Tuesday, July 29, 1997 Volume 6, Number 29,

did ya know?

Did Ya Know... Tryouts for Carthage under 12 competition soccer team will be held at Myers Park Soccer Fields on Aug. 1 at 6 p.m. and Aug. 2 at 8 a.m. Participants should bring water or sport drink, soccer ball, hat, and folding lawn chair. Soft drinks will not be allowed. For information, contact Stanley Walker at 358-8302.

Did Ya Know... Entry deadline for the Maple Leaf Parade is Sept. 30. For further information, contact the Carthage Chamber of Commerce at 358-2373.

today's laugh

The used-car salesman swore by the car. I bought it. The next day I swore too!

The doctor told the young lady, "You're going to have twins." The young lady said, "That's impossible. I never double-dated in my life!"

A man was a sneak thief. After four years of therapy, his doctor said, "You are now cured. You will not steal anymore. However, if you have a relapse, see if you can get me a nice watch!"

Since they've stopped cigarette advertising, my TV set has put on thirty pounds.

I like pay TV. They should pay you for watching it!



A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

The Berry Market Continues Firm and the Output is Still Large.

A car load of strawberries was sent out of Carthage by express on the 7:13 Missouri Pacific train last evening. Besides these there was about another car sent out in small batches.

A refrigerator car containing 600 crates was also shipped by fast freight and another car is being loaded today.

The market continues firm and berries are reported worth from $1.50 to $2 per crate in Kansas City today.

The present dry weather will hurt the crop and the growers are longing for rain. It is predicted, however, by the wise ones that there will be rain in a day or two.

Miss Eva Hill returned from a visit to her mother, who is at Eureka Springs, Ark., for treatment for rheumatism. Mrs. Hill is being much benefited and will remain there till about the first.

Just Jake Talkin'


See they had a dunk tank on the Square for the Sidewalk Sale last Saturday. I suppose there were a lot a folks who stepped up to show their pitchin’ skills, but they had teenage girls in the tank when I walked by. For a dunk tank ta be really successful, ya have ta have a really obnoxious so-and-so sittin’ over the water.

I can still hear the shrill voice of Bozo the Clown at a State Fair (been to three of ‘em myself) screamin’ through a microphone - “High and Dry, Bozo the Clown is High and Dry.”

He particularly liked to call out to young guys who were walkin’ with the ladies.

“You couldn’t hit a barn with a ball bat,” he might say. “Why don’t ya step up and show your stuff, ‘cause Bozo the Clown is HIGH and DRY!”

He would continue the taunt while the pitcher hurled the soggy soft balls at the target. There was money to be made.

There was the occasional dunk, but before the victor was out of hearin’ range, Bozo would be back, High and Dry.

This is some fact, but mostly, Just Jake Talkin’.

New City Administrator Announced.

Mayor Riley announced yesterday afternoon that Tom Short, who has served as Assistant City Manager in Ponca City, Oklahoma since 1987, has accepted the position of Carthage City Administrator. His duties will begin around the first of November.

Short has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration with his Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration.

He is 42 years old and his wife Jill and three sons will relocate with him to Carthage.

Short is described by acquaintances in Ponca City as a “dollar and cents type of guy.” He has been serving as interim Financial Director for Ponca City while that position has been vacant.

During his tenure at Ponca City Short was know for his ability to procure grant funding and as an individual who would “tell it like it is.”

The City Council voted in closed session last week to offer the job with a salary range of $55,000 to $65,000. The action follows a search which included over 60 applicants.

Health Notes Health & Nutrition

by Judith Sheldon

Sponsored by McCune-Brooks Hospital

IT SHOULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED: The death of 17-year-old Krissy Taylor, the beautiful model sister of supermodel Niki Taylor, was one of those terrible things that shouldn’t happen, but did. Krissy didn’t take drugs or engage in any of the risky behavior that takes the lives of so many teenagers every year. She was, in so many ways, the good kid that isn’t supposed to become a statistic. Unlike many young models, she had no eating disorder; she continued to go to school; she lived at home with her parents and sister. What led to her death was that she used a perfectly legal product, but didn’t realize that legal doesn’t mean it won’t be lethal for some people.

Krissy used an over-the-counter inhaler product meant for use by asthmatics who are having attacks. Krissy was not an asthmatic, but she did have shortness of breath on occasion and would use the inhaler to help her breathe. Doctors have warned that the gas in these inhalers could cause an irregular heart rhythm and even lead to death. Apparently, that’s what happened with Krissy. Therefore, if you or anyone you know is using an inhaler without your doctor’s approval, stop immediately. If you have asthma or suffer from shortness of breath, your doctor can help you with these problems.

Intro to the Internet.

Sponsored by Computer Minded/On The Net

The World Wide Web The World Wide Web is the most talked about component of the Internet today. It is also the one component of the Internet that is advancing (in terms of technology) the fastest. As you travel from place to place, information is constantly being transferred back and forth between client and server computers.

While you're "surfing" the World Wide Web, you use Hypertext Links (Sometime called Hot Links) to quickly travel from one location to another.

These links change colors after you click on them. This makes it easier for you to keep track of where you've been. In addition, these links could take you anywhere. Clicking on a hypertext link could connect you to another town, state, or even country.

Of course, links aren't the only way to connect to another location. Each World Wide Web site has its own individual address. You've probably seen commercials on television where they show an address that looks something like 'http://www.company.com/'. The is the World Wide Web Address of that company. The real name for this address in Uniform Resource Locator (or URL) and you can easily access that particular company by typing the address directly in the location field on your browser.

What you need to know about...

by Randi Smith

Instructor of Cosmetology

Selecting a Hairstyle

Choices are privileges, and when selecting a hair style you have the privilege of choosing what makes you feel good as well as making you look good.

Not all hair types and hair styles work. Texture of hair is a major consideration. Most people are so busy they want a hair style that saves time. In fact, I've had clients seriously request a style that looks good at all times. Just shampoo and go; No fussing no fixing. I try not to chuckle when answering, all of us are waiting for that style. There are many low maintenance styles but not one, that is totally free of fixing.

Face shapes should be considered when selecting a hair style, as well as age and life-style. Hair styles should create an illusion or contribute to a natural beautiful feature. Maybe very high cheek bones or, big eyes. Most people with unusual facial features cover them up because they feel that different isn't beautiful when in all actuality, different can be made very striking; Much more noticeable and appreciated as true beauty than appearing the same as everyone else. Your hairstyle should also compliment the full body features.

Everyone is taught that the oval face shape is the most perfect shape and that as stylists we need to create that shape if we have a client that wasn't blessed with that shape. By measuring (1) Chin to bottom of nose, (2) Bottom of nose to top of eyebrows, (3) Top of eyebrows to the hairline you can find what illusions need to be created. The perfect oval face is equal in distance between all three measurements.

Daniel New Coming To Carthage

Press Release from Michael New Action Fund

Daniel New, father of former army specialist Michael New who was dishonorably discharged from the U. S. Army for disobeying an unlawful order to wear United Nations insignia on his battle dress uniform, which violates the U. S. uniform military code of justice and an unlawful order to place himself under the command of a foreign general which violates the constitution of the United States of America.

Michael New has been granted a full hearing by the U. S. Court of Appeals. "Virginia attorney Michael Farris said Thursday, "This ruling means that Michael New's arguments will now get the full hearing they deserve. The Constitution and the laws of this country make it clear that the President cannot unilaterally assign soldiers to fight under a foreign commander in foreign uniforms. Michael New has courageously stood on the side of our country and our laws. We will now have an opportunity to demonstrate the clear illegality of the Clinton decision to unilaterally commit our bravest men and women to foreign commanders who have the power to place them in harm's way in a battle zone. Farris is head of the Home School Legal Defense Association and is New's lead attorney in the civilian courts."

Daniel New will be speaking about Michael, the military, the Constitution, and the U. N. at Memorial Hall on August 14, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. This event is sponsored by the U. S. Taxpayers Party of Missouri.


Copyright 1997 by Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.