Tuesday June 3, 1997 Volume V, Number 246

did ya know?

Did Ya Know... The Summer Reading Club has begun in the Young People's Library. The theme is "Get in the Game at your Library." Readers can play book baseball and earn prizes.

Did Ya Know... Imagine Art Gallery and the Carthage Chamber are co-sponsoring the Sunrise Sidewalk Sale Art Show for grades K - 12 on the Square, Sat., July 26. All art mediums will be accepted. Space is limited to 20 artist entries. Contact Sandy Higgins, 359-5550, for more information.

today's laugh

Two men were discussing their employers. "My boss," said one, "is a no-good cheap skate. He should only drop dead." "My boss," smiled the second, "is different. You just can't help liking him, 'cause if you don't he fires you."

I've got the absolute worst kind of car trouble anybody could ever have. The engine won't start and the payments won't stop!

An elderly gentleman was given a complete physical. Afterward the doctor said, "You'll live to be ninety." The man said, "I am ninety!" "See what did I tell you?"


A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.


Mr. and Mrs. Adams, of Oronogo, slumbered peacefully night before last with a large rattlesnake for a bed-fellow. They were all unconscious of his snakeship's presence or their rest would have been more disturbed. When Mrs. Adams arose she busied herself about other household duties for a few minutes and then started to make up the bed in which she had slept. As she turned down the straw tick which was on top of the mattress, she found a large rattlesnake coiled between them snoozing.

Her movement and screams disturbed the reptile and it slid down the leg of the bedstead hissing fiercely at Mrs. Adams. The plucky woman grabbed a broom and proceeded to end its life with sundry whacks on vulnerable points.

She was very indignant that the "nasty thing" should have sought refuge in her bed which fact added force to her blows.

City ADA Evaluation Completed.

Report to be presented this afternoon. The results of a three month evaluation of the City’s current services, policies, and practices dealing with the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act, will be presented to the Public Works Committee this afternoon at 5 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

Ms. maryCatherine Krause, ADA Specialist, will be presenting these findings to the Committeee in-depth, and will appear before the full Council on June 10 with a brief overview and request a formal acceptance of the Transition Plan.

The Plan will outline the City’s committment to eventual full compliance with ADA regulations.

“I encourage the citizens of Carthage to attend the Public Works committee meeting to learn of the obligation that the City has to its citizens as outlined by the ADA,” says Krause. “The areas of compliance that the City must adhere to will affect all citizens of Carthage either now or in the future.”

An article by Krause is featured inside today’s issue.

Just Jake Talkin'.

I figured out this last week end why they charge so much for small trees. Somebody has ta dig the dang things outa the ground.

Even transplanting a fairly young saplin’ involves movin’ a lotta dirt. Now once ya get past the obvious gettin’ dirty part of the job, it can be somewhat enjoyable playin’ in the soil. ‘Course the nice thing about dirt is that it washes off fairly easily.

I’ve seen those contraptions that look like a big ice cream scoop that I’m sure the folks who move trees for a livin’ use. Fact I was startin’ to wonder just where to locate one after ‘bout an hour of shovelin’.

Fortunately, diggin’ a whole to put a tree in isn’t near as tedious. I recommend dedicatin’ a separate day for the plantin’ hole, preferably on a separate week end. Havin’ a week to consider the task ahead, and allowin’ the aches to subside, might make the price they’re askin’ at the tree shop look a lot more reasonable.

This is some fact, but mostly, Just Jake Talkin’.

Health Notes

SOBERING FACTS ABOUT ALCOHOL: The next time someone tells you that it’s safer to substitute alcohol for a controlled substance, here are some facts you can use to shake up that mistaken notion:

1. There are 18 million alcoholics and six million drug addicts in the United States. (At least, those are the numbers we can be sure of; there may well be many more unreported cases.)

2. Alcoholism, which the American Medical Association classified as a disease back in 1956, is considered potentially fatal if left untreated.

3. Active alcoholics have a life expectancy 25 years less than the average American. Women are especially vulnerable since their bodies are damaged more quickly from alcoholic abuse, which can lead to cirhossis, circulatory disorders, and other illnesses.

4. Alcoholics who drive cause more fatal accidents than any other group.

5. Alcohol and drugs are the third leading cause of death in America.

6. Most of the inmates in federal prisons are there because of crimes committed while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

7. Children of alcoholics can be born with severe congenital problems, including mental retardation.


Martin "Bubs" Hohulin

State Representative, District 26

For the second time this year we have adjourned for the summer. We ended the Special Session last Thursday so it lasted only 7 days. As you remember, the Special Session was made necessary when the pro-abortion forces in the House and Senate, as well as Governor Carnahan insisted that your tax dollars go to abortion providers. That is just not something the rest of us would go along with and a stalemate ensued.

When the dust had cleared most of the original language prohibiting abortion providers from receiving tax dollars was still in place. The restrictions on the money passed by a lopsided vote of about 2 to 1. Even so, Governor Carnahan is now throwing a tantrum and saying he will cross out the restrictive language. This is the same governor that 2 weeks ago ranted and raved about the "dogmatic, right wing extremists" simply because we were upholding the views of a majority of Missourians.

I realize there are many who hold pro-choice views, but even many of them have expressed their opposition to abortion providers receiving tax dollars. Anyway, Governor Carnahan claims the line item veto gives him the authority to cross out language he doesn't like. That is not the way the line item veto works. It is intended to let the Governor veto specific items in spending bills without vetoing the whole bill. It is limited to dollar amounts, not language.

He has also said he will look at vetoing money for specific projects in members' districts that opposed him on this issue. He is within his legal rights to do this, but that is certainly no way for a state's chief executive to do business. Oh well, we shouldn't be surprised; after all, small people have small ways. I'll use the next few weeks to write about specific issues we dealt with.

Intro to the Internet.

Sponsored by Computer Minded/On The Net

The URL is divided into four sections. Here's a typical URL: http://www.ssanimation.com/gallery/contest.html The first part (http://) is called the Document Type. All World Wide Web addresses start with http:// (stands for Hypertext Transmission Protocol - the language your computer uses to talk to others on the Web.)

The next part (www.ssanimation.com) is the domain name. This is the actual registered address of the site you are connecting to. You can register your own domain name (for a fee) by visiting Tabnet at 'www.domain-registration.com' but hurry because they're being taken at a rate of 17,000 per day! The 'www' simply stands for World Wide Web (but don't be fooled, it won't always start with that). The second part (ssanimation) sometimes identifies the company or organization you are connecting to ( in this case, SSAnimation).

The last part of the domain name is called the identifier. This is the most important part of the URL since it will tell you what type of site you are connected to. For example, if a domain name ends with '.com' you are connected to a commercial site; '.edu' would be an educational site; '.gov' would be governemental; '.mil' would be a military site, etc.

Hair and There

Sponsored by Lady J

by Britney MitchellWhy do we wear Artificial Nails? They make us feel more feminine, the polish stays on longer, enhances our fingers, and if shaped to fit our fingers will enhance our hands. I know how it feels to have short stubby fingers, but when my nail technician gave me artificial nails my fingers appeared to be longer and thinner. Also if you have crooked fingers, artificial nails will give the illusion of straight fingers.

Do you have to maintain artificial nails? Yes, if you want to continue wearing them. After two weeks they need to be backfilled; which is putting more acrylic or fiber where the natural nail has grown out. Most people think "Hey, I can do this, it's really easy." However, it takes a lot of time, effort and perfection for nails to look their best. If the fill is not applied to the nail properly or maintained properly, a fungus could occur. A professional nail technician should be able to recognize a fungus or other problems before they become serious.

Artificial nails can be a lot of fun. You can always be creative around Holidays or special occasions with your nail polish or just have that natural look. Check with a professional nail technician for advice on artificial nails.

International Figure Moves to Carthage.

A Special Guest Column by maryCatherine Krause, ADA specialist

The City of Carthage has placed the “Welcome Mat” out to a large international family. This family is so large they can be seen in almost every neighborhood within the City. A background check on this family reveals their interests are many. These interests include involvement in the City of Carthage schools, churches, businesses, sports and City government.

Just who is this international family? Their last name is Willie. They are a quiet but forceful family. They don not claim a particular nationality or ethnic classification. Their family consists of many grandparents, parents, and children. This family brings to the City of Carthage a great number of their relatives from the continental United States as well as from other countries. The patriarch of their family is Rocky (for short). Rocky and his relatives live in a blue environment.

Why have you not heard of this family before? You have, but may not have realized the magnitude that Rocking Willie’s family has on the City of Carthage. Rocking Willie’s family represents nearly 19.4% of the disabled and 39.6% of the elderly population.

If you have not guessed exactly who this family is, it is the figure used as the International Symbol of Accessibility. The most popular place to find this symbol is at the designated accessible (handicapped) parking areas.

On July 26, 1990, President George Bush signed into law the world’s first comprehensive civil rights law for people with disabilities —Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The event represented an historical benchmark and a milestone in America’s commitment to full and equal opportunity for all of its citizens.

The President’s emphatic directive on that day — “Let the shameful walls of exclusion finally come tumbling down” — neatly encapsulated the simple yet long overdue message of the ADA: that 43 million Americans with disabilities are full-fledged citizens and as such are entitled to legal protections that ensure them equal opportunity and access to the mainstream of American life.

Enactment of the ADA reflects deeply held American ideals which treasure the contributions which individuals can make when free from arbitrary, unjust, or outmoded social attitudes and practices that prevent the realization of their potential. The ADA reflects a recognition that the surest path to American’s continued vitality, strength and vibrancy is through the full realization of the contributions of all its citizens. BACK HOME

Copyright 1997 by Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.