The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, January 31, 2008 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The 8th
Annual Bowling Round Up to benefit Magic Moments
Riding Therapy will be held at Bowl East in
Joplin on February 9, 2008. We are looking for
bowlers to participate. You could win a brand new
Nintendo WII. Get together a group of 5 or 6 and
call us at (417)325-4490 for all the details.
Did Ya Know?...
Stone’s Throw Dinner Theatre, Carthage, Mo.
will be hosting a special Valentine’s Day
Event on Thursday, Feb. 14th at the Theatre. In
addition to the play DIAL M FOR MURDER there will
be a very special menu and Roses and Candy for
the ladies. The price is $25.00 per person.
Seating is limited. For reservations call the
theatre at 417-358-9665 or 417-358-7268 or email
Did Ya Know?... Carthage
Lions Club Pancake Feed - Ground Hog Party!
Benefit for EYE TISSUE BANK & Local Benefits
Saturday, February 2, 2008, 6:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
at Memorial Hall, 407 S Garrison, Complete Meal
It’s a sad fact, but
pessimists have more experience than optimists.
The trouble with opportunity is
that it looks bigger coming than going.
It costs more nowadays to amuse
a kid than it used to cost to educate his father.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Relaying a Walk.
The Bank of Carthage is
today tearing up part of the brick wall on West Third
street alongside of their bank building preparatory to
having relaid, as it had become uneven. Lew Mallory is
doing the work.
On Sunday evening a young
man was seen in town with two heads on his shoulders.
Both were well developed heads with rather handsome
features, one crowned with blonde hair, the other with
black. The young man is not a museum freak as might be
supposed. The other property was the head of his
sweetheart, and probably would not have been seen in such
a deformed position had it not been for the young
lady’s neglect to pull down the blinds.
Cabbage Plants.
Now ready at Mix’s
seed store. Other things too, East Third Street.
Separate Study
for Historic Preservation.
The City of
Carthage Comprehensive plan, which is being
conducted by Planning Works of Kansas City, may
contain a supplemental study specifically
outlining a plan for Carthage’s historic
preservation. City Administrator Tom Short
recently commented on a phone conference between
Planning Works, members of City Staff, and
members of a Historic Preservation subcommittee.
Short said that
the group discussed Carthage’s historic
district, enhancements and changes that could be
made. Following the conference, Planning Works
expressed an interest in separating the Historic
preservation from the main Comprehensive plan,
due to the broadness of the topic.
If the topic is
separated, City Council would have the
opportunity to approve each study independently.
No time frame has been given for how long the
supplemental study would take. Planning Works
intends to hold another meeting with the steering
committee within the next few weeks.
Reported Scam
News release
The Missouri
Department of Revenue today announced that some
Missouri taxpayers are reporting what appears to
be a telephone scam. The "callers" are
falsely identifying themselves as being with the
"Revenue Department" so they can obtain
sensitive financial information from taxpayers.
The callers are
asking for customers’ "routing
number," and claim they are processing the
previous years refund owed to the customer. The
Missouri Department of Revenue would never call
individual taxpayers requesting personal bank
account routing numbers or credit card numbers to
process an income tax refund. This information
should only be provided if a Missourian initiates
the contact with the Department.
need to be cautious if asked to give out their
personal financial information over the phone by
someone claiming to be from the Department of
Revenue," Gov. Blunt said. "I have
urged the Department to continue doing all it can
to inform Missourians about this scam to protect
taxpayers from fraud and identity theft."
"We are
concerned that scam artists purporting to be from
the Department of Revenue could threaten the
security of taxpayers’ information,"
said Omar Davis, Director of Revenue. "These
types of scam calls happen around this time of
the year, and we want Missourians to be cautious
before giving out any financial information over
the phone in a call they did not initiate."
The Department has
contacted law enforcement in the states where
these calls originated to seek their assistance.
If customers receive these types of calls, they
should not divulge any personal information to
the caller. Inquiries from consumers should be
directed to or (800)
392-8222. An additional web site is

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin’
You’d think it’d
drive folks a little bonkers havin’ sixty
degree weather one day and temperatures in the
near zero area the next. I suppose those who
haven’t been in this part of the country for
long still have trouble adjustin’ to
keepin’ a good parka in the closet next to
the Bermuda shorts.
What I wanna know for sure is,
who came up with the sayin’, if ya
don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes,
it’ll change."
I suppose there was a time when
I thought it applied to only the area I lived in,
but I’ve heard so many folks from all around
that think their granddad was the only one who
ever said it.
I figure this part of the
country is near perfect for a little taste of all
the seasons. Sides, winter’s near over
anyway. Few more weeks and it’ll be inta
tornado season.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
Metcalf Auto Supply |
Click & Clack Talk Cars
By Tom and Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom & Ray:
I own a 2001 Jaguar Silverstone
XKR. When I use the windshield washers, the smell
is a cross between very bad breath and cow
manure. I’ve emptied the tank several times
and flushed it with Clorox, but it still puts out
such an odor that if I’m at a stoplight and
use the washers, the guy behind me passes me and
gives me a look like I ate a gallon of beans and
couldn’t make it to the toilet. My mechanic
told me to take it to a gastro doctor. What to
do, short of replacing the whole system at a very
expensive cost? -Max
TOM: Max, we have no idea.
RAY: But we’re printing
your letter because this is the second complaint
like yours we’ve heard recently. We heard
the same complaint on our radio show a few weeks
ago, and then yours came in. So we’re
starting to wonder if something is going on.
TOM: Maybe Taco Bell has gotten
into the windshield-washer-fluid racket?
RAY: We’re aware of some
windshield cleaners that have a fairly strong,
and not entirely pleasant, odor for some people.
But we’re not aware of anything that smells
like, you described it, Max.
TOM: My only guess is that some
particular brand or type of fluid is dripping
onto the hot exhaust manifold, and when it
vaporizes, it produces an unpleasant smell. But
most windshield-washer solutions are just water
and alcohol, and a little bit of soap.
RAY: So if anyone has had this
problem and solved it, drop us a note on our Web
site ( and let us know. If we can
get to the bottom of this mystery, we’ll
report back.
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