The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, March 3, 1999 Volume VII, Number 182

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .The March Lunch meeting of the Carhtage Council of Social Agencies will be noon at the Fix-Coffee Shop (southeast corner of the Carthage square) Wednesday, March 3, 1999.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Community Band will hold their Spring concert at 2:30 Sunday, March 7 at the High School Auditorium and 2:30 Sunday, March 14 at the Webb City H.S. Auditorium and 7:30 Monday, March 15 in the Columbus, Kan. H.S. Auditorium. No admission.

today's laugh

Every time I come over to see you that cat is sitting in exactly the same place.

Yeah, he's a hole cat.

A hole cat?

Yeah, my brother burned a hole in the carpet and he's trained the cat to sleep over the hole.

A king touched my grandfather on the head with a sword and made him a duke.

That's nothing. Once an Indian hit my uncle over the head with a tomahawk and made him an angel.

My father says fencing is a great art.

I'll say it is! My father built half the fences in this town.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.


John Deere Operated Upon Yesterday.

The half-witted man, John Deere, of Springfield, who was found half-frozen on the Frisco track two miles west of Carthage during the cold snap some time ago, suffered the amputation of both feet at the county farm yesterday afternoon.

County physician F.W. Flower, assisted by Dr. L.I. Matthews, Dr. L.E. Whitney and Dr. E.J. Burch, performed the operation. The man's feet were in an awful condition and his sufferings since he was frozen must have been terrible.

Everything possible was done to save the limbs but mortification set in and the only hope was to amputate both feet about four inches above the ankles.

One of his feet was swollen three times its normal size and the other was ulcerated until it looked as though ready to drop off.

  Today's Feature

Possible Park Improvements.

Bath House Renovations Considered.

Parks Department Head Alan Bull told Public Services Committee members Monday night that an individual affiliated with a foundation is interested in renovating the bath house and pool filtration system at Central Park.

According to Bull the individual has already contacted plumbers and contractors to begin putting together a cost estimate for the foundation. The renovation would include new plumbing and a new interior for the bath house. Work on the filtration system and water lines to the pool would also make the area safer, eliminating a couple of pits covered with metal plates which house valves and pipes.

Bull said there was a good possibility that if the project is approved by the foundation it could be finished in time for pool season this year. Other improvements being considered for the long term include new fencing around the area and concrete work on the deck.




Just Jake Talkin'

With the little rain, those wild onions oughta go crazy. I've been wonderin' why all grass doesn't use the survival tactic developed by the wild onion.

I call it wild onion 'cause that's what I've always heard it called and it definitely smells like the real thing. I've never tried fryin' up a mess or choppin' up the tops for chives.

I suppose there are some grass eatin' animals that like a little spice in their diet ever now and then, but I can't imagine a steady diet of the stuff. Maybe that's why ya see that one lonely cow standin' off by themselves ever now and then.

The worst part is this cravin' I get, ever' time I mow the stuff down, for liver and onions. I'm not much for usin' a lot a chemicals on the lawn, but I am interested in hearin' of anything that might eliminate these little clumps.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin'.



Carthage Printing Services

Weekly Column

Intro to the Internet.

Where do all these service come from?

Service like Web pages, FTP sites, News groups, E-Mail, Ect., are all individual function of these computer we call servers (or hosts). Some servers don’t have many features at all, while other servers have all kinds of services available.

Luckily for you and me, the servers know who they are, and they know where the other computers are as well. When you make a request for a Web page, the servers work together to help you find the server where that Web page exists. If one computer is down between you and the server you’re asking for, the other computers will help to find a path for your request to travel on. Once the path is finally resolved, the connection is made, and you see your Web page. The same is true in regards to most of the requests over the Internet.

In Review

The Internet is a huge collection of computers world wide. They are connected to each other by a method that guarantees access (provided that computer is operational and connected to the network). There are servers (also referred to as "hosts") that provide services of all types. No one person or group owns the Internet, yet there are many committees and organizations that supervise its development evolution.



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