The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, May 3, 1999 Volume VII, Number 225

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .The May meeting of the Carthage Council of Social Agencies is at noon on Wednesday, May 5 at the Fix restaurant, located on the southeast corner of the Carthage square. The meeting is open to the public and all persons interested in the work of social agencies within Carthage.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Eastern Jasper County Chapter of the American Red Cross has announced that their office has moved from the Crosslines building to the Family Neighborhood Center at 706 Orchard street. Mary Barksdale, Executive Secretary, may be reached at 358-4334.

today's laugh

Mama, why do elephants have such big trunks?

Well, they have to come all the way from India, dear.

My sister's practicing to be an actress.

She is?

Yeah, and so far she's learned how to sleep until eleven o'clock in the morning.

I think your gags are very good.

Most of them have come across.

Yeah, on the Mayflower.

The cheek of that conductor. He glared at me as if I hadn't paid my fare.

And what did you do?

I glared back as if I did.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.


So Says President Geo. M. Myers of the Gas Company.

George M. Myers, president of the Carthage Lighting Company is down from Kansas City, today looking after the affairs of the company. Mr. Myers and Supt. Enright dined at the Harrington today and while there met Mayor Harrington. The conversation naturally drifted toward the lighting question. "I suppose," said Mayor Harrington, "that the injunction proceedings brought by your company against the city will be finally disposed of tomorrow at Kansas City." "Why," returned Mr. Myers "that has all been settled." "I had not heard of that," said Mr. Harrington. "Oh yes," said Mr. Myers, "before leaving Kansas City I instructed our attorneys that they were to dismiss the injunction proceedings. You can go ahead with your plant without further trouble."

Although Mr. Harrington and those who have been following closely the legal questions involved, have been of the opinion that the application for an injunction would not be sustained, he was considerably surprised when Mr. Myers volunteered the above information. The case has been set for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning and as City Attorney Harry Green has received no communication from his associate, Gardener Lathrop, that the suit has been dismissed, he will leave for Kansas City tonight. He will wire the news of what disposition is made of the case in time for tomorrow evening.

  Today's Feature

Memorial Hall Staff - Golf Fees On Agenda Tonight.

The Public Services Committee will meet tonight at 7 p.m. in City Hall with another full agenda.

Included is consideration of staffing for Memorial Hall. City Administrator Tom Short suggested during a Budget Meeting last week that he would like to see a full time manager of the facility. For the last several years the Hall has been managed by the office of the City Administrator from City Hall. Short favors an on site supervisor and told the Budget Committee he felt the position could be filled with a cost of approximately $20,000 per year.

The possibility of imposing a surcharge for golfers was also discussed during last week’s Budget hearings. The Public Services Committee will most likely discuss that possibility with Parks Administrator Alan Bull and other key golf course personnel. Short told the Committee that currently the revenues from the Golf Course cover operating expenses, but fall short of capital improvement requirements.


Master Gardener Helpline to Begin in May.

Do you have a problem with your lawn or garden and don't know where to turn for help? Then contact the Master Gardener Helpline.

Beginning May 3, a Master Gardener will be available to answer your questions on Mondays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Helpline will run through August 19.

The Helpline is sponsored by University Outreach and Extension. To contact a Master Gardener, call 417-358-2158 or stop by the Jasper County University Outreach and Extension Center in the basement of the Jasper County Courthouse in Carthage.

The Master Gardeners have completed a horticulture training course offered by University Outreach and Extension. A part of their certification requirement is to provide volunteer service in their communities. For more information about the program, contact the Jasper County Outreach and Extension Center in Carthage, 417-358-2158.

Letter to the Editor

Opinions expressed reflect those of the writer and not necessarily those of the Mornin' Mail

It never ceases to amaze me the things we do and don't do. My best friend told me that I constantly ask her opinion and then never do what she suggests. I'm just like the City of Carthage in that respect.

Why bother getting a bid on a job and not hire the lowest bidder? Might as well hire whom you want in the first place. I'm referring to the recent City Council situation with the annual paving contract, Blevins Asphalt Company, and Masters and Jackson.

If the City wants to hire a local, hometown business, that's great. But why invite bids from other areas if they won't truly be considered? Just a few questions for thought.

Me, I ask for opinions just to see what's out there.

Dorcia Meares, Carthage


Just Jake Talkin'

I still carry my golf clubs wherever I go. I never use ‘em, mind ya, but I always keep ‘em handy. Ever’ now and then I get the urge just ta go out and whack some dandy lions. I still figure I’ll actually make it out to the drivin’ range and actually hit a few balls someday.

I read one theory once that says if ya want a new easy chair, you should move furniture around and leave a space where the chair would sit if ya actually had it. Sooner or later the emptiness will be filled. I suppose that is the type a thing I’m figurin’ on with those used clubs I bought at the garage sale. Sooner or later the opportunity will present itself and I’ll be able to say I’ve actually hit a golf ball.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



Workman's Loan

Weekly Column

The Super Handyman

Dear Al & Kelly: I have a super way to keep paint off of your shoes when you are redecorating. I put large sweat socks over my sneakers before I start painting. It keeps paint off my shoes and I can even "mop" up little spots on the floor if I drip any, without bending over. I just wipe them up with my socks. You should try it next time you start to get into the painting mess.

Q: The wooden rod on my wife's side of our master bedroom closet has a bad sag in it. I've told her to cut down on the amount of clothes she has, but you probably know how that goes. Is there any way to straighten it out before she gets buried in her clothes one day soon?

A: There's really no way to solve the sag without replacing the rod. However, instead of a new wooden replacement rod, get an iron closet pole of the same diameter and length. Many places that sell them will cut the rod to the proper length. It will fit in the same sockets and allow your wife to cram lots more clothes in there without an avalanche.

A SUPER HINT-To keep the terminals on your flashlight and other batteries that may be exposed to excess moisture from corroding as quickly, coat them lightly with a light weight lubricating oil. One drop is all you need.



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