The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, October 7, 1998 Volume VII, Number 79
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .During the Maple Leaf Festival the
Over-Sixty Center, 404 E. 3rd, will hold a Ham & Bean
dinner from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 17. The
dinner will be $3 per person, and will include dessert.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Faith
Lutheran Church, 2134 S. Grand, will hold their annual
fall rummage sale 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 8, and
7:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9.
The father was reading the
school-report which had just been handed to him by his
hopeful son. His brow was wrathful as he read:
"English, poor; French, weak;
mathematics, fair"; and he gave a glance of disgust
at the quaking lad.
"Well, dad," said the
son,"it's not as good as it might be, but have you
seen that?" And he pointed to the next line, which
read: "Health, excellent."
A teacher called for sentences using
the word "beans."
"My father grows beans," said
the bright boy of the class.
"My mother cooks beans," said
another pupil.
Then a third popped up:"We are all
human beans."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Fred Huber to Travel
Fred Huber received a telegram last
night from the American Tobacco Co., at Kansas City
offering him a position as traveling salesman. He will
leave tomorrow morning to accept the position, and
expects to have headquarters at Salina, Kan. If his
territory is north of that point he will not return to
Carthage till Christmas.
Mr. Huber has been employed at Walter
Harrington's news and cigar stand in the Harrington hotel
for several years and will doubtless make a successful
salesman for his chosen line.
Z.M. Lindley was in from Avilla
yesterday and today. He has just about recovered from the
effects of the injuries received from a broken trolley
wire which struck him in the temple while he was aboard
an electric car some weeks ago.
Today's Feature CW&EP Centennial Celebration.
This morning's Carthage Chamber
of Commerce Good News Carthage gathering
will act as the kick off for CW&EP's
celebration of a century of service to Carthage.
Business and community leaders will get a first
hand look at the electrical generation plant this
morning at the breakfast sponsored by the
publicly-owned utility.
The citizens of Carthage
established the authority for the electric
portion of the utility with the approval of a
$25,000 bond issue to purchase two steam driven
90 kilowatt dynamos on November 23, 1898. A
separate Board of Public Works was established in
1907 and CW&EP became responsible for the
water supply for the community. In 1924 the
utility also took over the operation of the
wastewater disposal plant. The Carthage Fire
Department was under the supervision of CW&EP
between 1942 and 1991.
Other activities are planned
for the Centennial observance and will be
announced at a later date. A display of
photographs and memorabilia can be seen at the
CW&EP office on the square. A booklet with a
short history will soon be available.
Just Jake
It's time ta get out those
walkin' shoes.
The annual Maple Leaf Walk
is this Sunday and will officially start
Maple Leaf Week festivities. The activities
are sponsored by McCune Brooks Hospital and
the $8 entry fee includes a complimentary
T-shirt. If ya wait till the day of the event
to register, it's gonna cost ya an extra two
bucks, so sign up now at the Chamber office,
Poor Richards, or Sirloin Stockade.
They will have a "sag
wagon" followin' the walkers over the
four mile course in case ya don't feel like
makin' the whole trip. And there will be a
two mile rest stop for a little break.
The walk starts at 2 p.m.
on the square and will end around 3:30 at
Central Park for refreshments and an award
ceremony for various "fun"
Ever'one is encourage to
walk at their own pace.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin'.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing Services
Weekly Column
Intro to the Internet.
There are a lot of great
reasons to use the Internet. Heres a couple
of reasons why most people spend time on-line.
* Electronic Mail- Ask anyone
who uses it and theyll tell you life
wouldnt be the same without it . Electronic
Mail ( or E/Mail) is a great way of communicating
on the Internet. Not only can you send and
receive letters but you can also attach documents
( files, ect.) to your messages.
* Research - The Internet holds
an enormous amount of information from all
corners of the earth. You can access on-line
Encyclopedias, Libraries, Ect. to gain
information on almost any topic you might be
looking for. Once you find that information, you
can print it (as well as any pictures you might
see) or save it to a disk.
* Business - Look up telephone
numbers in an interactive phone book, access
competitor sites, track UPS of Fedex packages,
plan a business trip, or simply order a pizza
on-line. The list of things that could help you
at work is endless!
* Advertising - for a small fee
you can put your own company on-line! Advertise
your product where up to 50 million people could
have access to it.
* Internet communications -
Create a secure (employee only) Internet site
where you could store data and information useful
to your employees.
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All rights reserved.