Today's Feature Chautauqua Brings Insight to History.
The upcoming Chautauqua event
will feature a look at the past that few alive
have experienced first hand.
Chautauqua began as a religious
training program for Sunday School teachers in
western New York, at a place called Lake
Chautauqua in the latter part of the 1800s.
Within a few years, however, the summer
Chautauqua had evolved to include education and
entertainment, offering speeches from famous
orators and popular entertainment to the crowds
that assembled at Lake Chautauqua.
With its growing popularity,
the Chautauqua became a traveling event,
delivering intellectual stimulation, music, and
social interaction to some 400 smaller
communities across the country by the year 1900.
An inexpensive way to meet neighbors and hear
news, the Chautauqua also brought farmers and
other Midwesterners face to face with some of the
great lecturers of the time, including Teddy
Roosevelt and William Jennings Bryan. Beneath a
dusty canvas tent, Americans heard the political
and philosophical ideas which would shape the
nation in the coming years.
Review Team.
news release
The 1999 Citizen Review Team of
the Carthage Area United Way just completed their
review of all sixteen United Way agencies.
This team functions as part of
the annual allocation process of the United Way.
Each agency submits a budget listing services
they provide and request for 2000 funding. The
Board of Directors of Carthage Area United Way
reviews each budget. A member of the Citizen
Review Team visits each agency checking on
program and budget needs for the coming year. The
Citizen Review members come to the allocation
meeting with the agency and make a recommendation
to the United Way Board.
The Citizen Review Team members
are; Ron Graber, The Carthage Press; Terri
Osborne, Cyclo Index; Ed Grundy, Southwest
Missouri Bank; Shelly Jones, Precious Moments;
Dalonna Chavez, Southwest Missouri Cable, TV,
Inc.; Janet LaFon, Jasper Co. Extension Office;
Christi Hare, NationsBank; Cheryle Finley,
NationsBank; John Cuaderes, Leggett & Platt,
Inc.; Dave McCoy, retired; and Cathleen Garrison,
Leggett & Platt, Inc.
These local citizens serve an
important part of the review process of each
agency. Their input is an integral part of
setting allocations and the goal prior to the
Fall Campaign.
Martin "Bubs" Hohulin
State Representative District 126
As I write this
column, there are 4 hours left in this
years Session and as you read this, it is
now in the books. Overall, it has been one of the
most, if not the most, quiet Session I have ever
been involved in. That is not all bad. Many times
we have had Sessions that produced legislation
that either raised taxes through the roof or
regulated someone out of business. Both of those
actions were held to a minimum this year.
One of the more contentious
debates of this year took place this week and was
on the subject of so called "hate
crime". First of all, let me say that I
think the term "hate crime" is a
misnomer. We have laws that make us a civilized
society, and to break those laws is a crime,
period. I got up on the Floor to make this point
and further stated that when someone breaks the
law and commits a crime, they should be
prosecuted and punished to the full extent of the
I dont think the
legislature or judicial branches should even
begin to attempt to try to decide what people are
thinking when they commit a crime. When it comes
to punishment, we as a society should be saying,
"you broke the law and you will be punished
for it".
With hate crime legislation we
are saying "you broke the law and you will
be punished for it, but because we think you were
thinking something in particular when you did it,
we are going to punish you differently.
Because your victim was someone
that we have deemed to be a special group, your
punishment will be different".
What mixed signals! On one hand
we have groups of people that say, "we want
equal treatment. We are no different than anyone
else. Treat everyone the same". Then in the
next breath they say, "you had better notice
us because we are different." All
legislation like that does is divide us further
as a society. Whatever happened to equal
treatment under the law? I dont go around
telling people that I am a white European,
heterosexual, right handed, nonpalegic,
overweight, nearsighted, slow footed male. I
proudly tell people I am an American. I wish
others would join me in doing so.
As usual, I can be reached at
House Post Office, State Capitol, Jefferson City,
MO 65101 or 1-800-878-7126, or for your questions,
comments, or advice.