Did Ya Know... The YMCA is offering three summer fun trips for all area youth ages 10-17. Preregistration is required. Call 358-1070 for more information.
Did Ya Know... Christian Home Educators of Carthage will have their final meeting of this school year on June 10 at 7 p.m. Topic will be next year's plans and resources for the group library. For more information, call Tammy at 358-7318.
Did Ya Know... Powers Museum will be celebrating their Ninth Anniversary with an Open House, June 8, from 1-4 p.m.
A lawyer is fellow who is willing to go out and spend your last cent to prove he's right.
In a Sunday School class the teacher asked the students to write down the Ten commandments. For the fifth commandment one boy put, "Humor thy father and thy mother."
One gutsy employee asked for an extra day's vacation to make up for all the coffee breaks she'd missed on vacation.
A guest never knows how much to laugh at a family joke.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Fined $10 for Stealing.
Lee Doyle, commonly known as Lee Hurt, was arrested late yesterday afternoon by Marshal Stafford for stealing a towel and two plates from a buggy belonging to Mrs. J. S. McFall, who lives in the country. The buggy was standing on Second street when the theft was committed. Doyle was seen near the buggy and was soon under arrest. He returned the goods, pleaded guilty in police court and was fined $10.
A Chicken House Burned.
A chicken house at the farm place of Thos. Ross, five miles south of this city, caught fire this morning and burned to the ground. Two chickens perished in the flames. Several other outbuildings nearby were only prevented from burning by the prompt work of neighbors and passersby who came to the rescue. The fire originated from an effort to smoke out chicken lice.
1490 KDMO celebrated its 50th year of broadcasting to Carthage and the surrounding area on Tuesday. On June 3rd, 1947 KDMO began broadcasting to Carthage under the ownership of Lloyd McKenney and John Daly. KDMO(K-Daly-McKenney Operations) operated from 1947 til October 1962 under the leadership of John Daly until George and Ruth Kolpin bought the station and moved to Carthage and operated the stations until 1990 when current owner and son of Ruth Kolpin, Ron Peterson purchased the station along with then KRGK(now KMXL).
A number of dignitaries and guests were on hand Tuesday night for a Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours. Former announcer Don Daily, was in attendance. He was a member of the air staff back in 1947. Other notable KDMO alums in attendance included Marvin VanGuilder former news director, Mark Ellif and many others.
KDMO is Carthages Radio Station and has a very loyal following Ron Peterson, owner and General Manager told those in attendance Tuesday night. KDMO does 15 minutes of news twice daily which is something most other radio stations do not do. Peterson added Obituaries are also a part of the programming, something else most other radio stations no longer do.
More activities are being planned during KDMOs 50th year of broadcasting to Carthage and Southwest Missouri.
I see there was a recent study that says folks arent gettin enough sleep these days. I suppose such a study would have interested Tom Edison, who reportedly got through his life sleepin bout four hours a night and a couple a cat naps durin the day.
Ive seen other reports that say no one can find a physical reason for sleep at all. The body does need to rest a certain amount of time everday, but sleepin is just one a the mechanisms that allow such rest.
Some research indicates that sleep is more of a mental rest that allows the brain to shut down for a while. This gives the gray matter time to sort through all the junk that gets crammed into it durin the day, sort out the stuff it needs to keep, and sluff off the trash. In other words, time to forget most of the input.
Course cats might have the right idea. They sleep about ninety percent of their life. I suppose if all humans had ta worry about was a portion of MeowMix and a clean cat box, wed get a lot more sleep too.
This is some fact, but mostly, Just Jake Talkin.
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Dear Tom and Ray: Last year I forget to drain out my gas in several lawn-mower-type motors, and this spring, they all started perfectly. I know you guys have recommended a gasoline stabilizer for seasonal storage, but how come my motors started right up. I used unleaded gas without alcohol. Without the lead, can gas be stored without varnishing? - Elmer
RAY: I can tell you're a scientist, Elmer. You've experienced an interesting phenomenon - your lawn mower stared perfectly after a winter of storage - and now you're testing a promising theory: Can unleaded gasoline be stored without producing varnish?
TOM: And like a scientist, you're about to utter the well-worn words "Dang! Back to the ol' drawing board." The phenomenon you experienced, Elmer, was luck.
RAY: Unleaded gas still tends to varnish. And without a gasoline stabilizer, a lot of engines stored with sitting gasoline over a period of many months won't start. And worse, their carburetors may need to be removed and cleaned if you ever want to get them started again.
TOM: This is a classic application of our famous Great Unyielding Truth: It's the stingy person who spends the most. You try to save a few bucks on a can of gasoline stabilizer, and you end up having to rebuild the carburetor later on.
RAY: So you can press your luck again next year, Elmer, and you may get away with it. Or you can play it safe and take our advice: Bite the bullet, buy a can of stabilizer and ensure yourself a place next year among the great, unvarnished masses.
Good morning folks.
Mercy, I've been so very busy here at the Center and finally when I get home, I start another shift but I must take time to write my letter. Judy Stucky, home bound coordinator, gave her notice a week ago and then her husband passed away so I've had two offices and phones to keep up. My heart goes out to Judy and her family. The night she called me that he died, I thought I had a bad dream.
Iona Lewis' husband has had a time with his heart. He's had bypass surgery in Springfield and I understand he came home and got a blood clot and is in St. John's. Iona stopped to see me yesterday and she is carrying a heavy load. Iona does so much volunteering at the Center. She comes to that Center and works just like she is a paid employee. We need some volunteers like her.
Yesterday Auda Adler took Judy's place and I look forward to working with her. I think Auda will do real well with homebound and hopefully we can get time to start visiting the home bound. I know several persons look forward to visiting with the meal carriers.
We're planning Open House; haven't set a date yet but thought with all our colorful decorations up for July that would be nice. Folks, we have a lot to show off at the Carthage Senior Center. I think all Carthage folks should be happy the city has a place for Seniors to go and also for shut-ins to receive meals. Think of all the church people who care enough to carry the meals; Schriebers, the Firemen and all who set time aside for that ministry. By the way we plan to have lots of nice music along with refreshments. I want you to see the lovely kitchen, so many new things purchased by Carthage and Joplin folks who cared.
We had 73 in the Center today. Bea and Mary Lou were very busy but they work well together and most of all in harmony. They had lots of baking today, by the way, they make fresh bread every day.
I'm still bragging on the Center's rose garden. I measured the pinks one and they were 6" and more across. I was glad the City found time to work our yard in last Friday. They made the place look very nice.
I am working on my 15th afghan since November when I had my last knee replacement. Everyone will get the same Christmas gift. Oh well, they're all a different color.
This year is going by so fast it will be Maple Leaf Festival before long. That calls for our big bean dinner. The Chamber of Commerce is loosing a jewel as Virginia leaves. Someone will replace her. We all get replaced, guess that's what makes the world go around. Virginia is so beautiful from her heart, out.
Mr. Lenfelter was at the Center today. His wife is not too well. Sometimes I feel like Judy said she did when she gave her notice; all stressed out. I think our jobs are very stressful. Our world is at such a fast pace. It's getting to where we have to do two person's work and we manage and then it's more yet. It's all over the world the same. We need to be ready to meet our Creator, jut think when that times comes we'll just be singing and praising our God - Oh, what a glorious day to look forward to!
Reach out and touch a less fortunate person today, it will bring much joy to you. May you know the touch of God and stay in his care until I visit with you again.
Mary Corder