The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, January 28, 2008 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... 4th
Annual TRIVIA Night, Friday Feb 29th, doors open
at 5:30 p.m. at Memorial Hall Auditorium. $100
per team, food & snacks incl., cash &
prizes to be awarded. For more info call Carthage
Chamber, ask for Amber at 358-2373
Did Ya Know?... Curbside
cleanup of fallen branches will continue through
February 1. Limbs will be collected only from the
City right-of-way, directly behind the curb line.
No collections will be made from private
property. Citizens wishing to have limbs removed
are encouraged to move debris to the
right-of-way. For more information call the
Public Works Department at 237-7010.
"Gee, you’re a swell
dancer. Did you take dancing lessons?"
"No, but I took wrestling lessons."
"Would you call for help
if I tried to kiss you?"
"Do you need help?"
Mr. Peters-"At last
we’re out of debt."
Mrs. Peters-"Oh, thank goodness! Now I can
get credit again."
"My wife has the worst
memory I ever heard of."
"Forgets everything, eh?"
"No; remembers everything."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Secure your tickets to the
Modern Woodmen play at the Grand opera house, before
Tuesday morning; otherwise you may have some difficulty
in securing a good seat as the reserved seats will be on
sale at the Wells drug store at 8:00 Tuesday morning.
Collecting Day.
Saturday will be regular
collecting day for the Press carrier boys. Please be
prepared for them.
Frightened Horse.
Running like mad down the
street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other
accidents, are every day occurrences. It behooves
everybody to have a reliable salve handy and there’s
none as good as Bucklen’s Arnic & salve. Burns,
cuts, sores, eczema and piles, disappear quickly under
its soothing effect. 25 cents, at Post-Evans Drug store.
New Guidelines
Will Impact CVB.
Convention and Visitor Bureau Director Kate
Massey recently told the City Council of some
upcoming changes in the Missouri Department of
Tourism’s guidelines that will impact the
way Carthage is advertised.
The Convention and
Visitor Bureau currently receives funding from
the Department of Tourism for the purpose of
advertising Carthage as a travel destination. The
funding is received as a 50/50 matching grant,
the CVB and the Department of Tourism each paying
half. Upcoming changes in the guidelines for
receiving the grant will not allow the CVB to
advertise Carthage specifically. Instead,
Carthage, Joplin and other area Convention and
Visitor bureaus will have to market the entire
area, known as the Destination Marketing
Organization (DMO). By the new guidelines, only
one DMO is allowed per county. These changes are
to begin in Missouri’s fiscal year 2009,
which begins July first of this year.
Massey told
Council that the CVB has written letters to
Missouri legislators in an attempt to let them
know how these changes will impact Carthage.
Massey said that though the CVB is not opposed to
the idea of promoting the DMO as a whole, she is
concerned that Carthage will lose some of its
identity due to the changes.
The CVB has
participated in the grant program for six years,
and has used the funding to pay for the printing
of the Carthage Visitors Guides, the new website,
billboards and print advertisements in national
publications. This fiscal year the bureau was
approved for $75,750, of which the Missouri
Division of Tourism paid $37,875. With the
guideline changes, the Division is offering an
increased pool for various grants in the program.
In fiscal year 2008 approximately $150,000 was
available. In Fiscal year 2009, when the changes
have taken effect roughly $210,000 will be
Shortly after its
inception, the Carthage CVB along with the Joplin
Convention and Visitor Bureau, helped to form the
Southwest Missouri Tourism Alliance which helps
promote regional attractions and smaller cities
without the necessary resources to establish
their own Convention and Visitor bureaus.
Would Remove
Age Limit.
The Carthage City
Council last week heard the first reading of an
ordinance that would remove the 65-year age limit
for active Police officers. Finance and Personnel
committee chair Diane Sharits noted that the
Department has some officers reaching that age
who are still active and healthy. The section was
replaced as follows; "No member of the
police department shall serve as an officer until
he has reached his twenty-first birthday. No
person shall serve in the police department
unless he or she possess and maintains a
telephone and resides within a fifteen (15) mile
radius of the intersection of 4th Street and
Garrison Avenue in the city." Sharits also
noted that the wording of the proposed section
had been cleaned up from the original wording.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin’
I heard ‘bout this gal
that won a cookin’ contest. She said the
secret to her roast was cuttin’ a little off
each end ‘fore she put it ta cook. Said she
didn’t know ‘xactly why it worked but
her mother had always done it that way and
that’s how she learned.
A snoopy reporter decided ta
find out why this would make it taste any better.
He went to the mother to uncover the secret. She
told him that she never prepared a roast without
first cuttin’ a little off each end. Her
mother had always done that and it had always
produced the finest roast in the country.
Finally the reporter went to
the grandma. When asked why this made the roast
taste better, the grandma replied: "I
don’t know ‘bout it tastin’
better. Ma did it ‘cause we didn’t have
a pan big enough to fit a full roast in."
Sometimes it takes someone
lookin’ a things a little different ta find
out what’s really goin’ on.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Oldies & Oddities Mall |
This Is A Hammer
By Samantha Mazzotta
Pilot Lights
Q: I live down
south and don’t have to use my gas
room-heater much. To save money, I turn off the
pilot light in the warm months. But it’s
really difficult to relight the pilot. Any
suggestions on making it easier? Should I clean
the pilot light components? -- Larry T.,
Tallahassee, Fla.
A: The components
that make a pilot light function are efficient
and need very little maintenance, but they should
be checked before every heating season. Turn off
the gas supply to the unit and (after the pilot
light has cooled) inspect the jet and
thermocouple. To get a closer look you can
unscrew the bracket that holds the components in
place, being careful not to bend or damage the
pilot gas line or the thermocouple line, and
disconnect the pilot jet and thermocouple from
the lines.
If the pilot jet
looks dirty, clean it with a special pilot jet
brush, being careful not to scratch the inside of
the jet. Don’t try to widen the jet’s
opening, either. A badly corroded pilot jet
should be replaced.
Reattach the
components to the supply line and bracket, and
then reattach the bracket to the furnace.
Now, you say the
pilot is difficult to light. More recent pilots
can be lighted with the push of a button, but
much older ones still need another flame to light
them. I have an area heater dating from the 1950s
in one room, and this is how I make it easier to
light each winter. I heat up the thermocouple
before attempting to light the pilot. Hold a
lighted match or long-ended lighter to the
thermocouple (the long metal stick next to the
pilot jet) for about 20-30 seconds. Then, light
the pilot as usual.
healthy pilot light should have a steady flame
with a yellow tip, and should cover the top of
the thermocouple next to it.
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