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laugh Angus-"So Woodson is making a study of wild life. What does his son do? Sandy-"He collects bats." Angus-"You don't mean it!" Sandy-"Sure, he's the Cleveland ball team mascot."
Beyer-"Have you still got those stocks you had on the curb in 1929?" Seller-"Naw, they fell in the gutter."
Reed-"What have you got to blow about after getting only the fifth prize in the contest?" Horn-"A toy whistle!"
Boss (to office boy, who is half an hour late)-"You should have been in here at eight o'clock." Office-Boy-"Why? What happened?"
And then there's the one about the nearsighted snake who eloped with a rope. 1898 AN EXPENSIVE FIGHT. One of the Finest Plate Glass Windows in the City Smashed.
A quarrel arose in the Peerless saloon on the north side of the square today about 3 o'clock between John Milless, a painter, and Will Guerney. Milless slapped his adversary in the face and drawing a putty knife from his pocket threatened to shoot him. Guerney ran out the back way and procuring a big stone hurled it through the window narrowly missing Milless' head. Milless ran after him through the rear of the saloon, around the block and up on Main street to the square gathering an arm full of "dornics" as he ran. At the northwest corner of the square he threw two of the stones and one went through the big window in front of R.H. Rose's store. Officer Drake appeared on the scene at this juncture and collared both of the belligerents. He started to the calaboose and had not gone far when he met Constable Koontz who took charge of Milless. Milless struck the constable in the face and again began to act very ugly, but was finally lugged off and is now languishing in confinement. The plate glass window broken was one of the largest and finest in the city. John Lee "Kidnapped." The newspaper is in receipt of a letter from John Lee, written from the jail at Columbus, Kansas, in which he refers with great satisfaction to the pardon of his brother, Charlie Lee, from the penitentiary, notice of which recently appeared in the paper. Concerning himself he adds:" On the night of the 8th inst., I was forcibly and violently kidnapped from Joplin and brought into Kansas to answer to the charge of stealing a broken pistol out of the Galena Times office. I am under a $500 bond, which I cannot fill. My kidnappers had no requisition papers. I received personal injuries while struggling with my kidnappers. If anyone doubts my statement let him investigate the matter for himself and verify its truthfulness.
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