mile
parade route will begin on the Historic Carthage
Square and continue south through town on
Grant/Grand Avenue before turning east on
Centennial and ending at the Carthage Junior High
School. Businesses, organizations and individuals
who are interested in registering an entry in the
parade have until Monday, October 1 to turn in
their forms. Commercial vehicles will be required
to pay a $50 fee to line-up in the parade, while
Political entries will be required to pay a $25
fee. Floats and non-profit organizations NOT
promoting a business or political candidate are
free. Parade forms are available at the Chamber
office and both Southwest Missouri Bank
This year’s
parade will feature a two special entries
including Willie Arthur Smith’s Marching
Cobras from Kansas City and a repeat appearance
by the Budweiser Clydesdales.
COBRAS, Kansas City, Missouri’s premier
performing unit, are nationally and
internationally known for their exciting, dynamic
and colorful routines. The group is made up of
approximately 150 young people and is lead by the
Legendary Willie Arthur Smith.
With feet the size
of dinner plates (their horseshoes measure more
than 20 inches from end to end and weigh five
pounds each), one Budweiser Clydesdale horse can
weight from 1,800-2,300 pounds. Nicknamed
"gentle giants", it is the breed’s
graceful movements combined with their lovely
temperament that awe audiences.
For more festival
information or to inquire about an event
application, contact the Chamber at 358-2373.

Just Jake
I get the feelin’ that some people start
givin’ up on summer too soon. I think some
like ta see the snow flyin’ and are
tryin’ to hurry things up a bit by just
actin’ like summer’s over. I personally like ta see those folks
that are still out water skiin’ in the
middle of November. Now those folks are the ones
that are tryin’ to change things by sheer
will power. It’s like the people you see on
tv, the people that can make things happen just
by thinkin’ real hard.
Now, I never have understood
those that take a dip on new year’s day in
icy water. I suppose they are the real example of
never givin’ up on summer. I was always
taught to accept the things I couldn’t
change. I figure by January 1 most hopes of a
late heat wave are pretty well over.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oak Street Health & Herbs |
Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis
There are four bee products
which are used; honey, propolis, royal jelly and
pollen. Honey is the most commonly used product.
Honey and lemon juice is an old remedy for sore
throats and cough. Honey, horehound, and wild
cherry bark are a delicious combination used to
treat colds and coughs. Locally harvested honey
is said to be a treatment for allergies. In
several medical journals the benefits of the
antibiotic properties of honey have been
expounded upon. In India the usage of honey
soaked gauze for treatment of burns revealed that
healing time was reduced by approximately 50% and
the scar tissue was significantly reduced.
Propolis is referred to as the
"caulking compound" of the bees’
hive. It is very complex chemically, but has been
most widely researched for its anti-viral and
anti-bacterial properties. Japanese and Chinese
research have noted that Streptococcus mutans and
several other strep species responded as well to
propolis as to common antibiotics. Propolis has
also been the subject of much research and has
proven itself effective in many types of upper
respiratory infections.
Royal jelly is fed to the queen
bee. Japanese researchers discovered it has
powerful antibacterial proteins and is also very
rich in amino acids. It has been said that royal
jelly appears to have anti-tumor properties.
Please remember, though, if you
have a severe allergy to bee stings, it is not
advisable to use bee products
Art Notes from Hyde House
By Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral
I had a call recently, that I
have not yet answered. I have been away for a
time and have only been home long enough to pick
up the mail and the few phone messages at the
gallery. This person was doing an article on art
in Carthage and asked if I knew if there was any
organized group of artists prior to the grouping
of the people who began the Midwest Gathering of
the Artists sale and show some 30 years ago. I do
not have that knowledge, as I have only lived in
Carthage 24 years and my point of reference
begins then. I do understand that Katherine Hyde,
the owner and benefactor of our location, Hyde
House, was an amateur artist, an oil painter in
fact. She painted mostly in winter at tropical
locations away from Carthage, but I know that she
won an award in 1975 for a painting we have
hanging in the Library. I will have to read more
closely the article about that prize and see if
it was by chance a Spiva connected award. Our
larger sister- art organization in Joplin, Spiva
Center for the Arts, is celebrating its 60th
anniversary this year, and so certainly artists
were around then to be a part of that great
organization, how many were from Carthage I would
like to find out. It would be interesting to hear
what the public knows about the Carthage artists,
and when they actually began, so if you have
information on this subject please call or write
to me and I will pass it along. My friend who
made the call has no doubt by now received an
answer or has chosen to put off his article. In
any case, I too would be interested in knowing
what our heritage contains in this area, prior to
Lowell’s return and Bob and Sam’s
arrivals. Any ideas?
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